
Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates

author:Night reading
Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates


In the past few days, the takeaway brother @ Yi Ge Eason has swiped the Internet.

In front of an Audi, he said in a beautiful Birmingham accent, like a chant:

May you have a home in the first ring,a career in the second ring,a lover in the third ring,and friends in the fourth ring. May the beauty of the world be intertwined with you. (愿您一环有家,二环有事业,三环有爱人,四环有朋友,愿世间的美好与您环环相扣。 )

and said that before he bought this car, he still needs to run 400,000 orders.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates

With this video, the Audi official blew it up.

Audi gave him a ticket to Andy Lau's concert that only A8 owners can have, and used this dubbing to make an official advertisement.

Later, Brother Yi posted another video, this time with a Cadillac.

He said impassionedly, like a speech:

“Drae Greatly!No matter how loud the voices of oppositision may be. Ideals cannot be lost. (所有的伟大源于一个勇敢的开始,无论反对的声音如何喧嚣,理想不能失去,梦想不能失去”。 )

After the vice president of Cadillac, who was far away in the United States, saw it, he first posted a video interaction, and then came all the way to accompany Brother Yi to deliver takeaways.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates

Netizens said enviously that you are only one step away from the dream car, and you don't have to run 400,000 orders anymore.

Envy to envy, everyone is amazed by his authentic spoken English and beautiful choice of words and sentences.

Even netizens in the UK said: The delivery man in the UK is not as accurate as this little brother.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates

Is this takeaway guy a top student majoring in English?

No matter who it is, there is a question mark in my heart.

In fact, Brother Yi only graduated from a junior college.

In addition to delivering food, he hid from his family and taught himself English in a cramped attic for 8 years.

This dedication has attracted ridicule: learning English so hard is not also food delivery.

But he didn't give up on himself, and he practiced speaking whenever he had time between running singles.

In the end, his persistence brought him a torrential amount of traffic.

People have to sigh: the nameless people on the list may not have no way under their feet.

During this time, the college entrance examination scores of various provinces were announced one after another.

A few days ago, a reader came to tell Insight-Jun that she had failed the college entrance examination.

I told her that life is a wilderness, you have countless directions to gallop, and countless futures to look forward to.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates

The college entrance examination is just a fork in the road of fate.

You see, Brother Yi is the best portrayal.

They tell every college entrance examination candidate: In fact, the way to change one's life does not lie in an exam.


Writer Hao Jingfang wrote such a life insight:

True life achievements belong to the ultimate intoxicator. In the wider world, in a longer life, it is always the ultimate sensitivity and enthusiasm for one thing that allows a person to find the way to climb.

Love can last a long time, and interest can light the way forward.

Zhou Hao is a student at Peking University.

His college entrance examination score was 660 points, but because he didn't like his major, he fell into a negative depression.

Later, he decided to drop out of Peking University and transfer to a general technical school in Beijing to learn the mechanical technology he loved.

In the field he loves, Zhou Hao is like a fish in water.

He spends his days in the lab designing programming and machining parts, and practicing the techniques taught by his teachers without stopping for a moment.

Soon, he won the national skills competition championship many times and became a vocational education consultant.

Li Xiaosong is a student of an ordinary vocational school.

He has been a headache for teachers since he was a child, but he likes to tinker with electronic products.

On weekends and holidays, he regards the training room as his home, and he wants to study his favorite field thoroughly.

Although he hated learning English, he devoured a 10-page English material for the sake of a skills competition.

At the WorldSkills Competition, he won the gold medal in the optoelectronic technology project in one fell swoop, setting a new record of zero gold medals in China.

The famous school students and vocational college students in the story are inevitably moving when they are put together.

The original life trajectory will be very different.

In fact, because of their love, the two of them walked out of a similar path of destiny, and they both shined.

Liang Yongan, a professor at Fudan University, also suggested that young people should find something that they like in their hearts and have the value of the times.

Because there is expectation and love, so go all out.

Because I went all out, I got a lot of results.

Only when a person's heart is not barren can he plant the spring of life.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates


Yu Minhong wrote an article "Believe in the Power of Struggle".

When he was in high school, his teacher said to the class, "None of you here can be admitted to university, and you will all be farmers in the future." ”

Many students believe it like this, either dropping out halfway or giving up after taking the test once.

Yu Minhong didn't accept his fate, believing that persistence would eventually pay off, so if he failed to take the test once, he would take the test a second time. If you fail the second test, you will take the third test.

Finally, I was finally admitted to Peking University, and my life changed from then on.

He said: "People's dreams are realized step by step, never lose hope, as long as you struggle, one day you will reap the joy of success."

Although Brother Yi is a delivery man, he insists on learning English, which gives him such an opportunity to become popular;

To grow, we need to have slow wisdom, but also need to have patience.

The sweat you have shed will bloom into amazing flowers, and the bitterness you have endured will eventually turn into honey.

A few days ago, Xue Qikun, former vice president of Tsinghua University, became the youngest winner of the highest national science and technology award.

At first glance, he has a stellar resume.

After a closer look, he had a difficult start, and he turned over by relying on his strength not to give up.

Solid, is his adjective to himself.

His first postgraduate entrance examination ended in failure, and he only scored 39 points in advanced mathematics, which was rejected by Harbin Institute of Technology.

He regrouped and charged again, but physics only scored 39 points, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences refused.

He still insisted on studying hard, and was admitted to the Institute of Physics of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in the third year.

Later, it took 5 years for others to study for a doctorate, but it took him 7 years.

After becoming an academician, he worked 6 days a week, entered the laboratory at 7 o'clock every day and left after 11 o'clock in the evening, and was called a "7-11" academician.

It is this kind of persistence that has been consistent for decades, he has gone from herding cattle to the vice school of Tsinghua University, and has become the winner of the highest national science and technology award.

In this marathon of life, you don't have to care about the speed of the moment.

Whether you are one step ahead or behind, please believe:

All the persistence will be beautiful in the end.

When Hayao Miyazaki recalled the past, he sighed: After working hard, I knew many things, and I came over by persevering.

In the end, your humble seed will sprout, take root, and become a towering tree like others.

Persist until the end, and you who start with a gloomy start will end brightly.

Brother Yi, who has recently exploded, is rewriting the fate of countless college entrance examination candidates


When I was in college, the dean often told us the story of Hua Luogeng.

He talked about Hua Luogeng's obsession with mathematics.

Hua Luogeng only has a Chinese background, but he is very interested in mathematics.

He can't help but think about math when he visits the store, and often answers customers' questions differently.

Once his father got angry and threw away his math book, but Hua Luogeng still studied secretly while his father was away.

He talked about Hua Luogeng's perseverance.

Qian Weichang is the king of papers at Tsinghua University, and he goes to the library at 5 o'clock every morning to endorse books.

However, by the time he arrived, Hua Luogeng had already finished memorizing the book.

The dean instructed us: Find what you love and stick to it, no matter what happens, don't give up.

Brother Yi's life made me feel more deeply about the story and sentence that the dean said.

The dean is right, love and persistence are always the winning weapon in life.

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