
If you want to be German from today, you have to support Israel

author:Aoki in the distance

Article author: Daily Yijian

A very outrageous thing happened today.

Germany's new Nationality Act has entered into force.

In addition to some policies to attract immigrants, the new bill also explicitly requires applicants for naturalization to declare their recognition of Israel's right to exist.

If you want to be German from today, you have to support Israel

What is "Israel's right to exist"?

Israel's official definition is respect for and recognition of Israel's right to exist and develop as a State in the international community, including territorial integrity, sovereign independence, and the security of its people.

To put it simply, the cause of the outbreak of the current round of Palestinian-Israeli conflict was the Al-Aqsa flood operation launched by Hamas in October last year, right?

Hamas, then, violates Israel's right to exist.

In order to preserve this right to exist, it is reasonable and legal for Israel to carry out massacres against Palestinians in the Gaza Strip in the future.

In the same way, as long as someone in the international community dares to criticize Israel, then you are violating Israel's right to exist.

In other words, the recognition of Israel's right to exist is tantamount to the recognition that all Israeli actions in the Gaza Strip are reasonable and lawful.

If you don't agree with this, then we're sorry, but we in the Federal Republic of Germany don't welcome you to join.

If you want to be German from today, you have to support Israel

Someone saw this and said: Then in order to get the German identity, I am a hypocritical snake, one thing on the surface, one thing behind the back, although I hate Israel in my heart, but I just say that I recognize Israel?

Not really.

The Germans have long thought of this.

What if some anti-Semites deliberately claim to recognize Israel's right to exist in order to gain German identity?

They came up with a clever idea: quizzes.

You want to become a German citizen, right?

Then you have to think about passing the exam.

There are 33 multiple-choice questions on the citizenship test, and applicants must answer at least 17 correctly within an hour to pass.

What are these 33 multiple-choice questions?

The Germans will give you a question bank with more than 300 questions.

It is equivalent to choosing 33 questions from 300 questions for you to answer, knowing that you can answer more than half of them correctly, even if you pass the test.

Sounds simple, right?

So listen up, this year's question is:

1. What is the Jewish place of prayer called?

2. When was the state of Israel?

3. What is the reason for Germany's special responsibility towards Israel?

4. How does Germany punish Holocaust denial?

5. Who can join about 40 Jewish Maccabi sports clubs in Germany?

Is it better to answer only the second question, the time of the establishment of the state of Israel? You don't know anything else if you don't brush the question bank.

Because you don't know what 33 questions he will take, do you have to go through all the more than 300 questions to make sure you have an impression in your mind?

And when you brush up on the questions again and again, then all these private goods about Judaism, Jewish life in Germany, and Germany's historical responsibility to the Jews will be entrained with you.

Don't doubt your memory.

Because you're brushing the questions with a purpose.

Just like subjects 1 and 4 that we have to go through when we take the driver's license test, you definitely don't brush up on the questions because of interest and for fun.

It's a question that I brushed in order to get a driver's license.

Then, your brain's memory will become extra powerful at this time.

In fact, many of us have not studied the road traffic safety law, and have not taken this course, but when you are on the road, how do you know when you see those no-pass, one-way street signs?

It's because of the questions you brushed to get your driver's license that left a deep impression on your mind.

The Germans are doing the same now.

In order to instill in you these private goods about the Jews, they set up these questions in the question bank to make you reinforce the impression over and over again.

Even if you pretend that you recognize Israel's right to exist in order to gain German identity, what does it matter?

Now, you have written everything in black and white on the naturalization test paper.

Any idea what it's called?

That's your vote.

If you want to be German from today, you have to support Israel

It is reasonable and imperative for Germany to amend the Nationality Act.

The main reason is that Germany is now in a situation where the birthrate is declining and the population is aging.

In the world, the standard for aging is that the number of people aged 65 and over in a country or region reaches more than 7%.

But what about Germany?

22.4% were aged 65 and over.

If you walk down the street and meet five Germans, one of them is over 65 years old.

Severe ageing is bound to place a huge burden on society as a whole, so Germany wants to absorb as many immigrants as possible, especially young and middle-aged workers.

If you want to be German from today, you have to support Israel

It stands to reason that this is understandable.

But you're so good.

Why is it necessary to add the phrase "recognition of Israel's right to exist"?

Actually, the reason is very simple.

Because the current Germany is not the Germany of the past, but West Germany.

After the Second World War, according to the Yalta Agreement and the Potsdam Agreement, in August 1945, Germany was divided and occupied by the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, and the Allied Control Committee formed by the four countries to take over the supreme power of Germany.

On May 23, 1949, the merged western occupation zone of Germany formed the Federal Republic of Germany, abbreviated as the Federal Republic of Germany or West Germany.

On October 7 of that year, the German Democratic Republic, or East Germany, was established in the Soviet-occupied zone of eastern Germany.

Germany was thus officially divided into two sovereign states.

However, with the drastic changes in Eastern Europe and the collapse of the Soviet Union, the socialist camps such as East Germany collapsed one after another, and finally the Berlin Wall fell and the two Germany merged.

Note that the merger of Germany was from East Germany to West Germany, not from West Germany to East Germany.

In other words, if the Yalta and Potsdam agreements were strictly followed, Germany would still be divided and occupied by the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, but it would have collapsed, East Germany had merged, and the Soviet Union had lost its part of the rights.

This means who is the de facto supreme controller in Germany?

The United States, of course.

The United States still has military bases and garrisons in Germany.

Although Germany seems to be quite able to make up its mind now, in fact, if you really encounter any major issues of right and wrong, you still have to listen to the United States.

Your situation is not much better than in Japan.

And which type of people in the United States are the best now?

Jews, of course.

Therefore, in order to curry favor with the United States and the Jews, successive German governments have done their best to make up for the crimes committed against the Jews in those years.

The Prime Minister can kneel at the Jewish Monument.

What else do you think they can't do?

So, from today onwards, if you have new German citizens around you, note that they are new naturalizations, then don't think about it.

This guy is 100 percent pro-Israel.

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