
Flood control and disaster relief|Escort life and race against floods Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, urgently evacuated 558 people from 198 households

author:Huaihua News Network

Huaihua Daily All-Media News Affected by heavy rainfall and incoming water in the upstream, the water level of the Yuan River in Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, rose rapidly. As of 13:20 on June 30, the water level of the Tongwan section of the Yuanjiang River reached 152.43m, and some farmlands and roads in houses and villages along the Tongwan market town in Zhongfang County were flooded, with the highest water accumulation reaching a depth of 4 meters. However, thanks to the local government's early transfer and response, 558 people from 198 households in the town successfully avoided danger and there were no casualties.

"Thank you so much for the government cadres who mobilized on the streets in advance last night, so that we could transfer in time." At noon on June 30, seeing that his shop was flooded to the ceiling, Yang Changyou, a villager from Huangxi Village who was doing business in the market town of Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, still had palpitations, "The river did not overflow last night, and everyone didn't care, but fortunately, the government predicted the water level and called everyone to move in advance, so we were saved." ”

According to the analysis and prediction of the hydrological and water conditions of Huaihua City, affected by the heavy rainfall and incoming water in the upstream, the outflow of Tongwan Hydropower Station will reach 10,000 cubic meters per second from 20 o'clock on June 29. The county prevention and control department and the Tongwan Hydropower Station urgently reported the flood situation and reminded them to make emergency preparations for flood control. All party members and cadres in Tongwan Town took urgent action to organize the people in the threatened areas to move in advance to avoid danger.

Flood control and disaster relief|Escort life and race against floods Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, urgently evacuated 558 people from 198 households

Party members and cadres in Tongwan Town are helping the masses transfer supplies. (Photo by Chu Yunwei)

"Hurry up! Get up! The water is about to rise, everyone hurry up! After receiving the order, the cadres of the towns and villages quickly went to the front line, went door to door to wake up and respond, and went all out for flood prevention and disaster relief. For a while, the sound of gongs, alarms, and door knocks came and went. The sleeping masses were quickly woken up, everyone supported each other, and under the help and leadership of party members and cadres, they carried large items in an orderly manner and successfully transferred them to a safe area. In order to cope with this round of floods, a total of 3 centralized resettlement sites were set up in the town, all of which were equipped with various daily necessities such as medicines, quilts, food, and water, which could provide emergency resettlement for 960 people. At the same time, Tongwan Town has also implemented special personnel to carry out precise management of the transferred people, implemented 24-hour inspection and registration duty, and resolutely prevented the return of transferred personnel.

Flood control and disaster relief|Escort life and race against floods Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, urgently evacuated 558 people from 198 households

Pan Songqiao, director of the Land Institute of Tongwan Town, carried the old man to the resettlement site. (Photo by Chu Yunwei)

"I haven't seen such a big water in seven years, and it wasn't so deep last night, so I thought it wouldn't rise so fast." On the morning of the 30th, Lu Jincai and his wife, both over 80 years old, held the hands of the staff at the resettlement site and kept chattering and thanking them. Lu Jincai and his wife live in the Shaluowan community, the house is built near the river, there is no family to accompany them, they are old and frail and have inconvenient legs, and the town lists Lu Jincai and his wife as a key group for emergency evacuation. After the flood control alarm bell sounded in the early morning, the transfer team of Tongwan Town went to the old man's home as soon as possible and persuaded the old man to quickly move to a relative's house in a safe area. However, due to the suddenness of the incident, the couple was afraid that the flood would inundate the important objects on the second floor, and they refused to transfer at the edge of the cordon.

Flood control and disaster relief|Escort life and race against floods Tongwan Town, Zhongfang County, urgently evacuated 558 people from 198 households

Party members and cadres in Tongwan Town supported small wooden boats to move the masses. (Photo by Chu Yunwei)

"We cadres must run ahead of the masses. It is better for the cadres to run a few more times, but also to ensure the safety of the masses in a timely manner. Zhang Chengshi, head of the Tongwan Town Party Committee, said that the safe and orderly transfer came from the implementation of "strict and meticulous" measures. In the next step, in the face of the upcoming flood, we will strengthen the investigation of hidden dangers and 24-hour emergency duty, and remind the two committees of the village branch and the masses in a timely manner through village sounds, WeChat group forwarding, etc., pay attention to the rain and water conditions at any time, and prepare for emergency avoidance. (Chu Yunwei)

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