
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight

author:Lazy Black Snake

Kamen Rider Gotchard's official trailer for the 43rd episode has also been officially released.,This story is still the story and plot around the senior.,To be honest, although this word has a very close and important connection with the main line.,But when it comes out at this juncture.,It's quite abrupt and strange.,This plot is acceptable if it's put in the early stage.,It's almost the finale.,It's awkward to suddenly start to focus on shaping supporting roles.。

Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight

Episode 43 "Love, Sorrow, AI!? The power to eliminate hatred"

The director of the Kongo Laboratory, Mami (Hinako Saeki), implores Botaro (Junmasa Motoshimasa) and others to protect the institute from Glion. Protect yourself from harm? So what is the relationship between Mami and Glion...?

Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight

The prototype of the mysterious Malgan and the original design were actually made up by the director of the King Kong Laboratory, Mami, because he was very afraid that Glion would take the initiative to come to the door and attack and kill his own Mami, what happened between him and her?

Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight

Botaro, who is skeptical of Kemi's actions, Rustmaru confirms that it was really Kyoichi (Yoshihiro Nakayama) who made that Kemi. Although it is a momentary confusion, Rustmaru clarifies the truth that the Tsuruhara brothers and Kemi are hiding. What was the reality of the accident!?

Then at the time of the collapse, Glion's true purpose was officially revealed, and the psychological shadow that the senior had been hiding in the depths of his heart, because of Glion's activity and ability to manipulate, was ruthlessly awakened and awakened again.

Can the bond of the sad brother transcend the past!?

Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight
Kamen Rider Gotchard Chapter 43 Official Trailer Dread Returns to Debut Senior Flesh Battle Knight

The next word is the personal content of the senior's creation.,This is the Kamen Rider dread who took the X holy sword and went directly to the hard steel to return to the debut.,It's okay.,Anyway, the supporting characters should really be shaped.,And the first Kamen Rider dread who transformed is indeed the senior himself.。