
White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market

author:Industry Report Think Tank

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Abstract:With the development of society and the change of population structure, the wave of silver economy is quietly emerging. Middle-aged and elderly people, as a treasure resource of society and an emerging consumption force, their consumption ability and willingness to consume are gradually valued by the market. From daily necessities to medical care services, from middle-aged milk powder to beauty and skin care products, the consumption needs of middle-aged and elderly people are becoming increasingly diversified and personalized.

The report shows that the middle-aged and elderly groups value product quality most when consuming, and poor product quality has become the biggest pain point they face. Due to the failure of some manufacturers in the market to provide better services, middle-aged and elderly people have a deep sense of distrust of healthcare products.

In the three-dimensional analysis of people and freight yards, it can be seen that the number of enterprises in each track of the middle-aged and elderly industry is huge and continues to increase. Nutrition and health products, liquor, online education, milk powder, beauty and skin care products and other fields have all shown strong growth momentum. In particular, online education, with its convenience and flexibility, has become an important part of the spiritual consumption of middle-aged and elderly groups.

The shopping channels of middle-aged and elderly groups are gradually shifting from traditional offline stores to online e-commerce platforms. With its unique advantages, such as convenience, price, and user experience, content e-commerce platforms are occupying an increasingly important position among middle-aged and elderly groups.

In addition to material consumption, the demand for spiritual consumption among middle-aged and elderly groups is also strong. Sports and fitness, travel, hobby training, etc. have become important ways for them to pursue spiritual satisfaction.

With its instant feedback and interactivity, live e-commerce provides psychological comfort for middle-aged and elderly people and meets their emotional needs. The anchor's enthusiastic introduction and instant interaction meet the shopping needs of elderly users who carefully select products and pay attention to quality.

The report believes that in the face of such a dynamic and potential market, enterprises and brands need to deeply understand the needs and preferences of middle-aged and elderly consumers to provide high-quality products and services. Driven by the silver wave, the middle-aged and elderly market will undoubtedly become the next golden track. How to grasp the opportunities of enterprises and how to enjoy a colorful life for middle-aged and elderly people will be an important topic for future market development.

Excerpts from the report are set out below

White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market
White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market
White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market
White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market
White paper on China's middle-aged and elderly market

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