
The footsteps are sonorous to the future丨Documentary of the solid promotion of rural revitalization in Baojiaoping Street

author:Tianyan News

The farmhouses are scattered, the roads are wide and smooth, and the orchards are full of life...... In the villages of Baojiaoping Street, Yuping Dong Autonomous County, the beautiful picture of modern civilization and pastoral scenery blending with each other is slowly unfolding on this fertile field.

In recent years, with the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy as the overall task, Baojiaoping Street has seized the opportunity, fought bravely to be the first, comprehensively promoted the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, and strived to write the answer sheet of rural revitalization.

The industry is thriving and the rural revitalization is full of momentum

There are yellow peach trees at the entrance of the village, yellow peach trees on the roadside, yellow peach trees in the fields, and yellow peach trees on the mountain...... Walking into Wengyang Village, Baojiaoping Street, Yuping Dong Autonomous County, it is like coming to the world of yellow peaches.

"Our village is a 'yellow peach village', and it must live up to its name." Yao Yuanchang, secretary of the party branch of Wengyang Village, said proudly that the small yellow peach not only makes the village famous, but also makes the collective economy and villagers' income rise here.

According to reports, in 2023, Wengyang Village will rely on characteristic industries such as yellow peaches, with a collective net income of more than 570,000 yuan and a per capita disposable income of 18,200 yuan. At the same time that the villagers' pockets are "bulging", the village collective economy is also "breaking the cocoon into a butterfly".

Wengyang Village used to be a well-known second-class poor village, but now it has become a well-known "Yellow Peach Village". The great changes in the village stem from the development of characteristic industries.

Starting from the idea of "adapting measures to local conditions", Wengyang Village integrates resource elements, guides the yellow peach industry to concentrate on contiguous land planting in the countryside, and vigorously develops the high-quality fruits, leisure fishing, and holiday farm industries with local characteristics, and has embarked on a road of strengthening the village and enriching the people with the village party branch as the core, all the villagers as the main body, and the integrated development of primary, secondary and tertiary industries.

The change of Wengyang Village is a vivid portrayal of the unswerving implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, the efforts to improve the rural living environment, the shortcomings of agricultural and rural development, and the building of a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Blood transfusion is not as good as hematopoiesis. Since the implementation of the rural revitalization strategy, Saojiaoping Street has adhered to the guidance of party building, regarded industrial prosperity as the "bull's nose" of rural revitalization, firmly grasped this main line to plan the development path, continuously optimized the agricultural industrial structure, and made continuous efforts in the integration of land, capital, projects and business entities, and achieved agricultural efficiency and farmers' income increase through a series of effective measures, drawing a colorful picture of rural revitalization in the new era.

Innovate the business model. Combine the remediation of abandoned land with the development of rural industries and the development of village collective economy, and explore the integrated development model of "village party organizations + cooperatives + farmers + large grain growers", with the village party organizations taking the lead and being responsible for docking and planning, and using capable large households and cooperatives to cultivate and cultivate on behalf of people, coordinate and integrate cultivated land resources, scientifically and rationally plan, and promote everyone to share the development dividend.

The per capita net income of the population lifted out of poverty was 17,915.68 yuan, an increase of 10.94%; 98 households and 366 people were relocated for poverty alleviation, with a per capita net income of 18,682.9 yuan, an increase of 11.98%. Projects such as farming research, leisure villas, warehousing and logistics, car wash and charging, and enterprise logistics and distribution services have been smoothly promoted, which has strengthened the stamina for the development and growth of the collective economy.

Nowadays, the farmhouse courtyards have a new look, the beautiful villages are strung together into a line, and the seeds sprout hope in the vertical and horizontal of Qianmo...... Rural revitalization, soaphorn ping is in full swing.

Standing at a new starting point, Sajiaoping Street will firmly grasp the key point of "industrial revitalization is the foundation of rural revitalization and the foundation of farmers' prosperity", give full play to the advantages of agricultural resources, make full use of industrial policies, and strive to achieve the prosperity of rural industries.

Ecological livability, people's livelihood answer sheet is full of happiness

After a summer rain, the village is like a paradise surrounded by mountains, with misty green mountains in the distance and houses nearby and green trees on both sides of the village road. The square of the village activity room is a striking cultural wall, and in the corner is a pleasant lotus garden...... These "landscapes" make the old people in the village smile.

"The environment of our village is getting better and better, and there are a lot of flowers and trees planted in front of and behind the house, and it is very comfortable to live in. Everyone has also taken a new look of spirit, and they are all taking the initiative to clean up garbage and care for the environment. In the face of the changes in the "appearance" of the village, the villagers were full of praise.

"In the past, it was okay to throw garbage in the open air, but now the garbage bin is in front of the village, and although it takes a few extra steps, it is good to get used to it." Talking about the changes in the living environment of the village, villager Yang Zhengjia was full of emotion. He said that from littering to garbage collection and transportation devices into the village, now the village is surrounded by green waters and green mountains, and the rural roads are clean and tidy, completely tearing off the label of "dirty and messy".

From the unsightly appearance to the refresh of today's appearance, the gorgeous turn of Caomuyuan Village is a true portrayal of the promotion of the improvement of the rural living environment in Baojiaoping Street.

To create a livable village, it is necessary to let the countryside have both "face" and "lining".

Domestic garbage, manure treatment, domestic sewage, these problems are all "obstacles" to the improvement of the rural living environment.

