
After the final exam results come out, no matter how well the child does in the exam, parents and children say these few words

author:Parenting growth method

Is the child's final grade out? As a parent, it would be a big mistake to only look at your child's test scores.

The main purpose of the final exam is to help students have a clearer understanding of their current learning situation and reflect on the mistakes made in the learning process.

Therefore, if you are a parent, regardless of whether your child's test results are satisfactory or not, parents must do this and be sure to say these few words to their children.

What parents should do

Some education experts have pointed out that the primary role of the test is diagnosis.

Only by maximizing the educational value of exams can we help children achieve maximum progress.

Therefore, we should see children's learning attitudes, learning methods and problems in learning through scores, motivate children in the way of "words", and influence children in the form of "teaching by example".

If your child does not do well in the exam and is frustrated, then divert his attention and let him stop obsessing with the results and focus on the test paper itself.

Listen to your child's thoughts and ask them to reflect on the reasons why they did not do well in the exam, whether they did not pay enough attention to their thinking, or whether they did not study in the right way, or whether the time allocation during the exam was not reasonable enough......

If the child does well in the exam and is complacent, then remind him that "victory is not arrogant, defeat is not discouraged".

After the final exam results come out, no matter how well the child does in the exam, parents and children say these few words

Parents and children say these few words

1. A score does not mean anything, but you must remember that every test is to check and fill in the gaps for yourself, and the important thing is not the score, but to test your gains through this score.

Maybe you studied hard during this time, but your grades were not satisfactory. At this point, instead of getting frustrated, you should carefully analyze the exam paper and find out what the problem is.

Is it because you don't have a deep understanding of the knowledge points? Not familiar with problem-solving skills? Or is there a mistake in the exam strategy? Only by finding the crux of the problem can we make targeted improvements.

If this is a good result, congratulations! But don't be satisfied. Maintain and carry forward the advantages and improve the shortcomings, so that we can continue to make progress on the road of learning and achieve our goals.

2. You need to work harder, but don't lose faith.

If your child's test results are not satisfactory, parents should not criticize and blame, but should work with your child to analyze the test papers and find out the reason for the loss of marks.

And give the child plenty of encouragement and affirmation, telling the child that he has the ability to do better, as long as he is willing to put in more effort.

This will help your child build self-confidence and reach their potential. It is also important for children to understand that failure is not scary, the key is to learn from failure and continue to forge ahead.

3. Do the wrong questions again until you have mastered them completely.

Because the wrong questions often represent a weak link in your knowledge. If you can thoroughly grasp these mistakes through repeated practice, then you will be able to fill in the gaps in your knowledge system and improve your performance.

So, how can you effectively redo mistakes? Here are some suggestions:

(1) Establish a mistake book: record the wrong questions in a special error book, which is convenient for viewing and reviewing at any time.

(2) Analyze the causes of errors: When recording mistakes, carefully analyze the reasons for mistakes and find out the blind spots and misunderstandings of knowledge.

(3) Repeated practice: Wrong questions must be practiced repeatedly until they are fully mastered. Different solutions can be used to deepen the understanding and grasp of the problem.

(4) Regular review: The mistakes in the error book should be reviewed regularly to consolidate memory and understanding. It can be reviewed weekly or monthly.

(5) Draw inferences from one another: After mastering the wrong questions, try to draw inferences from one another, compare and analyze similar questions, and improve your thinking and problem-solving ability.

In short, redoing mistakes is a very effective way to learn, and it can also help children develop a good habit of being diligent and eager to learn, and improve their learning efficiency.

After the final exam results come out, no matter how well the child does in the exam, parents and children say these few words

4. Don't pretend to understand, if you don't understand, you must ask the teacher, the knowledge is your own, you can also ask your classmates, don't accumulate questions.

5. Don't care if the teacher likes you or not, if you become better, the teachers of each subject will take the initiative to pay attention to you.

When you study hard, perform well, and get good grades, teachers will naturally pay attention to you. They will also take the initiative to come to you, ask about your studies, and even take the initiative to help you solve problems.

On the contrary, if you don't work hard and don't study hard, the teacher may think that you lack enthusiasm and motivation to learn, and they won't pay too much attention to you.

Therefore, don't care too much about whether the teacher pays attention to you, but focus on learning and win the teacher's attention and recognition through your own efforts and performance.

At the same time, it is also necessary to learn to communicate and communicate with teachers, establish a good teacher-student relationship, and make learning more enjoyable and easy.

After the final exam results come out, no matter how well the child does in the exam, parents and children say these few words

6. It's hard to learn, but it's cool to persevere.

Learning is indeed a difficult task, it requires us to get up in the morning, stay up late at night, require us to sit still at our desks, and require us to be able to resist all kinds of temptations and concentrate.

But it's this painstaking process that shapes our character and perseverance and makes us stronger and more resilient.

Your parents want you to study hard, just to make you suffer less hardships in the future, because if you can't bear the hardships of studying, you will have to suffer the hardships of life in the future.

You must know that you must be brave in the face of the challenges and difficulties of learning and move on with determination. In this way, we will be able to achieve more success and happiness in our future lives.

Finally, no matter what the child's test results are, parents need to let him know that you will always support him and love him.

Let Him feel your love and support and let Him know that He is the most important thing in your heart. In this way, children can be more confident and brave to face the challenges and difficulties of the future.

Did you communicate with your child after the test results came out?

(The picture comes from the Internet, invaded and deleted)

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