
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

author:Civilization Dongfeng

In order to further promote the "Millions of Projects", vigorously improve the living environment, enhance the quality of urban and rural areas, and welcome the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Passage with the best town environment and the best urban image, this weekend, Dongfeng Town will focus on the implementation and go all out to promote the improvement of the living environment.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

Liu Yanwen, deputy mayor of the town, led the town's emergency management bureau, network data center and other departments to supervise the rental houses in Xiaoli community to standardize the parking and charging of electric vehicles.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

Deputy mayors Liu Yao and Li Shoujun led the village team to the Bogong community to carry out the renovation of the living environment and supervise the "third line" and the rectification of rental houses, emphasizing that rental houses must standardize the parking and charging of electric bicycles, and the owners of the "broken window action" must implement rectification according to the time node.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

Tan Zhaoli, deputy mayor of the town, led the village team to Dongheping Village to hold a meeting on the deployment of the action to improve the living environment. Afterwards, Tan Zhaoli and his entourage went to the entrance of the archway along the Shishui Line and Dongheping Village, and gave on-site guidance to the merchants along the street, requiring them to implement the "three guarantees in front of the door".

The cadres of the "two committees" of Dongxing community led the party members and the masses to carry out the renovation of the living environment in the first lane of Lixin Street in the jurisdiction, and at the same time carried out inspections of the rental houses in the jurisdiction around the requirements of electric vehicle parking and charging, anti-theft network rectification, and "three-line" rectification, and conveyed fire safety requirements to the person in charge of the rental house, requiring them to do a good job in electric vehicle parking and charging and "breaking windows and dismantling the net".

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

The resident team of Jichang Village went to Jichang Village to carry out a sprint action on the human settlements, focusing on key areas such as Dongfu Road roads, village heads, alleys, fields, rental houses, etc., focusing on the problems of littering, privately pulling wires, and random parking of vehicles, and immediately rectified the problems found on the spot. At the same time, environmental remediation propaganda and safety publicity are carried out for the surrounding villagers, so as to enhance the civilized literacy and ideological awareness of the villagers to care for and protect the environment.

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!
[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

Edit | Deng Shufen and Liu Rui first instance | Xie Yinying's second instance | Chen Feilong, Yu Lixia third trial | Liu Jia

Source | Each village group in Dongfeng Town, and each village (community) in Dongfeng Town

[Focus on the "Millions of Projects"] focus on the implementation of key points, Dongfeng Town will make every effort to promote the improvement of the living environment!

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