
What color clothes to wear that are not easy to be bitten by mosquitoes?

author:Look at Suzhou

Well? Or to put it another way

How to make mosquitoes bite others scientifically

Step 1: Wear yourself in light-colored pajamas

Step 2: Have the subject wear dark clothing


No way, after all

Light-colored clothing is more mosquito-proof

What color clothes to wear that are not easy to be bitten by mosquitoes?

▲ Bottom picture source: Xiaohongshu @ Mo and Tong

Like humans, mosquitoes have their own "color preferences".

Mosquitoes tend to be darker and prefer to move in dark or low-light environments, as such an environment makes mosquitoes feel safer and less easy to detect.

What color clothes to wear that are not easy to be bitten by mosquitoes?

▲ Source: Zhihu

Dark clothes such as black form a dark background that mosquitoes like, and are more "favored" by mosquitoes;

Light-colored clothes such as white reflect a stronger light, creating a bright background, which makes mosquitoes feel unsafe and reluctant to approach.

Bao, I didn't expect it

To prevent mosquitoes, you have to learn how to dress

Don't want mosquitoes to come near you

Remember to remind them

Wear light-colored clothing

What color clothes to wear that are not easy to be bitten by mosquitoes?

▲ Bottom map source: Little Red Book

Source: Institute of Disinfection and Vector Biological Control, Shenzhen Center for Disease Control and Prevention

Edit: Mochi

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