
What do you mean by "10,000 enemies"? Nine Chinese soldiers frightened the US troops to abandon thousands of cannons and flee in a hurry

What do you mean by "10,000 enemies"? Nine Chinese soldiers frightened the US troops to abandon thousands of cannons and flee in a hurry

Lao Qin yesterday published the article "When the US Army Retreated, Thoughtfully Sent Fish and Meat to the Volunteers, and Showed Great Hospitality, and Achieved a Good Story" to "Qin Shiyong Says History", the article said that in the second battle to resist US aggression and aid Korea, the 113th Division of the 38th Army marched with both feet while fighting, and walked 780 kilometers in 14 hours, creating incredible miracles and miracles, seizing Sansholi, and also dividing troops to block Longyuanli.

Immediately afterwards, the famous Sansholi Longyuanli Resistance Battle in the history of the War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea began.

This is an unequal and tragic fight.

The 113th Division had only a dozen mortars, hundreds of machine guns, and several thousand rifles and bayonets.

What they wanted to stop was the 2nd and 25th US Divisions, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade, and the 1st US Cavalry Division and the 1st South Korean Division, which had retreated from the Western Front.

On the battlefield, there are two types of enemies that are the most terrifying.

One is the "poor man", and the other is the "trapped beast".

For these two types of enemies, the general methods adopted in the art of war are: "Poor and unchased" and "Besiege the city must be que".

The reason is clear, these are two enemies who have fallen into a "desperate situation" and a "dead land", once they are given a glimmer of hope for life, they will all scatter and run away. And once they snuff out the only remaining light of hope, it will inevitably make them glow with a fighting spirit of "putting them to death and living later", and they will truly fight to the death and never die.

At present, the 2nd and 25th US Divisions, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade, and the 1st US Cavalry Division and the 1st South Korean Division have retreated from the Western Front.

But my 113th Division was determined to put them in the area before the Qingchuan River in Sansholi and Longyuanli, and they became "trapped beasts" again.

As the saying goes, rabbits bite when they're in a hurry.

Then, in order to fight their way out, the tens of millions of "poor men" and "trapped beasts" of the US 2nd and 25th Divisions, the remnants of the Turkish Brigade, and the 1st US Cavalry Division and the 1st South Korean Division, in order to fight their way out, the madness and perversion of their attacks will be incomparable!

Moreover, in addition to their superiority in numbers, they have hundreds of aircraft, hundreds of tanks, thousands of artillery pieces, and countless carbines, machine guns, and mortars......

What do you mean by "10,000 enemies"? Nine Chinese soldiers frightened the US troops to abandon thousands of cannons and flee in a hurry

Originally, in order to escape for their lives, they thought that the number of shells they carried was too large and too cumbersome, and since there were volunteers in front of them, they would just shoot these shells out one by one.

So, the shells rained down and the cannons roared like thunder.

According to statistics, a support artillery battalion of the US military fired 3,206 shells in just 22 minutes, setting a world record of eight shells per minute for a single artillery projectile!

Seeing that the position of the volunteers had been blown up and flattened, when the US troops launched a charge, they were swept back by a dense burst of bullets like fried beans.

The US troops were red-eyed, continued to bombard with artillery, and even called hundreds of planes of the US Far East Air Force by radio to pour napalm on the positions of the volunteers in turn.

Strangely, when the artillery ceases to be extinguished, the American troops charge forward, still under merciless strafing fire.

The Americans did not believe in evil, so they bombarded again and sent planes to drop bombs, and again and again, but they were still unable to get close to the positions of the volunteers.

The Americans were driven crazy, and for the first time in the world, they sacrificed the "crowd charge", let hundreds of tanks open the way in front, and let all the soldiers follow behind in black pressure, and kill in a rage.

Needless to say, they suffered even more casualties - the high ground where their eyes seemed empty suddenly burst into the muzzles of countless black holes, accurately firing bullets into the chests of American soldiers.

The war had reached this point, and the will of the Americans began to crumble.

The captured American Army Colonel Hollick later said with infinite chagrin:

"The Chinese don't seem to be harmed by artillery fire at all, and the American soldiers suddenly have an instinctive religious feeling of awe for the Chinese soldiers who can survive that scenario!"

Yes, in that case, almost all the American troops were afraid of the volunteers.

God is invincible, let alone invincible.

As a mortal, why should we fight against God?

The American soldiers then abandoned the attack and scattered and fled.

As a matter of fact, the officers and men of our 113th Division suffered heavy casualties under the blows of US bombs, artillery shells, and bullets, but they were a contingent armed with Mao Zedong Thought, and they would never give up or give up, and even if there was only one person left in the end, they would fight to the end!

What do you mean by "10,000 enemies"? Nine Chinese soldiers frightened the US troops to abandon thousands of cannons and flee in a hurry

In particular, the resistance battle of the 3rd Company of Fan Tianen's 335th Regiment at Songgu Peak was hard enough to withstand the attack of the US army for more than six hours, and in the end only nine soldiers remained.

The nine fighters had run out of ammunition and loaded their bayonets, ready to make a final fight against the American soldiers who had come back again, encouraging each other, saying goodbye to each other, hoping to meet in another world.

However, the besieged American troops were already timid, they had obviously seen the white star emblem on the tanks of the 1st Cavalry Division that came to the rescue from the north, but they no longer had the courage to cross the short few hundred meters ahead, because there were god-like Chinese soldiers there.

They, under the cover of dozens of tanks, found another way out.

After the fierce battle in the dragon source of Sanshori, the second division of the United States was declared over.

The number of troops they fled back was only 20 per cent of their strength.

All the hundreds of tanks, hundreds of artillery pieces and thousands of vehicles assigned to the division were discarded.

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