
There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

author:Lazy mother's life with a baby

Downstairs in the community, I heard the chat of two mothers:

"My children love to cry, and they shed tears at the slightest thing, as if they were made of water!"

"My child is just the opposite, even if he falls, he doesn't cry!"

The first mother, she was worried between the lines, always felt that it was not a good thing for her child to shed tears, belonged to the indecisive type, and was afraid that it would be difficult to achieve great things in the future;

And the second mother, between the lines, is proud.

It seems that your children don't cry when they encounter something, which is a special thing worth showing off, and it will definitely have a chance in the future.

Facts, is that really the case?

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

In fact, there is a big difference between children who always shed tears and those who endure not crying, and they are not as they seem on the surface.

  • Let's talk about the child who shed tears first

In the eyes of many people, shedding tears represents cowardice and timidity, but it is not.

Most of the children who shed tears are emotionally delicate, more sensitive to external stimuli, and can easily feel happiness and sadness.

It is precisely because of this sensitivity that children who always shed tears are more sincere and direct in their interpersonal interactions. They are more willing to trust others and treat others with sincerity.

But in the same way, there will be disadvantages: the mind is too delicate, and it will be too sad because of a small thing, and it will even affect their daily life.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

For such children, parents should give them more understanding and care in the process of education.

At the very least, teach your child to express his emotions correctly and let them know that crying is not a sign of weakness, but a natural outpouring of emotion.

At the same time, it is also necessary to guide children to control their emotions and avoid emotional fluctuations that affect themselves and others. After all, every child's crying state is different.

And it's important to pay attention to your child's mental health.

Because of emotional sensitivity, such children are particularly susceptible to being influenced by others, and then develop some unnecessary anxiety and stress.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years
  • Let's talk about the children who don't cry

When it comes to children not crying, they are associated with being "strong", "brave" and "independent".

Unlike children who always shed tears, children who endure not crying, they tend to be stronger and more independent!

They habitually face the world with a strong appearance, and never show their vulnerability easily.

Such a character allows these children not to retreat easily in the face of difficulties and challenges.

They will always look like "I can" and have been trying to persevere.

It's a pity that children have been labeled as "strong" for a long time, making them forget things other than being strong and ignore their truest feelings in their hearts.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

As a child, how can you always be strong?

They will definitely have times of sadness, but unfortunately they choose patience and silence and do not say anything.

Such children are more likely to have psychological problems, and they suppress themselves for a long time, which will induce many psychological problems.

This is not alarmism, but fact.

To educate such children, we must tell them that crying is everyone's right, and when you encounter something particularly sad, you will be in a much better mood if you allow yourself to cry.

Be sure to encourage them to be brave enough to express their hearts, and it is better to say many things than to hold them in your heart.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

Different personalities, different destinies, children who cry at every turn and those who endure not crying, the difference is too big, and we will see it in 3 years

As they grow older, there will be a significant difference between these two different personalities after 3 years.

Children who shed tears may continue to maintain rich and sensitive emotions, but they can also learn to control their emotions and become more mature and stable than before.

With their delicate hearts, they are like fish in water in interpersonal relationships.

By being good at understanding and caring for others, etc., we can get more praise from people and create more opportunities for our work and life.

And children who endure not crying, if they continue to disguise themselves with "strong" and "independent", then they may not live happily, because they are not even qualified to cry.

The most terrible thing is that holding your emotions in your heart for a long time will cause big problems.

Hidden emotional repression can lead to psychological problems and make children more extreme.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

Therefore, through "crying" and "not crying", there is no way to evaluate whether a child is excellent or not.

No matter what kind of child they are, parents should give them enough love and support! It's right to respect their character traits. If the child likes to cry, then the parents should guide them appropriately and let them slowly become brave; If your child doesn't cry and likes to hide everything in his heart, then guide them to vent their emotions.

In short, parents should learn to teach their children according to their aptitude and give the best way to educate their children according to their different personalities. Parents with rich experience believe that they will be able to find out the shortcomings in their children's personalities and help them correct them in time.

There is too much difference between a child who cries at every turn and a child who endures not crying, and I will see it in 3 years

All in all, "crying" and "not crying" have their advantages and disadvantages, and what parents need to do is to guide their children to switch freely between the two personalities. When it's time to cry, cry out loud; When you shouldn't cry, you force the tears back.