
Launches on July 1st! It's about health insurance

author:Shaoxing release
Launches on July 1st! It's about health insurance
Launches on July 1st! It's about health insurance

Announcement of the National Medical Security Administration on the Announcement of the "2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogue" and the Application Guidelines and other documents According to the work arrangement, the "2024 National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogue Adjustment Work Plan", "2024 National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogue Adjustment Application Guidelines", "Rules for Negotiating Drug Renewal" and "Non-exclusive Drug Bidding Rules" are officially announced. From July 1 to 14, 2024, the online declaration system will be opened on the national medical insurance service platform of our bureau (website:, and eligible applicants are requested to pay attention to it. Attachments: 1.2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the Drug Catalogue of National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance 2.2024 Guidelines for the Application for the Adjustment of the Drug Catalogue of the National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance 3.Rules for Negotiating Drug Renewal 4.Non-Exclusive Drug Bidding Rules Scan the code to obtain the original attachment

National Health Security Administration June 28, 2024

Launches on July 1st! It's about health insurance

Interpretation of the "2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the Drug List of National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance".

Launches on July 1st! It's about health insurance

The "2024 Work Plan for the Adjustment of the National Basic Medical Insurance, Work-related Injury Insurance and Maternity Insurance Drug Catalogue" (hereinafter referred to as the "Work Plan") has been announced on the official website and WeChat official account of the National Health Insurance Administration, and the adjustment of the 2024 National Medical Insurance Drug Catalogue will be officially launched on July 1. The "Work Programme" is interpreted as follows. 1. What are the goals and tasks of the adjustment of the National Medical Insurance Drug List in 2024? Guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, we will fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions and instructions, adhere to the people's health as the center, continue to improve the dynamic adjustment mechanism of the drug catalog, and improve management capabilities and service levels. Comprehensively consider factors such as the drug security needs of the majority of insured persons and the ability to pay for the fund, carry out the adjustment of the national drug list in 2024, and strive to make the structure of the drug catalog more reasonable and optimized, the management more scientific and standardized, the payment more effective and efficient, and the guarantee more fair and accessible, so as to help solve the people's worries about medical treatment. 2. What is the idea of the adjustment of the national medical insurance drug list in 2024? On the basis of in-depth summarization of the previous experience in the adjustment of the catalog, combined with the actual work, widely solicit the opinions and suggestions of all parties, organize forces to seriously study and repeatedly demonstrate, and further improve the scientific, standardized, and refined level of the catalog adjustment work. In accordance with the decisions and arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, this year's catalogue adjustment work will continue to adhere to the general tone of taking the lead in stability and seeking progress while maintaining stability, firmly grasp the positioning of "ensuring the basics", do our best and do what we can, and build the improvement of the level of drug security on the basis of economic and financial support capabilities. At the same time, more attention should be paid to the monitoring and management of drug supply guarantee to improve the accessibility of medical insurance drugs. On the premise of maintaining the overall stability of varieties and the basic unchanged access conditions and work processes, we will continue to standardize specific rules such as review and calculation. III. What are the specific changes in the Programme of Work compared to previous years? On the basis of the experience and practices of previous years, the Programme of Work has been slightly adjusted this year. It mainly includes the following three aspects: First, the declaration conditions. According to the rules, the time requirements for drug approval and indication modification have been postponed, and drugs approved for marketing or modified indications after January 1, 2019 can be declared. The second is the range of varieties to be called. Conventional catalogue drugs that have not been supplied to designated medical institutions for medical insurance in the past three years, as well as negotiated drugs that have not been guaranteed to supply to the market as agreed in the agreement, are listed as key considerations, and the management of supply guarantee is strengthened. The third is to strengthen the supervision and management of experts. Clarify the rules and selection criteria for expert participation, strengthen professional training and guidance for participating experts, and improve the scientificity and standardization of evaluation and measurement. Establish and complete provisions on experts' commitment to the fair performance of their duties, confidentiality management, and external publicity. 4. What are the considerations in ensuring the supply of drugs in the country? The inclusion of drugs in the medical insurance catalogue through negotiation is not the end but the starting point of the catalogue adjustment, and the ultimate goal is to make the insured able to buy, use and reimburse. In addition to adding negotiated drugs that do not guarantee market supply as agreed in the agreement, the provisions on ensuring the supply of drugs will be added to the text of this year's agreement and included in the assessment management, and pharmaceutical companies will be urged to do a good job in market supply after negotiation and inclusion in the medical insurance catalog, so as to better protect the rights and interests of the majority of insured patients. 5. Are there any changes to the renewal rules and bidding rules this year? In order to stabilize the expectations of enterprises, this year's renewal rules and bidding rules are basically the same as in previous years. The validity period of the payment standard of the first batch of bidding varieties will expire on December 31 this year, and this year's bidding rules have added the expression that the varieties with the expiration date of the payment standard will be included in the regular catalog management by expert review, so that the rules will be more perfect. 6. What is the time for the adjustment of the drug list this year? According to the "Work Plan", this year's work procedures are still divided into five stages: preparation, application, expert review, negotiation and announcement of results. The application will be officially launched on July 1, and the negotiations will be completed and the results will be announced in November.

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Xiaobu on duty: Meng Zhouxia's information: Compiled and distributed by the Shaoxing News and Media Center of the National Health Insurance Bureau