
The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided


"Controversy over the cost of treatment for a child's wrist dislocation"

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided

Recently, a treatment incident of a child's dislocated wrist has aroused widespread concern and heated discussions in the society. According to the description, the child suffered a dislocated wrist and the doctor only had to pull it twice to recover, but the hospital charged a whopping 436 yuan.

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided

This situation has triggered a strong reaction in the comment section on the Internet, showing a one-sided trend. Many netizens have expressed their views and doubts.

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided

Some netizens believe that on the surface, the doctor's operation in just two clicks is in stark contrast to the high fees, which is unacceptable. They felt that such a fee was too high and did not conform to people's conventional perception of the difficulty and cost of treatment, and suspected that there was something unreasonable in it.

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided

But some netizens put forward different views. They point out that the value of health care cannot be measured by the visual appearance of operations alone. Doctors are able to complete the treatment quickly and accurately, relying on years of professional learning, practical experience and accurate judgment of the condition. In addition, there are many costs to consider when operating a hospital, including equipment acquisition, staff training, and maintenance of medical facilities.

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided

Taken together, this incident reflects the public's concern and expectation about the cost of medical services. On the one hand, patients want medical expenses to be more transparent and reasonable, and match the actual medical services. On the other hand, it also reminds medical institutions and relevant departments that they should strengthen communication with the public and explain the composition and basis of medical charges, so as to eliminate misunderstandings and enhance public trust and understanding of the medical system.

The child's wrist was dislocated, and the doctor dragged it twice, and the hospital charged 436 yuan, and the comment area was one-sided