
After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

author:Jingying's mother

Text: Jing Ma

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

We will find that twin brothers or sisters look very similar, not only in appearance, but also in height and weight, and even in temperament. Because if twins are of the same sex, they may be identical twins, that is, the mother only releases one egg during ovulation, and then combines with one of the father's sperm, and then becomes two children in the process of division, so their genes are the same and look very similar.

Many scientists like to use such identical twins to do research to see the influence of those innate heredity and acquired environment on children!

Bin Bin and Lili are twins, both of them have looked very similar since childhood, they weighed 4.2 pounds at birth, and their height was 48 cm, fortunately, their mother's body is better, and there is more breast milk, and the child can be exclusively breastfed before the age of one.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

When the child was 6 months old, the mother wanted to go to work, but found that the two brothers did not like to drink milk powder very much, so she had to discourage the idea of going to work and insisted on breastfeeding the two brothers at home.

Later, when the children drank less milk at the age of one year, the mother thought about weaning them and giving them pure milk, but found that the elder brother could accept pure milk, but the younger brother Lili was unwilling to drink pure milk.

Mom had no choice but to try to beat soy milk for her younger brother to drink, and found that soy milk was still acceptable to her younger brother, and my mother felt that soy milk was also calcium supplementation anyway, and it could still supplement protein, so my brother and younger brother drank milk every day and soy milk every day.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

We recommend that when children are one to three years old, they should have about 400~600 ml of milk per day, mainly because milk has high-quality protein, 100 ml of milk is about 3.0 grams of protein, and drinking 500 ml of milk every day can supplement 5.0 grams of protein.

There are about 100 mg of calcium in 100 ml of milk, and drinking 500 ml of milk every day can supplement 500 mg of calcium, so there is more calcium and high-quality protein in milk.

Children need high-quality protein and calcium during growth and development, the most important thing is to promote the growth of children's bones, can promote children to grow taller, and can make children sleep better at night, especially calcium can stabilize the nervous system, children can naturally grow taller if they sleep well, and high-quality protein and calcium can also make children's immunity better.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

Therefore, we suggest that the child cannot be completely weaned after one year old, and can be weaned off breast milk or milk powder, but the milk must be drunk, and pure milk or yogurt with less sugar and less additives can be used instead.

But if some children really don't want to drink milk, many people still suggest finding a way to change a milk powder, or make yogurt from pure milk for the child to drink, or make the milk powder into steamed buns or the like, and find a way to let the child drink a little, and the mother of the twin brother directly uses soy milk to give the younger brother a drink.

As a result, the two brothers grew up slowly, and when they reached elementary school, they found that the gap between the twin brothers had become wider and wider.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

The most obvious difference is the height of the two brothers, originally the two brothers were born 48 cm, and when they were one year old, they were both 76 cm, which is a normal height, but when the child goes to elementary school, the two brothers are more than 6 years old, and the brother who drinks milk is already 1.25 meters, and the younger brother who drinks soy milk is only 1.16 meters, a difference of 9 cm!

I feel that one is really an older brother who is a year older, the elder brother is not only taller, but also feels strong, many younger brothers are not only short, but also look thinner.

The two brothers usually have similar food, and the most fundamental difference is in the things they drink every day, the elder brother drinks milk every day, while the younger brother drinks soy milk every day.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

Although soy milk is also a highly nutritious food, its nutritional value is slightly inferior to that of cow's milk.

The protein of soy milk is about 3.0 grams of protein, and the protein content is not much different from that of milk, and the difference is relatively large, and the calcium content of 100 ml of soy milk is only about 14 mg of calcium, and the content of protein and calcium depends on the concentration of soy milk. In fact, the main calcium and protein content of soy milk comes from soybeans.

Dried soybeans are made into soybean milk, and the ratio of soybeans to water is about 1:8, so that the concentration of soybean milk is relatively high, equivalent to 100 grams of soybeans can grind 800 ml of soy milk, which refers to the fact that we grind it ourselves at home, and sell it outside, maybe 100 grams of soybeans can grind 1000 ml or even 1200 ml of soy milk, because it is not so strong.

100 grams of soybeans contain 40 grams of protein, which is equivalent to 5 grams of protein in 100 milliliters of soy milk, while 100 grams of soybeans contain 191 milligrams of calcium, and 100 milliliters of soy milk contains less than 25 milligrams of calcium.

After the twins were one year old, one drank milk and the other drank soy milk, and after entering elementary school, the gap became prominent

Therefore, the reason why the younger brother is 9 cm shorter than the elder brother is mainly because of the long-term calcium deficiency.

If the child does not like to drink milk, or can't drink milk powder, just drink soy milk or soy milk and other bean products, the amount of calcium is not enough, parents must give their children additional calcium, don't wait for the child's height to increase slowly before regretting.

(The pictures are all from the Internet, and the infringement will be deleted immediately)

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