
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

author:Meet Minhou

All the party members attending the meeting solemnly swore an oath

Review the oath of joining the party

Winner of the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party".

published the original intention and always follow the party

Firm beliefs

Participation of probationary party members

It has injected another fresh blood into this team

Today, 49 party members gathered here......
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (49 party members of the party branch of Wenzhou Village participated in the event)


Party branch of Wenzhou Village, Minhou County

In Zhuqi Township 51 Fun • Xilan Lake Fun Campground

Carry out the "village enterprise joint construction and gather strength,

Rural revitalization and common progress"

As the theme of the "July 1st" activity

49 party members of the party branch of Wenzhou Village participated in the event

Today, 49 party members gathered here......
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (All party members attending the meeting review the oath of joining the party)

Today, 49 party members gathered here......
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (Veteran party members who won the commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party")

Today, 49 party members gathered here......
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (The commemorative medal of "50 years of glory in the party" was awarded to the old party members on the spot)

On the same day, it was also a joint construction activity of the party branch of Wenzhou Village and 51 Fun • Xilan Lake Fun

51 Fun • Xilan Lake Fun is a high-end campground integrating catering, play and accommodation. In this interactive park surrounded by 310 acres of dense forest, the camping experience is elevated to new heights.

Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲(51 Fun • Sai Lan Lake Fun Campground)

Through the joint construction of villages and enterprises, Wenzhou Village has established a village-enterprise-people communication platform for rural revitalization, effectively strengthened cooperation and exchanges with enterprises, driven more than 30 villagers to work, and paid wages of more than 30 yuan per year, realizing complementary advantages, resonance at the same frequency, and forming a joint force for the dual promotion of party building business.

Today, 49 party members gathered here......
Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (Party members roaming 51 fun • Xilan Lake fun)

"This return to my hometown to start a business is in response to the call of the Party Committee of Zhuqi Township Central Village 'My Hometown, I Build', and I hope to contribute my own strength to my hometown." Zheng Xingui, a villager of Wenzhou Village, is also the deputy secretary of the Party Committee and deputy general manager of Fujian Road and Bridge Construction Group Co., Ltd., and the person in charge of 51 Fun • Xilan Lake Fun, said that his father is also a veteran party member who has been "glorious in the party for 50 years", and his father often encourages him not to forget the development of his hometown and often go home to see. "'Homesickness' has always been the concern of wanderers like us who are struggling abroad, as long as our hometown is in need, we are willing to contribute our own strength." Zheng Xingui said.

Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (Zheng Xingui, representative of the co-construction enterprise, speaks)

In recent years, Zhuqi Township has adhered to the guidance of party building, given full play to the role of local talents in driving development, built the "central village party committee" into a "strong magnetic field" for talent gathering, actively promoted the party branch to lead the cooperative, and mobilized and guided the villagers to return to their hometowns and start businesses with the link of "locality, nostalgia and nostalgia".

At present, it has attracted 18 key township sage projects such as Luoyang Village Fengxian Longgu Tourism Development, 51 Fun • Xilan Lake Fun, Shanyang Xingfeng Agriculture, Nanyang "One Meter Farmland" and so on, with 1,917 acres of abandoned land in circulation, and 1,100 acres of new construction projects in line with high standards in the concentrated circulation of farmers, which not only solves the problem of land abandonment and abandonment, but also realizes the double income increase of the village collective economy and the masses, promotes the acceleration of the continuous development of rural industries, and comprehensively promotes rural revitalization.

Today, 49 party members gathered here......

▲ (Old party members talk about the development and changes of their hometown)

Minhou County Rong Media Center Chen Feng text/photo

Editor: Lin Dan (small) Hong Tingting Proofreader: Zhang Xiang Lin Dan (small) Review: Wu Xin Pan Jie Producer: Xie Yongjie Ni Xinxin

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Today, 49 party members gathered here......