
Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

author:Tianyao Oriental

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Editor's note: We are already in the digital age, and digital transformation is necessary regardless of the business format. Otherwise, it will be eliminated.

As a royal symbol, the intangible cultural heritage cloisonné must enter digitalization if it wants to open a wider market; As the hometown of cloisonne in China, Dachang Hui Autonomous County must also enter digitalization if it wants to stand on the commanding heights of cloisonne art.

The independent and comprehensive cloisonne digital service platform, independent cloisonne digital museum, etc., can make Dachang Hui Autonomous County unique, make cloisonne go higher and farther, integrate into the world's big stage, and make Dachang Hui Autonomous County's cultural business card known to the world, and achieve doubling economic growth.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Today, when the wave of digitalization is sweeping the world, all walks of life are experiencing unprecedented changes. For cloisonné art, which carries a profound cultural heritage, digital transformation is not only an inevitable choice to adapt to the development of the times, but also the key to stimulating its innovation vitality, expanding the market, enhancing its influence and doubling its economic growth.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

1. Digitalization: the inevitable choice of cloisonné art

Cloisonné, as a treasure of traditional Chinese arts and crafts, has become a symbol of the royal family with its unique craftsmanship and gorgeous colors. However, in the fast-paced modern society, traditional handicrafts are gradually being replaced by mechanization and digitalization, and cloisonné is also facing unprecedented challenges.

Therefore, digital transformation has become an inevitable choice for cloisonné art. Through digital means, cloisonné art can be recorded, preserved and disseminated in an all-round way, so that more people can understand and love this traditional art form. At the same time, digitalization can also bring more innovative possibilities to cloisonné art, promoting its integration with modern aesthetics and technology, so as to rejuvenate it.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

2. Digitalization helps cloisonne expand the market

In the digital age, the speed and scope of information dissemination has been greatly improved. Through digital means, cloisonné art can be displayed to a wider audience, attracting more consumer attention and purchases. For example.

In addition, digitalization can also provide more means and tools for the marketing of cloisonné art. Through social media, e-commerce platforms and other digital platforms, precision marketing and promotion of cloisonné art can be realized. Using big data and artificial intelligence technology, we can analyze consumers' purchase behavior and preferences, and formulate more accurate marketing strategies for cloisonné art.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

3. Digitalization enhances the influence of Dachang Hui Autonomous County

As the hometown of cloisonne in China, Dachang Hui Autonomous County has a long history of cloisonne production and rich cultural heritage. However, due to geographical restrictions and information asymmetry, the influence of Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the field of cloisonné art has not been fully utilized.

。 At the same time, digital means can be used to deeply excavate and display the production process, skills and cultural connotation of cloisonne, and enhance the popularity and influence of Dachang Hui Autonomous County in the field of cloisonne art.

In addition, Dachang Hui Autonomous County can also use digital means to strengthen exchanges and cooperation with other regions at home and abroad. By holding online and offline cloisonne art exhibitions, seminars and other activities, it attracts more experts and scholars to come to exchange and learn, and promotes the innovation and development of cloisonné art.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Fourth, digitalization allows cloisonne to integrate into the world stage

With the deepening of globalization, cultural exchanges between countries are becoming more and more frequent. As one of the representatives of traditional Chinese arts and crafts, cloisonné art has the potential and mission to go to the world and show the charm of Chinese culture.

Through digital means, cloisonné art can be displayed in a more vivid and intuitive form in front of the world. For example, virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) and other technologies can be used to present the production process and finished products of cloisonné in a three-dimensional form, so that the audience can feel the charm of cloisonné art immersively.

At the same time, digitalization can also provide more opportunities and platforms for international exchanges and cooperation in cloisonné art. Through international exhibitions, exchanges and other activities, cloisonné art can show its unique charm and value on the international stage, and promote the spread of Chinese culture and the exchange and mutual learning of world culture.

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

In short, digitalization is the source of cloisonné's continuous vitality. Through digital transformation, cloisonné art can radiate new vitality, expand the market, enhance its influence, and go to the world stage.


Yang Baojun: Director of the Local Chronicles Office of Dachang Hui Autonomous County, Director of the Art Committee of the "Great Power Art" column

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Wang Ziwen: China's chief public welfare host, public welfare China gold medal host, producer of the "Perspective Jewelry Museum" column, and chief director of the "Great Power Art" column

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Zhang Guoyong is a media person, planner, musician, art critic in Beijing, researcher on the deep integration of urban and rural areas, researcher on the topic of public welfare socialization, analyst of digital industrialization, recommender of rural revitalization, and director of short video account positioning

Digitalization: the source of cloisonné's innovative vitality

Note: The main content of this article is from the Internet

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