
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

author:New glamorous campus
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

Warm childlike heart and love together

June 1st condolences series of activities

The annual International Children's Day is coming. On May 30, 2024, Tao Zhilong, Chairman of the Xuanwu District Disabled Persons' Federation, Huang Xia of the Xuanwu District Charity Federation, Pan Shu, Chief of the Elementary Education Section of the Education Bureau, Wu Xuefeng, Director of the Nanjing Branch of China Post Jiangsu Province, and Zheng Yuchun, the governing unit of the Meiyuan Xincun Street Ci Consortium, came to the Xuanwu District Special Education School to participate in the "June 1st" International Children's Day celebration and condolence activities. All teachers and students of Xuanwu District Special Education School participated in the activity.

Condolence activities

The school held a grand event ceremony, and the atmosphere was warm and warm.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

First of all, the representatives of the Young Pioneers put on bright red scarves for the uncles and aunts and presented the highest etiquette of the Young Pioneers.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

Then, Principal Zhu Liling delivered a speech on stage, expressing her gratitude to the leaders and guests, and also sending holiday blessings to the children.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

Immediately afterwards, Wang Xinmiao and Zhang Chenglong brought a wonderful drum performance "Health to the Order", and the drum instantly ignited the audience.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

Subsequently, the members and teachers presented the youthful dance "Blind Date and Love Family" for everyone, and the teachers showed their vitality and showed their youthful strength.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

Teacher Liu Yintong and the students of our school's Music Excellence Club performed the Chinese drum "Xiao", and they played with enthusiasm and their own excitement with the fullest mental state.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

After enjoying the wonderful performance, the leaders of the Xuanwu District Disabled Persons' Federation, the Charity Federation, the Education Bureau and units at all levels also brought condolences to the students, hoping that they would thrive under the care of the society.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

On May 27, 2024, Liu Tao, Secretary of the Party Committee and Executive Director of Guoneng Nanjing Electric Power Test and Research Co., Ltd., and Fan Yinfen, Secretary of the Youth League Committee of the Electric Power Research Institute, Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Committee, Member of the Party Committee and Supervisor of the Electric Power Research Company, walked into Xuanwu Special School to send holiday blessings to every student.

The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love
The June 1st condolences series of activities warm the hearts of children and accompany love

This June 1st activity fully reflects the care and expectations of leaders at all levels and society in Xuanwu District for children with special needs, and also attaches importance to and supports the special education work in Xuanwu. Xuanwu Special School will continue to develop and innovate, and escort the thriving growth of every special needs child with the most rigorous and serious work style!

Source: Nanjing Xuanwu District Special Education School

Video production: "Famous Schools" column group

Graphic production: Jiangsu New Charm Campus Media Center

Editorial Board: Zhou Jie, Yuan Jinghan, She Chun, Sandy

Editor-in-chief: Zhou Jie

Joint Listings:

Guangming Daily "Educator" Jiangsu Division

Jiangsu Education Channel's "Famous Schools and Famous Families" column group

Nanjing TV Niuka Video "New Charm Campus" column group

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