
That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

author:El Sky

Today's third is more simply about the news we saw.

1. "Reincarnation Paradise" will resume updating on July 2

That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

The text has been interrupted for nearly a year and nearly three months, and the situation description has also been interrupted for more than nine months, and "Reincarnation Paradise" has been resurrected.

Just this afternoon, "That Mosquito" posted a single chapter about his current situation after a long absence.

The body has initially recovered, and the novel is scheduled to resume updating on July 2nd.

That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

As soon as a single chapter came out, readers' enthusiasm for voting soared, and today it is expected to exceed 10,000 votes in a single day, and the monthly ticket list is about to run to the top 50 for a long time.

The reincarnation paradise has been closed for more than a year, and the monthly ticket list has basically not fallen out of the top 100. The monthly pass is stable at more than 10,000 every month, and there are still many true love readers.

After the second update, I believe that the ranking will quickly return to the previous level.

In short, the little partner No. 2, who is more concerned about his state, can go and take a look. I believe that after this resumption of the update, there will be a more stable performance.

2, "Xiangong Kaiwu" 420,000 words and 10,000 orders are being serialized

That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

Gu Zhenren's new book "Immortal Creation" was filled with 200,000 VIP words today, and he got the 10,000 order badge. This is also the fourth book on the shelves this month to get the 10,000 badge that month.

When the novel No. 3 was put on the shelves, it was first ordered 24 hours after 56555, and it should be about to catch up with the first order at present.

Although the first order when it was put on the shelves did not meet many people's expectations, the performance has been stable since it was launched. I believe that with the increase in the number of words in the future, the grades should continue to rise steadily.

I've only read a little bit of the novel when it was launched.,The genius protagonist started from hiding clumsy.,I don't know where it's developed now.,If you have a friend who is watching, you might as well talk about it.。

3. "What is an offensive order" exceeded 10,000 orders with 940,000 words

That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

"This is very scientific" The new book "What is an offensive order" also broke 10,000 orders today.

When the novel was put on the shelves on April 1st, it was first ordered at more than 4,000 orders, and it was ordered for three months, which was the same as his previous "What is a wandering mid-list" at the same speed.

Of course, compared with his last book of Tianwang's work "What is Hexagonal Jungle", it was put on the shelves very quickly, and the speed of ten thousand orders was still a little slow.

However, three LOL novels with different perspectives can get 10,000 orders in a row, and his stable performance in this theme is really extraordinary. The information of his LOL novels is more detailed, and the deduction is more rigorous, so if you are interested in this kind of theme, you can try it.

4. Yi Wei Crab's new book "Restricted Fantasy Invasion" was launched

That mosquito "Reincarnation Paradise" will be updated on July 2nd, this is very scientific, Gu Zhenren's new book is ten thousand book

When I was about to publish the article, I found that Yi Wei Crab had also opened a new book "Restricted Fantasy Invasion". Depending on the situation, it will be a love harem Shura field theme. If you are interested in this type of novel, you can also pay attention to it.

His "Yaren Niang Completion Manual" was completely completed in the middle of last month, and the results were set in ten thousand years, and there was a new book after a month and a half of rest, which was also relatively fast.

So that's all for this issue, that's all for today, and we'll see you tomorrow.

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