
The Houthis exposed the actual combat footage of the "flood" unmanned boat automatically turning to attack merchant ships! Explode in an instant

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On June 30, Yemen's Houthi rebels released a stunning video of their actual combat using a remote-controlled unmanned boat called Flood to attack a merchant ship. It is said that the unmanned boat has a maximum speed of 45 knots (about 83.3 km/h), and its most striking feature is that the steering wheel on the rudder surface can automatically steer.


In the test footage, we can clearly observe the "Flood" unmanned boat turning flexibly during the voyage, like an ingenious aquatic animal. This automatic steering function makes unmanned boats more difficult to detect and interfere with, posing a great threat to enemy ships.

However, what is even more shocking is the scene shown in the actual combat footage. We can see the "Flood" unmanned boat ramming a merchant ship at high speed and exploding at the moment of impact. This type of attack is extremely destructive, not only causing serious damage to the hull of the ship, but also posing a huge threat to the lives of the crew.

The Houthis exposed the actual combat footage of the "flood" unmanned boat automatically turning to attack merchant ships! Explode in an instant

This military technology of the Houthis has attracted global attention and concern. On the one hand, the characteristics of unmanned boats, such as high speed and automatic steering, make them a new weapon in naval warfare; On the other hand, the misuse of this technology can also lead to the use of unmanned boats for terrorist activities or criminal acts.

For the international community, maritime security is of paramount importance. We need to strengthen international cooperation and develop stricter norms and laws to address this emerging threat. It is only by working together that we can ensure the safety of maritime navigation and maintain international order.

The Houthis exposed the actual combat footage of the "flood" unmanned boat automatically turning to attack merchant ships! Explode in an instant

This video released by the Houthis in action is yet another reminder that unmanned boat technology is constantly advancing and evolving, and that they are playing an increasingly important role in the field of warfare and security. We urgently need to strengthen research and regulation to address the threats and challenges in this new situation.

The Houthis exposed the actual combat footage of the "flood" unmanned boat automatically turning to attack merchant ships! Explode in an instant

Whether in the field of maritime security or in the international community, we cannot afford to take it lightly. Only through active actions and cooperation can we ensure that people's lives and property are protected from threats from new types of military technologies.

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