
Qingwen tears the fan, is it worth encouraging?

author:Qi Hong looks at the Red Mansion

This is not a matter of values, and cannot be analyzed by "whether it is worth it or not".

Of course, Baoyu said, "The ancients said, 'It is difficult to buy a smile for a thousand gold'." How many fans are worth? He obviously tore Qingwen's fan, and treated it the same as King Zhou You's building a wine forest meat pond for Daji, and he had the pleasure of "I can afford it, I'm willing to spend". This kind of squandering and wasting thinking at the expense of material resources should indeed be strictly criticized.

Qingwen tears the fan, is it worth encouraging?

However, if you really read the original book, you will find that "move the box out and let him tear it as hard as he can" is Musk Yue's sarcastic words, and Baoyu's "you just move it" has not been implemented, and it was stopped by Qingwen's "I'm also tired, let's tear it up tomorrow" - tearing the fan is just a whim after all, if you really have to guard the fan box and tear it one by one, it will become hard labor.

Qingwen tears the fan, is it worth encouraging?

Counting up, three fans were actually lost on this day: one that was unintentionally broken, and two that were torn (one each for Baoyu and Musk Yue). With the luxury of Jiafu, such a loss is indeed affordable.

From an economic point of view, the loss of the last two fans can be said to be meaningless. But history has come to 2024, you won't just calculate economic accounts, right? Isn't mental illness also a disease? The money that the state and individuals spend on psychological counseling and psychotherapy every year is not only worth two fans, right?

Qingwen tears the fan, is it worth encouraging?

Some large companies have set up "gas stations" to let employees beat "beaten dolls" to vent their frustration, and help employees relieve depression at public expense. Of course, this is not a simple charity, but a calculated account: employees are psychologically depressed and have poor work motivation, which is detrimental to the company's efficiency.

If this model is transplanted to Yihong Courtyard, Baoyu will use two fans as a "gas station" to help Qingwen channel her psychology, isn't it also very reasonable?

Qingwen tears the fan, is it worth encouraging?

As for saying that, Qingwen is tearing a precious fan (of course precious, how can there be cheap things in Yihong Courtyard?). ), not a "beaten doll" that can be used repeatedly, and Baoyu or Qingwen can't be blamed. After all, they are just teenagers, and they are not professionals who have studied psychology.