Knowing that there are tigers in the mountains, he prefers to go to the tiger mountains. With the support of Yuping County's promotion of rural domestic waste management, Baojiaoping Street adheres to the improvement of the rural living environment as an important measure to improve the living conditions of the masses and enhance the people's sense of happiness, and solidly carries out key tasks such as rural toilet revolution, domestic sewage and garbage treatment, and village appearance improvement, and gradually forms a new rural style with a clean and orderly environment and a beautiful environment.

"Thanks to the party's good policies, 8 villager groups are equipped with 10 garbage bins, and PVC garbage cans are also placed in places where the population is relatively concentrated, so that the masses can easily dump garbage." Long Yang, secretary of the party branch of Caomuyuan Village, said that from the source control of garbage delivery, the villagers were afraid of the days of "garbage surrounding the village", and now they have taken the initiative to join in environmental protection, and the appearance of the village has changed greatly.

"Gone are the days of 'garbage blowing in the wind and sewage evaporating'." Villager Long Weikun pointed to the garbage bin and sewage treatment tank not far away.

In order to create a good rural landscape, Sajiaoping Street also actively carries out the most beautiful creation activities such as "beautiful and livable village", "the most beautiful courtyard" and "the most beautiful demonstration community", so that the village is more beautiful and moving, the living environment of the masses is more comfortable and livable, and the masses have more sense of gain and happiness in rural revitalization.

Improve the quality of life and refresh the appearance of the countryside. Baojiaoping Street focuses on the implementation of special actions such as rural domestic waste treatment, domestic sewage treatment, and toilet revolution, and the ecological and livable environment beautifies the countryside and enriches the villagers.

Effective Governance The flowers of civilization are blooming all over the mountain villages

On the shelves of the Huimin Exchange Supermarket in Wengyang Village, edible oil, rice, salt, laundry detergent, toothbrushes, toothpaste and various snacks and drinks are neatly placed, and many villagers are waiting in line to exchange their favorite goods.

"It turns out that our waste paper and waste plastic bottles are piled up everywhere without knowing how to dispose of them. Now there is an exchange supermarket in the village, where you can take waste products to the supermarket to exchange points and buy daily necessities. Villager Xiang Deju took the points book and said with a smile, not only waste products can be exchanged for points, but also participating in voluntary labor such as sanitation and garbage collection in the village can also generate points, and they can also be exchanged for goods cumulatively, which is very popular with the villagers.

Small points are "redeemed" for a great civilization. Through the points exchange supermarket, the villagers can collect the garbage, waste items for classification and processing and send them to the environmental protection exchange supermarket, according to the exchange standards for points exchange, can also be through volunteer service, voluntary patrols, conflict and dispute mediation and other ways to obtain the corresponding points, with the Wengyang Village "civilized supermarket" points book, in the Huimin supermarket according to 9 points equal to 1 yuan to exchange food or articles.

In recent years, Jiaojiaoping Street has continuously improved the rural public cultural service system, cultivated civilized rural customs, good family customs and simple folk customs, and promoted the revitalization of rural culture. Cultivating "integral supermarket" and other civilized practice brands in the new era, so that morality is valuable, civilization is priceless, and morality is gained, and a new path of rural grassroots governance has been created.

Continuously expand the methods and carriers of volunteer service, promote the activities of the new era civilization practice institute (station) in the list, consolidate the achievements of the creation of national civilized villages in Wengyang and Yejiping, increase publicity in various forms, and create a good atmosphere for everyone to support and participate in the creation.

Guide each village (community) to set up a volunteer service team, take the "points supermarket" as the entry point, actively explore and summarize the "points supermarket" to boost the rural customs and civilization mechanism, mobilize the endogenous power of grassroots party organizations, make the service mechanism lively, and make the rural development methods more.

Carry out the environmental sanitation evaluation of each village (community) and the creation of the most beautiful courtyard on a regular basis, reasonably optimize the parking spaces in the community, focus on rectifying the disorderly parking of fire passages and the random placement of corridors, and guide the property and residents of the community to actively carry out greening and beautification actions.

Actively expand the practice of civilization in the new era, create a "red and yellow list" of environmental sanitation and a "rural customs and civilization exposure platform", build a family style and family motto square, compile family style and family motto songs, and actively guide the masses to abandon changing customs and develop good habits, so as to drive the rural atmosphere to continue to improve and improve.

Widely carry out civilized practice activities such as five-star evaluation, five good families, filial piety and respect for relatives, the most beautiful daughter-in-law, the most beautiful in-laws, and the most beautiful Yuping people, enrich the spiritual and cultural life of the masses, and guide the peasant masses to love the party and the country, filial piety and love for relatives, respect righteousness and trustworthiness, and be diligent and thrifty.

We will continue to promote the management of high-priced bride prices and special measures against marriage and funerals, guide the masses to establish a scientific and civilized way of life, and promote the formation of a good situation in which new trends and healthy trends can be spread and stereotypes and bad habits must be changed.

A series of pragmatic and effective long-term mechanisms have allowed the practice of civilization to take root and integrate into the bones of cadres and the masses, becoming a conscious action.

The countryside is clean, the people are pure, the thoughts are together, and the energy is enough. The rich and colorful civilization creation activities are like spring dew, giving birth to the flower of civilization, and also playing the strong voice of the times of rural revitalization.

The rhythm of the earth is a clarion call, and rural revitalization is at the right time. The vast fields of Baojiaoping Street are filled with songs of harvest, and the appearance of the countryside is moving towards the goal of "thriving industry, livable ecology, civilized rural customs, effective governance, and affluent life".

Guizhou Daily Tianyan News reporter Ge Yongzhi

Edited by Bai Chunxia

Second instance Yang Cong

Third trial Zhu Xie

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