
There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy

author:Said Yifei

Family, today I want to take you into a focus event that has recently set off heated discussions on the Internet. On June 28, a video exploded on the Internet like a bombshell. This video shows a bizarre scene in a school cafeteria in Zhumadian, Henan Province: because there are no seats in the school cafeteria, the bustling students cannot sit around and enjoy the food, but stand neatly like soldiers, holding a plate in their hands, and can only stand to eat.

There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy

The explanation of this phenomenon is that this arrangement can promote the physical activity of the students, so that they can get exercise in addition to the intense study. This explanation is understood and supported by some parents. However, such a regulation is like a stone thrown into a calm lake, which has aroused heated discussions among netizens.

There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy

Some netizens were indignant, bluntly saying that this was disrespectful to the students, and it was a violation of their rights, and some netizens even suggested that the person who formulated this regulation should personally experience the taste of standing and eating. There was no shortage of humor and sarcasm in the discussion, with some jokingly comparing the phenomenon to scenes in prisons and others questioning the layout of the school cafeteria.

There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy
There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy

Others pay more attention to the actual experience of the students, and they believe that even if they want to pursue physical exercise, they should first ensure that the students have a comfortable living environment. It was also carefully discovered that there was also a gender division in the school's cafeteria, which undoubtedly added some complexity to the discussion.

There was a lot of talk about not having chairs in the cafeteria, and the school responded that students should eat standing up: standing is healthy

Today, the debate is not just about whether to eat standing up, it has also touched the public's attention to the rights of students and the educational environment. Different people, from different perspectives, gave diverse feedback. So, what do you think about the phenomenon of students standing up to eat without chairs in the school cafeteria? Feel free to leave a message in the comment area and share your views!


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