
PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

author:Guoxin strategy research

Text: Yan Xiang, Xu Ruchun

In June, the manufacturing PMI was 49.5%, unchanged from the previous month. The composite PMI output index came in at 50.5%, down from May. In terms of output, the mainland's economy has generally maintained expansion, but the foundation for sustained recovery still needs to be consolidated. Key conclusions:

The production and demand index corrected slightly. In June 2024, the production index and new orders index were 50.6% and 49.5%, respectively, down 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points month-on-month, respectively.

Price indices are mixed. Affected by factors such as the decline in global commodity prices and insufficient market demand, the purchase price of raw materials in the PMI recorded 51.7% in June, down 5.2 percentage points from the previous month. In terms of ex-factory prices, 47.9% were recorded in June, down 2.5 percentage points from May.

In terms of inventories, the trend of raw materials and finished goods inventories is differentiated. The raw material inventory sub-item in the manufacturing PMI recorded 47.6% in June, down 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. The finished goods inventory index recorded 48.3% in June, up 1.8 percentage points from May. With the start of the overseas replenishment cycle, the inventory situation of domestic enterprises is expected to improve.

The import and export boom of the manufacturing industry basically remained unchanged. The new export orders index recorded 48.3% in June, unchanged from the previous value. The import index rose by 0.1 percentage points from May to 46.9%.

The prosperity of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown signs of recovery. With the expert business symposium on May 23, the prosperity of small and medium-sized enterprises has rebounded. In June, the small business sub-component of the PMI index recorded 47.4%, which was still below the boom and bust line, but increased by 0.7 percentage points from May. Medium-sized enterprises recorded a 49.8% increase, up 0.4 percentage points from May. The prosperity of large enterprises showed a correction, recording 50.1% in June, down 0.6 percentage points from May.

Manufacturing production and business activities are expected to rebound at the bottom. In June 2024, the production expectation index of manufacturing enterprises recorded 54.4%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month, but the current expectations of manufacturing enterprises are still at a low level.

Although the prosperity of the construction industry and the service industry declined slightly, it was still in the expansion range. The construction PMI index for June 2024 was 52.3%, down 2.1 percentage points from May. With the end of the May Day holiday, the service PMI fell in June. The services PMI came in at 50.2% in June, down 0.3 percentage points from May.

Construction and service business expectations are mixed. In June, the business expectation index for the service sector recorded 57.6%, up 0.6 percentage points month-on-month. The Construction Business Expectations Index recorded 54.7% in June, down 1.6 percentage points from May. With the follow-up real estate policy continues to increase and the construction of dual-use infrastructure continues to advance, the confidence of the construction industry is expected to rebound.

Risk warning: First, the macro changes exceed expectations, and the second is the large fluctuations in overseas markets.

In the body of the report, the manufacturing PMI index was flat in June, and the manufacturing PMI was 49.5%, which was the same as the previous month. The composite PMI output index came in at 50.5%, down from May. In terms of output, the mainland's economy has generally maintained expansion, but the foundation for sustained recovery still needs to be consolidated.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

2. The production and demand index of the differentiation of business prosperity indicators has pulled back slightly. In June 2024, the production index and new orders index were 50.6% and 49.5%, respectively, down 0.2 and 0.1 percentage points month-on-month, respectively. Price indices are mixed. Affected by factors such as the decline in global commodity prices and insufficient market demand, the purchase price of raw materials in the PMI recorded 51.7% in June, down 5.2 percentage points month-on-month. In terms of ex-factory prices, 47.9% were recorded in June, down 2.5 percentage points from May. In terms of inventories, the trend of raw materials and finished goods inventories is differentiated. The raw material inventory sub-item in the manufacturing PMI recorded 47.6% in June, down 0.2 percentage points from the previous month. The finished goods inventory index recorded 48.3% in June, up 1.8 percentage points from May. With the start of the overseas replenishment cycle, the inventory situation of domestic enterprises is expected to improve. The import and export boom of the manufacturing industry basically remained unchanged. The new export orders index recorded 48.3% in June, unchanged from the previous value. The import index rose by 0.1 percentage points from May to 46.9%.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable
PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

The prosperity of small and medium-sized enterprises has shown signs of recovery. With the expert business symposium on May 23, the prosperity of small and medium-sized enterprises has rebounded. In June, the small business sub-component of the PMI index recorded 47.4%, which was still below the boom and bust line, but increased by 0.7 percentage points from May. Medium-sized enterprises recorded a 49.8% increase, up 0.4 percentage points from May. The prosperity of large enterprises showed a correction, recording 50.1% in June, down 0.6 percentage points from May.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

Manufacturing production and business activities are expected to rebound at the bottom. In June 2024, the production expectation index of manufacturing enterprises recorded 54.4%, an increase of 0.1 percentage points from the previous month, but the current expectations of manufacturing enterprises are still at a low level.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

3. The non-manufacturing index is in the expansion range, and although the prosperity of the construction industry and the service industry has declined slightly, it is still in the expansion range. The construction PMI index for June 2024 was 52.3%, down 2.1 percentage points from May. With the end of the May Day holiday, the service PMI fell in June. The services PMI came in at 50.2% in June, down 0.3 percentage points from May.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

Construction and service business expectations are mixed. In June, the business expectation index for the service sector recorded 57.6%, up 0.6 percentage points month-on-month. The Construction Business Expectations Index recorded 54.7% in June, down 1.6 percentage points from May. With the follow-up real estate policy continues to increase and the construction of dual-use infrastructure continues to advance, the confidence of the construction industry is expected to rebound.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

4. Risk warning: First, macro changes exceed expectations, and second, overseas markets fluctuate sharply.

This article is from the report "PMI Data Commentary: Manufacturing Prosperity Remains Stable" released by Huafu Securities Research Institute on June 30, 2024.


燕翔, S0210523050003

许茹纯, S0210523060005

New Book Recommendation|"In Search of the Road to Value: 1990~2023 Chinese Stock Market Review"

This book systematically reviews the market trend of A-shares from 1990~2023 since the establishment of the Chinese stock market, and pays more attention to the use of quantitative empirical evidence to explain market changes. The author tries to construct a "four-in-one" analytical framework for review, that is, macroeconomy, corporate earnings, interest rate level, and asset price comparison. Each year's market review is divided into three parts: the first part is a review of major events, which provides a narrative description of key events affecting the capital market; The second part of the economic situation analyzes the macroeconomic situation and the changes in the earnings and valuation of listed companies; The third part of the market characteristics analyzes and explains the structural characteristics of the stock market in the current year. The last two chapters of the book provide an overview of the investment framework, methodology and key issues of the A-share market.

In order to do a better job in the review research, the new version of "The Road to Pursuing Value" has made a lot of revisions, including: first, it has continued to write the review of the A market in the last three years from 2021 to 2023; The second is to reconstruct the annual strategic topics, and the methodological part with universal significance is summarized in the last two chapters of the book for a framework summary, so that readers can better understand the basic logic of A-share operation; the third is to increase a large number of special columns to think and discuss many special issues; Fourth, add inductive tables and data summaries to highlight the reference book attributes of this book; Fifth, the content of the original chapters has been supplemented and revised to a considerable extent. Overall, no less than 40% of the new version has been updated and revised.

At a time when the mainland is speeding up the construction of a financial power, the era of a comprehensive registration system has begun, and the capital market has attracted widespread attention from the whole society, we sincerely hope that the new edition of "The Road to Value" can help readers better understand the historical details of the past A-shares, so as to rationally and scientifically judge the short-term, medium- and long-term trends of the future market.

PMI data comments: the prosperity of the manufacturing industry remained stable

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