
Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

author:Gain muscle and lose fat

Nowadays, there are more and more obese and overweight people, and weight loss has become an imperative thing. If you want to lose weight, you must correct the bad habit of gaining weight and maintain some good habits of self-discipline in order to retain muscle and lose more fat!

Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

For those who lose weight, correct 3 vices to avoid fat accumulation!

Vice: 1. Irregular diet.

The human body is like a precise clock, and its hunger and satiety follow strict biological rhythms. However, when our diet becomes irregular, this clock is broken, leaving the body unable to accurately predict when to consume nutrients and when to rest. In the long run, the body's metabolic rate will decrease, and every time you eat, the body will desperately accumulate calories, and fat will accumulate more easily.

Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

Bad habit 2, often eat snacks and drink milk tea.

Many people ignore the calories of snacks, and they are an invisible driver of obesity. Snacks and milk teas such as potato chips, donuts, egg tarts, cakes, cookies, etc., are often rich in sugar, oil, and calories, but have extremely low nutritional value, making you gain weight without realizing it.

Bad habit three, often staying up late.

Night is an important time for the body to repair and detoxify, and staying up late can lead to endocrine disruption in the body, affecting metabolism, thereby increasing the risk of gaining weight. Staying up late to sleep can also trigger hunger pangs, causing us to eat more food at night, further exacerbating our weight gain.

Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

If you want to lose weight, we need to quit all kinds of fat bad habits, and stick to three good habits that can allow you to lose more fat and retain muscle.

First of all, control your calorie intake reasonably and don't overdo it. If you only consume a few hundred calories a day, your body will fall into famine, muscle will be lost, and your fat-prone physique will find you.

If you want to lose weight healthily, your daily calorie intake should be greater than your basal metabolic value, lower than your body's total metabolic value, creating a calorie gap for your body, and at the same time diversifying your diet, supplementing high-quality protein, and eating more chicken breast, fish, shrimp, and eggs, so that you can retain your muscles and lose more fat.

Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

Secondly, maintain regular exercise, avoid sedentary lifestyle, and increase the amount of exercise, you can start with the exercise you are interested in and slowly improve your exercise ability.

With the improvement of physical endurance, we can add strength training, squats, push-ups, pull-ups and other compound movements can effectively improve muscle strength, strengthen basal metabolic value, and improve fat burning and body shaping.

Correct 3 bad habits and stick to 3 good habits to keep your muscles and lose more fat!

Third, ensure adequate sleep, don't stay up late, adequate sleep helps leptin secretion and the repair of body functions, and muscles will also speed up repair and synthesis. Getting more than 8 hours of sleep a day can increase metabolism and inhibit fat accumulation.

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