
Weekly Fortification Inventory | This week's "Fortifications" collection will share → with you

author:Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions
Weekly Fortification Inventory | This week's "Fortifications" collection will share → with you
Weekly Fortification Inventory | This week's "Fortifications" collection will share → with you

Full-circle construction

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Let's talk about the "fortifications" of the "mother's family" this week

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The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held the second quarter party member meeting and the special party class on party discipline learning and education

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On June 21, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held the second quarter of the Party Member Conference and the special party class on party discipline learning and education, conveying and learning General Secretary Xi Jinping's important exposition on comprehensively strengthening the party's discipline construction.<中国共产党纪律处分条例>

Later, Chengdong went to Fengyang to inspect the construction of the workers' cultural palace and other positions

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On June 26, Hou Chengdong, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions, and his party went to the Fengyang County Federation of Trade Unions to conduct on-the-spot inspections on the construction of the Workers' Cultural Palace and the Model Worker Hall, accompanied by the relevant responsible personnel of the Fengyang County Federation of Trade Unions.

The Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions carried out the theme activity of model workers and craftsmen preaching on campus

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On June 26th, with the theme of "Salute to Model Workers, Sound of the Campus - Lighting up the Ingenuity Dream of Young Students", the theme activity of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty, Chuzhou Chapter, --- Concentrating on the Soul and Walking with the Party, Uniting and Striving for a New Journey" was held in Chuzhou City Vocational College. Niu Chunyu, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Chuzhou City Vocational College, Tang Lin, member of the party group of Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions and director of the Economic Review Committee, and Qian Qingbing, chairman of the trade union of Chuzhou City Vocational College, attended the meeting.

The Anhui Provincial Office of the China Mutual Association came to Chu to carry out research on the mutual assistance and security of employees

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On the afternoon of June 25, Wang Cheng, deputy director of the Anhui Provincial Office of the China Mutual Association, and his party came to Chu to investigate the mutual assistance and security work of employees. Lu Qingmiao, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Chuzhou Federation of Trade Unions, presided over the symposium, and the comrades in charge of the relevant business of the Mutual Aid Office of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Municipal Medical Insurance Bureau and the Municipal Medical Insurance Center participated in the discussion.

The Lai'an County Federation of Trade Unions jointly held a talent night market job fair with multiple departments

On the evening of June 24, the Lai'an County Federation of Trade Unions, the Human Resources and Social Security Bureau and other relevant departments held the 2024 Lai'an County "Talent Gathering in Eastern Anhui and Happy Industry Chuzhou" Talent Night Market Job Fair in the Blue Sky and Baiyun Commercial Complex Plaza.

The Fengyang County Federation of Trade Unions provides free physical examination for workers in new employment forms

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In order to further do a good job in protecting and serving workers and migrant workers in employment forms, and effectively maintain the physical and mental health of workers in new employment forms and migrant workers, from June 24 to 25, the Fengyang County Federation of Trade Unions launched the second batch of "free physical examinations for migrant workers and workers in new employment forms" in 2024, and organized a total of 100 migrant workers, including workers in new employment forms, to conduct free health examinations in batches at the Physical Examination Center of Fengyang County People's Hospital.

The Nanqiao District Federation of Trade Unions held a professional skills competition for forklift drivers

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In order to select and train outstanding forklift drivers and stimulate the initiative and enthusiasm of industrial workers to learn technology and practice hard skills, on June 23, the Nanqiao District Federation of Trade Unions, together with the District Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the District Market Supervision and Administration Bureau and other departments, held the 2024 Nanqiao District Vocational Skills Competition in Chuzhou Sino-German Construction Machinery Vocational Training School and Chuzhou Tourism and Trade School. Jia Jia, deputy director of the Standing Committee of the District People's Congress and chairman of the District Federation of Trade Unions, attended the opening ceremony and announced the opening of the competition.

The Tianchang City Federation of Trade Unions organized and carried out party discipline study and warning education

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On the afternoon of June 24, all the staff of the organization of the Tianchang Federation of Trade Unions went to the Tianchang City Anti-corruption and Integrity Warning Education Base to carry out party discipline learning and warning education.

The Mingguang Federation of Trade Unions won the first Yangtze River Delta Staff Line Dance Competition

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Weekly Fortification Inventory | This week's "Fortifications" collection will share → with you

From June 18th to 21st, the Mingguang Federation of Trade Unions, on behalf of Anhui Province, organized a team to go to Hai'an, Jiangsu Province to participate in the first Yangtze River Delta staff line dance (square dance, inter-work exercise) invitational competition of "Chinese Dream, Labor Beauty and Happiness Road". A total of 28 teams from the Yangtze River Delta region participated in the competition. The Mingguang Federation of Trade Unions participated in the four projects of the competition, and finally won the second place (silver award), the fifth place in the optional action and the excellent organization award, which is another award after going to Chengde to participate in the national employee exercise competition and winning the second prize.

Mingguang City Federation of Trade Unions: The city's staff badminton mixed team competition was held

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From June 22nd to 23rd, the "Thirty and Standing Youth Mingguang" celebrated the 30th anniversary of the establishment of Mingguang City, and the "Minglong Cup" city-wide staff badminton mixed team competition was held. The competition was sponsored by the Mingguang Federation of Trade Unions, the Propaganda Department of the Mingguang Municipal Party Committee, and the Municipal Financial Media Center, and co-organized by Anhui Minglong Liquor Co., Ltd.

Weekly Fortification Inventory | This week's "Fortifications" collection will share → with you


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