
Chinese-style modernization is a week of deep government

author:Shenzhen Satellite TV Deepvision News

On June 30, the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened for trial operation.

Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, President of the People's Republic of China, and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, sent a congratulatory letter to express warm congratulations and sincere greetings to all comrades involved in the planning and construction.

The steel dragon Tengwan area, Changhong lying wave frame thoroughfare.

This cross-sea cluster project, which is currently the most difficult in the world's comprehensive construction, has attracted the world's attention - 10 international leading technologies have been formed in the construction process, and 10 "world's best" have been created, writing a wonderful page in the construction of a transportation power.


In his congratulatory letter, General Secretary Xi Jinping pointed out that the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor is another super-large transportation project completed in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area after the Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge, which has overcome a number of world-class technical problems and set a number of world records. All the participants completed the project task with high quality with hard work and perseverance. This fully shows that Chinese-style modernization is achieved through hard work, and great undertakings are accomplished through solid work.

Chinese-style modernization is a week of deep government

A passage forged by hard work

On the occasion of the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, initiated by Shenzhen Radio and Television Group, Zhongshan Radio and Television Station and many media in various cities in the Greater Bay Area launched the "Greater Bay Area Great Connectivity, Great Future!" -- The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor was officially opened to traffic, and the Bay Area Cities United All-Media Live Broadcast is being broadcast.

In the live broadcast, citizens, merchants and other people from all walks of life expressed their longing and outlook for the integration of the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary in the metropolitan area, industrial cooperation, and integrated development after the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor.

Today, it's not just the Shenzhong Channel. With the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, the second phase of the Guangzhou-Shenzhen Yanjiang Expressway and other roads connected to it, as well as cross-city buses and other transportation services between the two places, will also be opened simultaneously, and a criss-crossing super transportation network will be activated.


In addition to transportation, government services related to the work and life of the two cities are also well connected. Last month, for example, I found at the government affairs service center of Cuiheng New District in Zhongshan that there was already a special window for Shenzhen's citizens and enterprises. This week, Shenzhen Zhongshan also officially announced that the provident fund of the two places has also achieved mutual recognition.

Behind this is inseparable from the joint efforts of all fields in the cities on the east and west banks of the Pearl River Estuary. For example, before the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, on May 10, Meng Fanli, Secretary of the Shenzhen Municipal Party Committee, and Qin Weizhong, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, met with Chen Yong, Secretary of the Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Hengqin Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Huang Zhihao, Deputy Secretary of the Zhuhai Municipal Party Committee and Mayor, and Nie Xinping, Deputy Secretary of the Hengqin Working Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and Director of the Hengqin Office of the Provincial Government. The two sides discussed and exchanged views on continuing to promote practical cooperation in various fields such as infrastructure connectivity, industrial development and convenient services.

On May 31, Meng Fanli, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, led the responsible comrades of the relevant departments and districts directly under the municipal government to Zhongshan City for study and inspection, paying attention to and emphasizing the major historical opportunity of seizing the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, and further planning to promote high-level all-round pragmatic cooperation between the two places, so as to better serve and integrate into the new development pattern.

After the opening of the Shenzhen-Zhongshan Corridor, Shenzhen and other localities will continue to serve the new needs of citizens and enterprises, and continue to promote "hard connectivity" and soft connectivity through "hard work".

Shenzhen, with hard work

Promote Chinese-style modernization

This week, a number of important events and achievements in Shenzhen tell us that Chinese-style modernization has been done.

On June 24, the National Science and Technology Conference, the National Science and Technology Award Conference, and the Academician Conference of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Academy of Sciences were held in Beijing. Academician Xue Qikun won the highest national science and technology award, and Xue Qikun, 61-year-old academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, professor of Tsinghua University and president of Southern University of Science and Technology, became the youngest winner in the history of the award.


In this national science and technology award selection, 25 general projects and 1 individual selection in Shenzhen won awards, and the total number of awards hit a record high; In addition, the projects led and participated by enterprises accounted for 84% of all award-winning projects, and the main position of enterprise innovation was prominent.

Shenzhen has always focused on the long-term, actively cultivated strategic emerging industries and future industries, accelerated the formation of new quality productivity, paid close attention to the needs of enterprises, optimized the supply mechanism of scientific research resources, and supported enterprise innovation and industrial development in an all-round way.

How to continue to accelerate the construction of an industrial science and technology innovation center with global influence and build an all-round innovation city? This award-winning breakthrough and the demonstration of enterprise vitality will continue to strengthen Shenzhen's determination to promote high-quality development and build a modern industrial system with "hard work".

On the evening of June 28, the first national-level AI festival "2024 China· AI Festival" was broadcast, and this major event chose to be recorded in Shenzhen, which is to take a fancy to Shenzhen's development in the field of artificial intelligence. Shenzhen is one of the first batch of national new-generation artificial intelligence innovation and development pilot zones and national artificial intelligence innovation and application pilot zones, bringing together a number of high-tech enterprises and top research institutions in the field of AI, such as Huawei and Tencent, and has initially formed a complete industrial chain of the artificial intelligence industry covering the basic layer, technical layer and application layer.

Chinese-style modernization is a week of deep government

Also on June 28, the artificial intelligence-assisted trial system independently developed by the Shenzhen Intermediate People's Court was put into operation, marking the official opening of the country's first large model in the vertical field of judicial trial, which is a landmark demonstration of Shenzhen in the integrated application field of "artificial intelligence +" and "data element ×".

A new application landing, the national ceremony to choose Shenzhen, are Shenzhen's long-term hard work rooted in the development of artificial intelligence, next, continue to create a global artificial intelligence pioneer city, in the field of artificial intelligence to play a greater role, Shenzhen also rely on "hard work".

On June 29th, the third stop of the Spring Race of the 3rd Rowing League of the X9 Alliance of Shenzhen Xili Lake International Science and Education City was held in the Dasha River Ecological Corridor in Nanshan District. In this competition, the international "circle of friends" continued to expand, attracting more than 600 domestic and foreign players, including Oxford University and Cambridge University.


A number of rivers, including the Dasha River, have attracted athletes from all over the world to cut through the waves, thanks to Shenzhen's previous efforts to control the water environment, and the spirit of hard work embodied in the improvement of the water environment has also provided assistance for Shenzhen to achieve "symbiosis between man and water" in the future.

Chinese-style modernization is achieved through hard work, and great undertakings are achieved through hard work.

Shenzhen will continue to take "hard work" as a practical action, and resolutely take the lead in promoting Chinese-style modernization.

Writer / Zhao Chang

Editor / Xu Zijun Cao Mingshan

Proofreading / Pang Shifan

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