
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".


"I hear the sound of strings, and the palms and feet of my hands and feet itch"

Three-step strings

There are no restrictions on time, place, or number of people

Dance anytime, anywhere

Today, Xiao Meng will take everyone to Cold Spring Town

Dance the three-step string together~

Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".

In Mengzi City, Lengquan Township, Shuitian Township, Qilu Bai Miao Township around the Yi nationality settlement area, the Yi three-step string is the crystallization of the wisdom of the Yi "Muji" people, every Spring Festival, Yi Torch Festival and other traditional festivals, the Yi people will be dressed in costumes, gather together to sing and dance, men hold small three strings or four strings while playing and dancing, women are dancing while clapping their hands, the rhythm is warm and cheerful, the dance posture is vigorous and elegant.

Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".

The basic steps of the three-string are easy to learn, with steps such as staging, crouching, and threading, and can be joined by men and women of all ages to the sound of the three-stringed instrument.

Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".

There is a legend as to why the three-step dance always maintains a jumping posture. A long time ago, some villages of the Yi nationality lived a life of slash-and-burn farming, and every sowing season, people could not wait for the sparks to be extinguished, so they would work barefoot on the hot fields, and in order to reduce the burning of their feet by the embers of the fields, they would work while jumping. Later dance steps added kicks, clapping and other movements on the basis of this jumping dynamic.

Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".

"If you can speak, you can sing; If you can walk, you can dance. "The Yi people, who can sing and dance, sing the inspiration brought by production and life into the lyrics and dance into the dance steps.

Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".
Colorful Mengzi丨 Yi three-step strings, knocking the dance steps of the "secret realm".

When the Yi three-step string jumps to the warmth, the sound of footsteps, high-fives, shouts, and accompaniment resounds through the mountains, and the sound of laughter, admiration, and singing awakens the lonely villages. The ancient dance steps of the three-step string inherit the traditional customs of the Yi nationality while also integrating the multi-ethnic and multi-folk cultures.

Authors: Zhang Yan'e, Yang Yueguan, Li Xing, Luo Haoyuan

Correspondents: Xie Xiaorong, Dou Yixin

Some of the images are from previous issues

Editor: Li Li

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