
Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

author:Shijiazhuang popularization of law

Sunday, June 30, the twenty-fifth day of the fifth lunar month

Cover News

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

Two hospitals were notified of suspected fraud and insurance fraud The National Health Insurance Bureau reported on the 29th that in this year's national medical insurance fund flight inspection, Shenyang Linji Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital in Liaoning Province and Jincheng Original Seed Farm Staff Hospital in Liaoning Province were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud. At present, the National Health Insurance Administration has instructed the flight inspection team to transfer the problem to the local medical insurance department for handling, and will pay close attention to the follow-up disposal to ensure that the investigation and handling of fraud and insurance fraud cases are in place. The medical insurance departments of Shenyang City and Jinzhou City have suspended the payment of medical insurance for relevant hospitals, and at the same time handed over the clues to the public security organs for processing. (CCTV News)

Hard news

1. The "Regulations on the Administration of Rare Earths" will come into force on October 1 The "Regulations on the Administration of Rare Earths" has been adopted at the 31st executive meeting of the State Council on April 26, 2024, and will come into force on October 1, 2024. (Chinese government website)

2. Ministry of Education: On the 29th, the majority of college entrance examination candidates and parents were reminded that they should understand and confirm the examination enrollment policies and information from official channels. (WeChat public account)

3. Ministry of Water Resources: Since the 20th, the cumulative rainfall in the Ussuri River basin has been 91 mm, ranking first in the same period since 1961. As a result, the main stream of the upper reaches of the Ussuri River experienced the largest flood since measured data. At present, Heilongjiang Province has launched a flood prevention level IV emergency response, and the Ministry of Water Resources has sent a working group to the front line to help guide the flood prevention work of the Ussuri River. (Ministry of Water Resources website)

4. State Administration for Market Regulation: On the 28th, the "Measures for the Supervision and Administration of Food Labels (Draft for Comments)" was open to the public for comments. The draft strengthens the labeling requirements for prepackaged food as a whole, increasing the minimum height of text and number labeling on the label from 1.8 mm to 1.8 mm, 2 mm and 2.5 mm respectively according to the size of the packaging area. At the same time, it focuses on strengthening the labeling requirements for production date and shelf life expiration date. (

5. China Securities Regulatory Commission: Recently, it has carried out research on further deepening the reform of the capital market in an all-round way, emphasizing that it will adhere to the principle of "opening the door to evaluate and reform", strengthen market communication, listen extensively and carefully study the opinions and suggestions of all aspects, reform and improve the relevant systems and rules in a timely manner, and quickly launch a number of typical cases with exemplary significance. (SFC website)

6. National Medical Security Administration: The adjustment of the 2024 National Medical Insurance Drug List will be officially launched on July 1. The adjustment of the catalogue will add provisions on ensuring the supply of drugs and include them in the assessment management, and urge pharmaceutical companies to do a good job in market supply after negotiation and inclusion in the medical insurance catalogue, so as to better protect the rights and interests of the majority of insured patients. (National Healthcare Security Administration website)

7. The mainland successfully launched the Zhongxing-3A satellite On the 29th, the mainland used the Long March-7 carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Site to successfully launch the Zhongxing-3A satellite, and the satellite successfully entered the predetermined orbit, and the launch mission was a complete success. The satellite is a communication and broadcasting satellite, which can provide users with voice, data, radio and television transmission services. (CCTV News)

Hot news

1. Customs seized 1.1 tons of old clothes and foreign garbage Recently, Hefei Xinqiao Airport Customs found that the goods were shirts, jackets, jeans and other old clothes with obvious stains and traces of wear, totaling 1.1 tons. After identification, the goods belong to the foreign garbage prohibited from being imported by the mainland, and the customs will investigate the legal responsibility in accordance with the law. (Customs issued WeChat public account)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

2. Filipinos choked up: I don't want my country to become a battlefield On the 28th, the 70th anniversary of the promulgation of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence was held. Lambino, chairman of the Philippine Association for Chinese Understanding, choked up with tears at the forum. He said that the United States is undermining Sino-Philippine relations, "There are nine US military bases in the Philippines, and I don't want my country to become a battlefield." (

