
She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

author:Wukong talks about history

In 1935, he participated in and led the December 9 Anti-Japanese Salvation Movement, setting off a new upsurge in the nationwide anti-Japanese salvation movement. After that, Gu Jingsheng, under the leadership of our party, defeated the Japanese invaders and the Kuomintang and won the final victory of the revolution.

She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Gu Jingsheng served as deputy political commissar of the Air Defense Force, director of the Mass Work Department of the General Political Department, and deputy political commissar of the Guangzhou Military Region, and was awarded the rank of major general in 1955. It is worth mentioning that Gu Jingsheng and Bo Yibo are still in-laws, and he has a daughter who is Bo Yibo's daughter-in-law.

The person we are going to talk about today is Gu Jingsheng's wife, named Fan Chengxiu. Fan Chengxiu was born in 1922, a native of Xiuwu, Henan, born into a family of intellectuals and received a good education from an early age. It was also with the education that Fan Chengxiu's horizons were broadened, and she also began to care about the future and destiny of the country, and longed for the country to become strong.

She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

In 1937, after the outbreak of the Anti-Japanese War, in the face of Japanese aggression, Fan Chengxiu was particularly indignant, and she was eager to take up arms to resist the invaders and drive them out of her homeland. In November, Fan Chengxiu took his younger brother to participate in the revolution, entered the anti-Japanese guerrilla detachment in the southern district of Taihang, served as a propagandist, and devoted himself to the propaganda work of resisting Japan and saving the country.

In 1938, Fan Chengxiu was sent to the North China Military and Political Cadre School for training, and in November, she joined our party. After graduating, Fan Chengxiu was active in the Taihang area for a long time, extensively engaged in women's work, and mobilized women to support the front line, providing a large amount of material support for the anti-Japanese front and promoting the victory of the anti-Japanese war.

During the War of Liberation, Fan Chengxiu successively carried out the work of women and organizations in Linxian County, Bangxian County and other places, she widely publicized the principles and policies of our party, devoted herself to the establishment and restoration of grassroots organizations and the training of cadres, and in her many years of fighting career, she was not afraid of hardships and dangers, and successfully completed the tasks assigned by the organization many times, and contributed to the final victory of the revolution.

She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Fan Chengxiu devoted herself to the construction of New China with active and full enthusiasm for work, she successively engaged in the work of women and organizations in Linying County and Kunming City, in 1951, Fan Chengxiu entered the Marxist-Leninist Institute to study, after four years of study, she systematically studied the theory of Marxism-Leninism, and laid the foundation for the important post in the future.

After leaving the Marxist-Leninist Institute, Fan Chengxiu joined the Beijing Municipal East Fourth District Committee as the head of the Propaganda Department, and concurrently served as the deputy director of the Party Building Teaching and Research Office of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee. Unfortunately, in 1957, during the Anti-Rightist Movement, 35-year-old Fan Chengxiu was classified as a "rightist" and was impacted.

She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

The main reason why Fan Chengxiu was classified as a "rightist" was that she spoke for some young intellectuals, and her husband was being reused at that time, in order not to implicate her husband, Fan Chengxiu took the initiative to divorce her husband, but Gu Jingsheng refused to divorce his wife, and always stood with his wife.

In January 1963, Fan Chengxiu resumed work and entered the Philosophy Teaching and Research Department of the Party School of the Beijing Municipal Party Committee, and in 1966, after the beginning of the ten-year catastrophe, Fan Chengxiu was also affected, but she was determined, always believed in the organization, and survived that special historical period with her tenacious will.

She is Bo Yibo's in-laws, who were classified as "rightists" at the age of 35, and her husband refused to divorce

In 1978, Fan Chengxiu restored all her reputation, after which she went to Xinjiang to work for a while, leaving in 1988 to recuperate. After his retirement, Fan Chengxiu still cared about the socialist construction of the motherland, and actively participated in the activities of the branch, donating money and materials for charity and public welfare. In his later years, Fan Chengxiu mainly lived in Beijing and enjoyed sub-provincial medical treatment. In 2021, Fan Chengxiu died of illness in Beijing at the age of 99.