
The cake baked in the electric baking pan is hard, it turns out that because of this, the chef teaches you a few tricks, and the pot is fragrant and soft

author:A little crispy to see the food
The cake baked in the electric baking pan is hard, it turns out that because of this, the chef teaches you a few tricks, and the pot is fragrant and soft

In this world, there are things that seem simple, but they have puzzling little tricks. Just like the pancake, it is a few simple steps, but it takes a lot of effort to make a fragrant and soft cake. I used to be an inexperienced baker, but after some practice and the guidance of the chef, I can now confidently say that the cakes baked in my electric baking pan are not only fragrant, but also soft and delicious!

First, let me share a common mistake I made: the main reason for the hard cake turned out to be that I added too much flour to the recipe! Yes, I always thought that adding more flour would make the cake more "tough", but it backfired. Later, I learned that the secret of authentic soft cakes lies in the precision of proportions. Generally speaking, the authentic electric baking pan pan recipe is 1 part flour with 0.6 parts water. This ratio may seem simple, but it is the key to hardness.

The cake baked in the electric baking pan is hard, it turns out that because of this, the chef teaches you a few tricks, and the pot is fragrant and soft

Secondly, the temperature and time of the pancake are also crucial. At first, I was always in a hurry to preheat the pan to its highest temperature, but the crust was easily charred, but the inside was not yet fully cooked. Later, I learned a little trick: before baking the cake, adjust the temperature of the electric baking pan to a medium-low setting, so that the crust can be heated evenly, and the baked cake will not only have a uniform color, but also a fuller taste.

In addition, I also found that the method used to make the pancakes also had a great influence. At first, I was always in a hurry to turn the dough, and as a result, the crust cracked easily or became uneven. Later, I learned a safe method: first burn a slight golden brown on one side and then gently turn it over. Doing so will ensure the integrity and aesthetics of the cake, and the softness of the inside will be better guaranteed.

The cake baked in the electric baking pan is hard, it turns out that because of this, the chef teaches you a few tricks, and the pot is fragrant and soft

Finally, it is worth mentioning that the choice of good oil is also a part of the pancake that cannot be ignored. Although some oils are cheap, the baked cakes have a strange smell that affects the overall taste. I recommend choosing some vegetable oils, such as corn oil or peanut oil, which have better stability and high temperature resistance, and the baked cake has a purer aroma and better taste.

In summary, the key to creating a soft and delicious cake in an electric baking pan is to have the right recipe ratio, the right temperature control, the right turning technique and the right choice of cooking oil. These little tricks, seemingly simple, can greatly increase your pancake skills. I hope my experience will help you and make delicious pancakes at home with ease and will be appreciated by the whole family!

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