
Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

author:Positive life in Beijing

Adolescent girls, they are like flowers waiting to bloom, and each girl has her own "secret garden". We want these flowers to thrive and bloom in their healthiest and most beautiful blooms.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

And this "secret garden" is actually the body that girls need special care for. A healthy, beautiful body is the most valuable asset for girls. But worryingly, some girls now don't care much about their "secret gardens".

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

The obstetrics and gynecology clinic of a hospital did a survey. They found that one day, from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m., more than a dozen girls came to the operation to terminate the early pregnancy. The girls all looked young, the oldest being seventeen or eighteen years old. They may be more "sophisticated" in front of the doctor, but the doctor can still feel the "childishness" in them.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

The doctor also found that there are two time periods every year, and the hospital has a particularly large number of early pregnancy surgeries, that is, February, March and September and October every year, which are just the time after the end of the winter and summer vacations for students.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

Adolescent children, sometimes out of curiosity and lack of knowledge, may impulsively make immature decisions, such as having a relationship with the opposite sex too early. In particular, some girls may be easily hurt if they do not know how to respect and love themselves. It's a shame that these injuries can cause girls to experience painful things like early pregnancies and miscarriages.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

To prevent this from happening, as parents, we need to tell our daughters how to protect their "secret garden", which is their own body. From an early age, mothers should teach their daughters how to take care of their private parts. After entering puberty, mothers should not only prepare hygiene products for their daughters, but also tell them some tips about daily protection. For example, pay attention to personal hygiene and keep the body clean; When interacting with the opposite sex, be reserved and don't have too close contact with each other; In particular, the private parts of the body should not be touched by anyone of the opposite sex.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

Of course, in addition to these, we also need to educate our daughters morally and help them form correct values. But sometimes, despite our concern for them, some girls make mistakes out of curiosity or other reasons. At this time, we should not blame or scold them, but reflect on whether we have not given enough love and education.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

If our daughter does encounter an unplanned pregnancy, we must deal with it calmly and take care of her patiently. At the same time, communicate more with your daughter to help her solve the confusion in her heart, guide her to face this matter correctly, and avoid making the same mistake in the future.

Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

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Characteristics of a girl's growth: a "secret garden" to protect girls

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