
Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware

author:Night reading
Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware

Middle-aged girls are sober in the world and must be self-aware.

Sudden sobriety, sudden epiphany, sudden growth, sudden sadness, sudden love can't help it, sudden humanity!

But so what, but they are all passers-by in the world, I am safe, and I am happy!

What if the ground is full of death, I know, self-crossing!

Although the heart is as sour as the river and the sea, the surface is light and light.

I told myself, that's life!

Give me a little time, just take your time!

Just like a fish in the water, he always feels that the water can't do without him, but in fact, out of the water, how long can the fish breathe?

But the water said, "You have left me, but I am clearer."

Ye Zi always felt that the splendor of that tree was brought to the tree, so he felt that the beauty of the scenery belonged to him.

But the tree said, "Without you, I have other green leaves."

You're just a pendant attached to me!

The person you love with all your might, after the heart-rending pain, will always say things that even you can't believe: Leave me, there is no one who loves you more than me.

Xiaoqi is fortunate that he has never had an unforgettable love, and he had a secret love when he was young, but that is not love!

Why do I say lucky, because I didn't regard anyone as my dependence, as my all, my upbringing since childhood, that is, my parents confessed, everything has to rely on myself.

Mother often said: It is better to rely on heaven and earth than on yourself!

I think my independence is from childhood to adulthood, that is, on my own!

My current husband, I rarely mention him in writing.

It's not that he's bad, it's just that I think it's good or bad, it's my business with him.

Maybe in a few years, I will write an autobiographical novel, and when the time comes, I will calm down and write about my life, what I have encountered and experienced in each time period!

Now that I'm here, I feel like I'm an individual, and there's no need to get involved too much.

But I never felt that none of us could live without them.

The sudden death of my father made me understand that the world has been endowed with too many accidents and sufferings, but the living people, than the people who are gone, will live a more difficult life, both mentally and physically.

Because the living will be nostalgic and painful, but they will not leave with the person who is gone.

When I was young, I was indifferent, almost isolated from the world.

In my world, there is only black and white, and there is no color.

But I'm still going to live!

Like the weeds of the Yellow Mountain, also like the lone vine, more like the welcoming pine that grows in the crevices of the cliff, exposing itself, opening its arms, to welcome this short life!

Pain, and happy!

Come on, come on, burn the old lady two or two, a little up, take advantage of the slight drunkenness, tear the cloth on the edge of the sky, wrap the recent rain, let the wind carry me, go to the other side of the flower realm, see if the person I miss, is still wandering there, so many years in the pocket of the wind, frost, rain and snow, I am ready to wait for the day agreed with Meng Po, release it, celebrate the memory of my real existence in the world!

In the world, I have been here, I am worth it! I deserve all the good things! Including myself!

Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware

Therefore, people live in this world, and never overestimate their position and weight.

Except for your parents, siblings, you can also leave a place for you, and don't ask for too much else.

And your so-called lover, when you love each other, you really love someone, and when you don't love, you really love someone else.

Like the woman who was pushed off the edge of a cliff, the woman who was hidden in the refrigerator, and so on!

You think you're important in other people's hearts, but in fact, in other people's eyes, maybe you're nothing.

It doesn't matter if you leave you or not, it's all the same.

People's hearts are disappointed because there is hope, because the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment, the more you care about something, and the more it torments you.

Whatever you expect, you expect too much and you lose,

No matter what emotion, if you look heavier than yourself, you will be in pain.

When dealing with people, don't overestimate your place in the hearts of others.

Otherwise, you will become dependent on others and cause entanglement, because you are eager to get what you want, and once you do not achieve the results you expect, you will suffer from gains and losses.

Because of the desire to be loved, they will be cranky.

When you think wildly, you will panic inside, mess yourself, and occasionally hurt yourself.

One day, when you are more entangled than you like, and you overestimate more than you give, this relationship will be dissolved.

Once it is dispersed, you have no ability to take it back, the sincerity you have given with all your might, you say, are you going to hurt yourself there!

So, when you find something that is beyond your grasp, think about what would happen if you lost it.

We must have a clear understanding of ourselves and be self-aware!

You have to have the ability to protect yourself and heal yourself!

Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware

People should be self-aware, put themselves in the right position, don't overestimate, see their own weight clearly, don't take it too seriously.

I've always found it easy to recognize others, but it's hard to recognize myself from the perspective of a bystander!

Isn't there a saying that the authorities are confused, and the bystanders are clear!

You can expect something from others, but there must be limits.

After all, people's hearts are not an equivalent exchange, if you are good to others, others may not be good to you.

Don't use your own moral standards to kidnap others, because everyone's background environment, knowledge and experience are different, and if you can't agree with them, don't force them.

The road is different, don't conspire with each other, just stay away!

The most stupid thing to do is to overestimate your own weight in the hearts of others.

So never lift yourself too high and find your place.

Don't take it too seriously, don't look too lightly, don't be arrogant, it's okay to be high, but you can't be conceited!

Qu high and widowed, leaning over the mud, cautionary words and deeds, alone, maybe you can't do what everyone wants, after all, it's not a name coin, but you have to be a person to please yourself, in the red dust to be a clear conscience yourself.

To a sincere person, cherish it!

To the ruthless, give up!

You'll get used to those relationships that are drifting apart!

Only then can you see those feelings that are about to leave!

Come on, come on, burn the old lady two or two, it's not easy to come to this world, after all, I can't be the same age as the universe, and I can't walk with time all the time, so for this hard-won 30,000 days, I did it, you are free!

Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware
Middle-aged girls are sober in the world: self-aware and self-aware