
Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

author:Positive life in Beijing

When it comes to teaching girls to learn to say no, that is, to learn to say "no", many parents may not be too concerned: "Won't my daughter even say 'no'?" That's right, usually at home, especially with their parents, girls do often say "no". For example, if breakfast isn't to her taste, she might pout and say, "I don't want to eat this breakfast today!" When it gets cold and her mom tells her to wear more clothes, she might protest, "No, I want to wear that nice dress!" "Look, our little girl has a lot of ideas!

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

However, when faced with other situations, the girl may not be so afraid to refuse outright.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

For example, there is a middle school girl in Shandong Province, who first ran away from home because of rumors in the school that caused her studies to decline, and then chose to run away from home because of the boys' pursuits.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

She wrote in her diary: I am really troubled. The atmosphere in our class is not good, and there are always various rumors. Once, rumors actually pointed at me, saying that I was in a relationship. Actually, I just said a few words to the boys at the front and back tables, is this considered a random relationship? I really couldn't stand this misunderstanding, and my academic performance dropped a lot because of it.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

I wasn't in a good mood that day, and there was a boy in the class who came to comfort me, and I really appreciated him. But unexpectedly, he later began to write love letters to me, and said that if I didn't agree to him, he would commit suicide. I didn't like him, but I was worried that he would do something stupid, so I agreed to meet him and wanted to make it clear to him. I told him many times that we couldn't do it, but he still said he was going to kill himself. I was so frightened that I pretended to say yes to him for the time being.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

One night during self-study, he asked me out, and I went. I didn't expect him to suddenly hug me and kiss me. I pushed him and hit him hard, but he wouldn't let go. I felt insulted and shameless, so I ran away from home.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

In fact, it is normal for adolescent girls to encounter boys' pursuits. Everyone began to pay attention to the opposite sex and had expectations for relationships. But the problem is that many girls don't know how to reject others and don't know how to protect themselves.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

Parents should teach their daughters to learn to say no and say "no" out loud if they meet a boy they don't like. If you are worried that you will hurt the other person by refusing directly, you can be tactful, such as telling him: "We are still young, the main task is to study, and I can't accept this feeling." "But the attitude of refusal must be resolute and not ambiguous.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

If the other party is very stubborn, you can teach your daughter to promise him temporarily and stabilize him, and then immediately tell the parents or teachers so that they can help deal with it. But the daughter must remember that even if she agrees temporarily, she cannot accept any excessive demands from the other party, and she must protect herself.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: Teach a girl to be brave enough to say "no", an important lesson on the road to growth