
Flood control "watchmen" in the col

author:Guangzhou Railway

At 8 o'clock on June 27, the fog on the Lishui River was filled with fog and rippling with the wind, enveloping the Baimaxi line work area of the Zhangjiajie Public Works Section of the Guangzhou Railway Group, and the mountains of Baimaxi Village, Cili County, Hunan Province after the rain were also full of mystery and tranquility. Halfway up the hill of Baimaxi Station, from a distance, several yellow figures moved slowly on the Jiaoliu Railway.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

"1435 mm, normal data." Liu Jie, a young worker, bent down, holding a ruler in his hand, carefully inspected an insulating joint in front of the station, accurately recorded the inspection data in the record book, and continued to move forward in the direction of the Baimaxi Tunnel.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

Liu Jie is the deputy foreman of the Baimaxi Line Work Area of the Zhangjiajie Public Works Section, and Liu Jie's task that day was to take the staff of the work area to investigate the equipment disease on the 4-kilometer line from Baimaxi Station to Xikou Town Station, combined with the weekly inspection task, and at the same time carry out flood control investigation on the Class I flood control points and along the line.

At about 10 o'clock, after the inspection of the turnout and the investigation of the disease of the line, Liu Jie and his workers had to march to the Class I flood control point. The 928 kilometers of the Jiaoliu Line is a Class I flood control point, and the flood control pressure in the rainy season has become a key problem that the employees of the Baimaxi Line Construction Area must overcome.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

As the team leader, Liu Jie kept in mind the five flood control guards in the pipe, especially the Class I flood control points, and he had to go up the mountain every week to investigate. He said: During the special period, it is necessary to tighten the string of flood prevention and flood control, and dare not relax in the slightest.

"There are many dangerous rocks in this flood control point, the slope is high and steep and loose, and the safety hazard of collapse and rockfall is greater." During the inspection of hiking equipment, Liu Jie also observed and checked the identification of the location of the disease on the mountain, and observed all the non-displacement changes at the key points. The distance of nearly 4 kilometers takes more than 1 hour each time it is checked, and it is necessary to take photos and records from time to time during the period.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

When I came to the detention room, I met Xu Hong, a worker who had been guarding here for 6 consecutive days. The Class I flood control point implements a 24-hour guard system, and 4 people in the work area take turns to eat and live in a small house of more than 10 square meters between the mountain passes. During the weekly shift handover, Xu Hong, like other colleagues, carries bags full of vegetables.

"The mineral content of the water in the mountains is too high, and the guard point delivers bottled water from the Xikou work area every week. Because of the steep slope of the road, the engineering vehicles can only be sent to Wubaoxi Village at the foot of the mountain. Two people carried 20 buckets of water uphill and downhill with their shoulders, and it took more than 1 hour to move back and forth. Liu Jie said.

After docking with Xu Hong for nearly a week of inspection and guarding, and asking about the flood control emergency response process, Liu Jie told Master Xu with confidence that he should pay attention to his personal safety and stand on the last day of the week.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

The weather in Xiangxi is getting hotter, and mosquitoes are a big test for the guards, even if they are fully armed and apply anti-insect drugs, mosquitoes can bite through their clothes and pants, and the "swollen places" on their bodies disappear from one another. The bottle of cool oil at the bottom of the table was seen by Liu Jie, and he was going to bring some mosquito coils and flower water when he came over next.

After greeting Xu Hong for a while, Liu Jie prepared to return to the work area. Picked up the mobile phone and looked at the recent weather, and the prompt of "flash flood disaster risk warning in Hunan Province" popped up in the mobile phone, and it was generally heavy to heavy rain in Hunan in the next 3 days......

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

In addition to the Class I flood control points, there are also 5 Class II flood control points in the work area, and they have to take turns patrolling and guarding when it rains. At present, the Hunan region is in the flood season, and the rainfall in the Wuling Mountain area has lasted for nearly 20 days. In order to ensure that the flood control guards are foolproof, Liu Jie has taken the initiative to arrange the shift schedule, flood control equipment, drinking water and dry food for the patrol personnel in advance every time.

At 11:30, Liu Jie, who returned to the work area, took out the walkie-talkie and Tianyi mobile phone from the spare parts bag and charged them, and sorted and neatly placed various spare parts such as signal flags, signal lights, and snake medicine on the cabinet of the flood control patrol area. "If you encounter a sudden danger, you can bring flood control equipment as soon as possible and arrive at the post as soon as possible." Liu Jie said.

Flood control "watchmen" in the col

The train passed safely in front of the work area, looking at the rolling mountains and the crackling raindrops, Liu Jie turned around and sat in front of the computer to sort out the data recorded in the day's work. "No matter how long this rain falls, I must do a good job of flood control and protect the safety of line equipment, so that I can be sure." Liu Jie said.

Produced by the Rong Media Center of China Railway Guangzhou Bureau Group Co., Ltd

Text: Correspondent Zhangjiajie Public Works Section Huang Anyue Ou Chaoke

Editor: Peng Xuan

Review: Zhao Deng, Zhao Yue

Producer: Zeng Jiamei