
I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news



My name is Mo Fang, I am 62 years old this year, since I was kicked out by my daughter-in-law 8 years ago, and my wife died of illness, I went to my daughter's house to care for the elderly.

After that, whether it was sick and old-aged, my son and daughter-in-law all pushed it to my daughter, and they ignored me. But even though my son and daughter-in-law are so indifferent, I still miss my little grandson.

A month ago, my son called me out of the blue, saying that my grandson missed me and asked me to spend some time with my little grandson. In this way, I went to see my grandson with the 1.5 million demolition money that had not yet been covered.

Who knows, as soon as I went to my son's house, my son and daughter-in-law were unusual, shouting at me, and I didn't know how close and attentive they were.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


And what flattered me even more is that my daughter-in-law, who has always had no good face for me, has been very attentive to me for the first time, and her mother is long and her mother is short, and she left me to live at home for a longer period of time, saying that the child misses me.

I was full of emotion, my grandson was brought up by me, and the relationship between my mother-in-law and grandson was very deep. After leaving my son's house, I missed my grandson all the time.

It's just that because of my daughter-in-law's dislike, without their invitation and permission, I don't dare to come to my son's house rashly, even if this house is bought by my wife and me.

I was flattered by the change in my daughter-in-law's attitude, and I also wondered if my daughter-in-law would accept me in their home from now on.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


Every day after that, my daughter-in-law greeted me with a smile, which made me extremely unaccustomed and uneasy, for fear that I would make my daughter-in-law unhappy again.

But my son advised me to stay at home with peace of mind, and my son's home is my home. My daughter-in-law also persuaded me to live in peace, saying that she was ignorant in the past, so she would be disrespectful to me. Now that she understands the truth that there is a treasure in the family, I hope I can give her a chance to make up for it.

My son and daughter-in-law all apologized so sincerely, and I naturally went down this staircase. Since then, I have taken on the responsibility of taking care of my family.

It's just a few days later, and my son and daughter-in-law sighed at the dinner table all day long, asking them to be at a loss, and they didn't reveal anything at all.

After a few days, I finally couldn't help but ask my son, who confessed truthfully, saying that they wanted to take me to care for the elderly, but now the house they live in is too small, and they want to change the child to a bigger and better school district house, so that the child can go to a better school, and they can also take me to my side to fulfill my filial piety.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


My son comforted me while talking, they will definitely find a way to make up the down payment, let me live at home happily, and never go back to my sister's house again, let others laugh at him for being unfilial.

My son's words made me feel very distressed. Thinking that it was important for my grandson to study, I thought about it for a long time, and still took out the 1.5 million demolition money that had not yet been covered.

According to my original plan, I planned to divide the two siblings equally, one of them would get 700,000 yuan, and I would keep 100,000 yuan for the elderly, so that it would be fair and just.

So I took out 700,000 yuan to my son, but my son was embarrassed and said, Mom, we want to buy it in one step, buy it in full, save two mortgages at the same time, the pressure is too great, and the 700,000 yuan you give is barely enough for half of the down payment.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


Seeing my son so embarrassed, I couldn't help but feel compassion. Thinking that my daughter and son-in-law's family situation is better, and the two in-laws also have retirement and subsidies, I was ruthless and decided to give all the 1.5 million yuan to my son to buy a house first, and then slowly compensate my daughter later.

I didn't discuss this with my daughter, thinking that I was in charge of my own money. After I gave all the 1.5 million to my son, my daughter-in-law was really attentive and enthusiastic to me, and my mother was long and my mother was short.

The daughter-in-law's diligence, I see it in my eyes. But the joy of my grandson's imminent entry into a new school still makes me feel that it was all worth it.

It's just that I don't know how the fact that I gave all the 1.5 million demolition money to my son to buy a house reached the ears of my daughter and son-in-law? Before I could go back, my daughter and son-in-law rushed to ask for justice.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


My daughter asked me how to divide the 1.5 million demolition money? I have a hard time, 1.5 million yuan was distributed to my son, where can I give a little bit to my daughter? But I also know that I am ashamed of my daughter, so I patiently coaxed her, my mother has a pension, and my pension will be handed over to you in the future.

In the past, my daughter always asked me to quickly withdraw my salary card, because they didn't need to use my money if they had money to spend, and even gave 2,000 yuan per month on time for living expenses to appease my heart.

But this time, the daughter didn't say a word, and it was a long time before she completely broke out: "Mom, every time you are partial to your younger brother, you use this trick to coax me to lie to me." But in the end, I'm like a clown jumping off the beam, being played around by you. Since you are so partial to your younger brother, then retire at your younger brother's house. ”

The daughter left with her son-in-law without looking back, without asking me if I wanted to go back with me, or asking me how I was doing at my son's house.

And I don't know if it's my delusion, or if I think too much, since I gave all the 1.5 million demolition money to my son, my daughter-in-law's face has changed again, and she no longer greets me with a smile, but picks and chooses from eggs.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


I couldn't stand this anger, and after living at my son's house for a month, I packed my bags and prepared to go back to my daughter's parents. After all, the son is a leaky leather jacket, and the daughter is the intimate little padded jacket.

But when I got to my daughter's house, I knocked on the door for most of the day, but no one opened it for me. I took out the spare key my daughter gave me to open the door, only to find that even the lock on the door had been changed.

I immediately panicked, until the neighbor on the other side told me that my daughter's family had moved out half a month ago, and now the house is listed for sale, and the agent brings people to visit the house every day.

Seeing people going to the empty house, I hurriedly called my daughter and son-in-law's phone, but without exception, all of them could not be reached. I can't accept this reality, how can my daughter leave without saying a word behind my back? You must know that she is the most filial child.

I took 1.5 million demolition money to see my grandson, and after my son's house lived for 1 month, my daughter's family went to the empty building and there was no news


But no matter how I made the phone or cried, my daughter's family was never heard from since. I lost my soul and returned to my son's house, but my son didn't say anything, but my daughter-in-law scolded and scolded every day.

Seeing this scene, I couldn't hold back anymore and cried bitterly. I know that I am partial and patriarchal, but I am also forced to be helpless.

Why can't my daughter be more considerate and considerate of my difficulties? The palms and backs of my hands are full of meat, and I can't bear it. Now that the family has moved away, where do I go to find them?

I want to compensate my daughter, but now I don't even have the object to compensate. Thinking of my daughter and son-in-law's filial piety and intimacy, I burst into tears again.