
If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Everyone hopes that they can stay away from obesity, and the key to a good body is to start from the details of life and develop self-disciplined behavior habits in order to maintain a strong metabolism and avoid fat accumulation.

If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

If you can stick to these diets like Xiaobian and maintain the habit of exercising, your weight will definitely continue to decline, and it is easy to maintain a body that weighs no more than 100.

1. Be sure to eat breakfast, breakfast can turn on the body's metabolism, consume more calories in the morning, and lunch can also effectively control the amount of food eaten to avoid overeating.

For breakfast, do not choose a mixture of sugar and oil such as fried dough sticks and fried noodles, but choose high-protein foods such as boiled eggs and milk, with coarse grains such as corn, whole wheat bread, and eight-treasure porridge, and control the calories at about 400 kcal.

If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

2. Eat dinner early and finish it before 19 o'clock, so that the stomach and intestines have enough time to digest, do not eat 4 hours before going to bed, and fall asleep with hunger, the fat burning effect will be better.

Dinner should avoid big fish and meat, but keep it light, eat less heavy-flavored, high-oil and salt-rich foods, eat more high-fiber vegetables, control the intake of staple foods, and control the calories at dinner at about 500 kcal. Taking a walk after a meal, walking for 15 minutes and then sitting down can promote digestion and improve the small belly.

If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

3. Drink more lukewarm water, do not drink drinks or ice water, water has no calories, it can slow down hunger, promote blood circulation, and help you accelerate fat metabolism.

Drink about 2000-3000ml of water every day, and replenish it in multiple time periods, such as a glass of water in the morning and a glass of water before meals, these are good time periods. People who don't like to drink plain water can choose tea, lemon soaked water, and wolfberry water.

If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

4. Develop the right eating habits. Slow down your meals, chew slowly, don't gobble up, and give your body enough time to receive the satiety signal.

When eating, you should eat low-calorie foods first, such as vegetables first, and staple foods last, which can effectively reduce calorie intake and control the glycemic coefficient. Finally, don't eat to support yourself, stop when you are eight minutes full, you can control the stomach capacity and let you lose weight faster.

If you can do these 4 points, you will definitely lose weight

Finally, in terms of exercise, people with a relatively large weight base can start with brisk walking, square dancing, tai chi and other exercises, and exercise for a total of 1 hour a day, which can be divided into 2 30 minutes to complete, and punch in more than 4 times a week, which can improve activity metabolism and continue to consume calories.

After a period of time, the weight base has decreased, and after the physical endurance has improved, try moderate and high-intensity exercises such as jogging, aerobics, jumping jacks, jumping jacks, and skipping rope to maintain better fat-burning efficiency.