
Appreciation of American Literature: "Being a Man and Doing Things"

author:Bereavement Net

The road of life is complicated, there are smooth times, and there are also ups and downs.

It's not easy for anyone to live, and a lifetime of busyness is nothing more than that:

Be a person and do things.

Be a person and know how to do things, so that you can live a happy life in the ups and downs of the world.

Be a man to save face, and do things lightly

As the old saying goes:

"A man lives a face, and a tree lives a skin."

People lose face and have no place to shame; The tree has shed its bark and its life is in danger.

To be a man, you must know how to save face for others, give three points reasonably, and leave three feet for bluntness.

This is self-cultivation, emotional intelligence, and wisdom in dealing with the world.

dismissing people's face, embarrassing people, and cutting off their own back road;

Saving face and making people comfortable is to build a bridge for yourself.

Doing things, it's the opposite.

If you are too face-heavy, you will often not be able to bend down, lower your head, and endure hardship.

I can't earn money, I can't save face, and I can't live a bad life.

Some people, even regard face above all else, do not hesitate to embarrass themselves and wronged their families, but also have to force face.

As everyone knows, face is for others to see.

If the actual interests are harmed for the sake of superficial brilliance, in the end, it is really faceless.

Be a man, know how to take care of the face of others, and leave a line in everything;

It is really wise to be able to put down your own face when you do things.

Appreciation of American Literature: "Being a Man and Doing Things"

Be a man with a conscience, and do things according to rules

It is often said that:

"Be a person first, then do things, people can't do well, things are difficult to achieve."

The most important thing in being a human being is to talk about conscience.

Speaking of conscience means that a person has a natural good heart, can distinguish between right and wrong, and can distinguish between good and evil.

will not steal and cheat for the sake of profit;

We will not stop at nothing to achieve our goals.

As the English poet Reilly said:

"Conscience is the foundation of life."

A conscientious person is honest and trustworthy, upright and righteous.

Being a man is reassuring, and doing things is down-to-earth.

In the same way, a person with a conscience will also follow the rules in his work.

They are more able to compare their hearts to their hearts and understand that everyone has their own difficulties.

Therefore, if you want it, you will fight for it yourself, instead of taking shortcuts and harming the interests of others.

Those who do not belong to themselves will stick to the bottom line and will not let themselves be enslaved by desire.

If you are a person with a conscience, you will get the support of more people;

Doing things according to rules will win the trust of more people.

In this way, the road of life will be smooth.

Appreciation of American Literature: "Being a Man and Doing Things"

Being a man can suffer losses, and doing things can endure hardships

Zeng Shiqiang said:

"Those who will let will always take advantage, and those who will fight will always only fight for a small part."

In many cases, those who can suffer losses only suffer a small loss temporarily.

But his kindness and humility will allow him to win more in the future.

After all, the way of heaven is a reincarnation, and the human heart is also a scale.

The interests you gave up and the grievances you swallowed will eventually come back to you in other ways.

And people who care about everything only have themselves in their hearts and never take into account the feelings of others.

As everyone knows, when the organs are exhausted, it is also the time when the people's hearts are lost.

A master who really knows how to be a man knows how to take the initiative to suffer.

They know that compared to money, people's hearts are the most valuable asset.

Not only that, but people who can suffer losses can often endure hardships in doing things.

After all, when everyone is greedy for comfort, the person who is willing to endure hardship seems to be suffering.

In fact, whether it is the hardship of study or the hardship of work, the more you escape, the more you will suffer from life in the future.

As the poem says:

"Without a cold and bitterness, how can there be plum blossoms."

People who are unwilling to endure hardships, no matter what they do, they will stop at the beginning, and even cheat and play tricks, and they can't do small things well, and they can't do big things for a long time.

And those who can endure hardships are more able to calm down, calm down, and work hard, and often have more achievements.

In this world, it has always been a secret reward for those who can suffer losses and are willing to endure hardships.

Because everything in the world is cause and effect.

If you can suffer losses, you will not suffer big losses in the future; If you can endure hardship, you will not suffer in life.

Appreciation of American Literature: "Being a Man and Doing Things"

Be content, but not content

The economist Samuelson once proposed the famous formula for happiness: happiness = utility ÷ desire.

To put it simply, the smaller a person's desires, the easier it is to be happy.

Reasonable desires can provide people with motivation to move forward, but if they are not satisfied, they will lead people into pain.

For example, when you have the company of your family and look forward to a better material life;

When you have no worries about food and clothing, and you want both children to be well-fed;

When you have healthy and intelligent children, you want them to be well-behaved and obedient and not cause you trouble.

A person who doesn't know how to be content has complaints and dissatisfaction everywhere in his life, so how can he be happy?

Only contentment can lead to peace of mind; Only with peace of mind can we be at ease; Only by being at ease can we be worry-free.

To be a person is always content, but to do things is to be dissatisfied.

Not being satisfied means continuous exploration, excellence, high standards and strict requirements, and self-discipline and self-reflection.

The ancients:

"Take what is above, and take what is in it; Take from it, get it from below; If you take from below, you will get nothing. ”

Being content in your studies and career means standing still and not wanting to forge ahead, but reality does not allow you to covet comfort.

If you are content, you will inevitably lag behind others, be eliminated by the times, and be abandoned by the unit.

People who have truly achieved something will never be satisfied with the status quo, will not let themselves become frogs in warm water, but take the initiative to seek innovation and change.

I agree with one sentence in particular:

"It takes hard work to be good, hard work requires self-discipline, and self-discipline can make people uncomfortable.

If you do something uncomfortable for a long time, you must need motivation, and this motivation comes from being dissatisfied with the status quo. ”

In life, if you want to go further, you need both the wisdom of contentment and the choice of discontentment.

Source: Confucianism