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

3. The World Pot Meat Competition kicked off On the 29th, the World Pot Meat Competition opened in Jilin City, Jilin Province, with nearly 300 chefs at home and abroad competing on the same field, with a diameter of 1.1 meters giant pot meat, spicy, durian, five kernels and other different flavors of innovative "fancy" pot meat have "played", and the competition scene was filled with attractive fragrance. The competition is guided by the World Federation of Chinese Cuisine Industry and the Department of Commerce of Jilin Province, and co-sponsored by the Food Culture Research Association of Jilin Province and the Bureau of Commerce of Jilin City. (

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

On the 27th, the Deputy Commander of UNIFIL presented the first prize of the "UNIFIL Annual Environmental Award" to the 22nd batch of Chinese peacekeeping troops in Lebanon, which was the first time that the peacekeeping force in Lebanon won the award since its establishment. Since its deployment in December last year, the unit has continued to carry out energy conservation and emission reduction campaigns, strictly classified garbage, stored and disposed of at designated points, and contributed to promoting local environmental protection. (CCTV Military)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

5. Japan Will Publish a Collection of Materials on the Japanese Army's Invasion of China Japanese historian Makoto Matsuno also held a press conference with Japan's Fuji Publishing House on the 29th, saying that it will officially publish the "Information on the Relationship of the Army Noborito Research Institute" on July 7. The collection lasted for five years, collected a large number of real historical materials, restored the crimes committed by the Japanese army that invaded China, and was an important historical evidence of the "economic warfare" and other special operations carried out by the Japanese army against China. (CCTV News Client)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

Embarrassing news

1. The man reversed in the emergency lane and said, "I think I can" Recently, the police in Nanjing, Jiangsu Province found a car reversing in the emergency lane, and the man driving the car said: "I think I can." The police criticized and educated the driver, informed him of the danger of reversing in the emergency lane, and imposed a fine of 200 yuan and 12 points on his driver's license in accordance with the law. (Nanjing Traffic Police)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

2. The woman used dental floss to "pick" 5,900 yuan in her best friend's piggy bank On the 29th, it was reported that Ms. Yang and her neighbor Meng in Shenyang, Liaoning Province often exchanged experiences in raising dogs, and over time they became best friends. Ms. Yang was busy with work, and Meng offered to help walk the dog. Ms. Yang was very grateful and told her where the key to her house was. Once, Meng borrowed money from Ms. Yang, and when he saw Ms. Yang withdrawing money from the piggy bank, he used dental floss to "pick" the money on the pretext of helping to walk the dog, and successively stole 5,900 yuan in cash from Ms. Yang's piggy bank. At present, Meng has been detained in accordance with the law. (Ping An Shenyang)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

Warm news

1. The man fell into the water 3 times when he was fishing in the rain, and the auxiliary police rescued him 3 times A few days ago, a man in Maitreya, Yunnan accidentally fell into the water while fishing on a rainy day, and Zhao Yanfu, an auxiliary police officer who passed by, saw this and immediately rescued him. After going ashore, the man was about to drag the fishing box out of the water, but his feet slipped and fell into the water again, and Zhao Yanfu rescued the man ashore again. Unexpectedly, looking at the fishing box floating in the water, the man accidentally slipped into the water again, Zhao Yanfu rescued the man ashore again and sent him home. (Yunnan Police)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

2. A girl who learns broadcasting helps her uncle record and sell chestnuts Recently, a girl who studied broadcasting in Shanghai saw that the uncle who sold fried chestnuts with sugar was not doing well, and felt that there was a reason why the recording was not clear in the loudspeaker, so she took the initiative to help the uncle re-record, and the effect was quite good! (@浙江日报)

Two hospitals were suspected of fraud and insurance fraud, and were notified of "News Fast Food" for three minutes a day, taking you to a quick overview of the world

International News

1. Russia strongly protests Japan's planned military exercises near the Russian border The Russian Foreign Ministry responded on the 28th that "Japan plans to hold joint military exercises with Germany and Spain near the Russian border", and the Russian side has lodged a strong protest with the Japanese side, saying that it will fully take countermeasures. (CCTV News)

2. No candidate gets more than half of the votes, and the Iranian presidential election will enter the second round of voting On the 29th, the Iranian Ministry of the Interior announced that the counting of votes in the presidential election was completed. None of the four presidential candidates received more than half of the vote, so the top two candidates with the highest number of votes in this round will advance to the second round of voting. In the second round of voting, former Iranian Health Minister Pezeshkian will compete with Iran's former chief nuclear negotiator, Jalili. (CCTV News)

Source: An Jian, head of the Central Political and Legal Commission

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