
Let the "red treasures" glow with new vitality in the beautiful landscape

author:Guilin Life Network

Guilin is a red hot land, and every mountain and river contains endless "red memories". It is these precious red memories that make the red gene endlessly alive in this land and build the spiritual world of generations of Guilin people.

How to continue the red blood that stretches between the mountains and rivers and give it a vivid meaning of the times has always been an important proposition for the development of Guilin's urban culture. In recent years, on the basis of carefully guarding the red context, Guilin has continued to explore the new inheritance of red culture, and used rich and colorful new expressions to make the "red family treasures" between the mountains and rivers continue to burst out with new vitality in the new era.

Do a good job in red education

Inherit the red gene

Cultural relics are witnesses of history. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly emphasized that it is necessary to bring alive the cultural relics collected in museums, the heritage displayed on the vast land, and the words written in ancient books.

Walking into the memorial hall of the Red Army's Long March Xiangjiang Campaign, the museum is rich in exhibitions, cultural relics, documents, pictures, oil paintings, videos, scene simulations, theme sculptures, etc., and also uses modern technology such as sound and light to vividly restore the history of blood and fire in the Xiangjiang Campaign, making the red culture more vivid and three-dimensional, so that visitors can experience and understand more immersively. Since its official opening to the public, the Memorial Hall of the Red Army's Long March Xiangjiang Campaign has become an important place for citizens and tourists to understand history and remember the martyrs, and it is also a "classic place" for Guilin's red culture to carry forward the spirit of the Great Long March and strengthen cultural self-confidence.

General Secretary Xi Jinping once pointed out that the Revolutionary Museum, Memorial Hall, Party History Museum, and Martyrs' Cemetery are the red gene pool of the Party and the country. It is necessary to take red resources as vivid teaching materials for strengthening ideals and beliefs and strengthening the cultivation of party spirit, tell well the stories of the party, the revolution, the base areas, and the heroes and martyrs, strengthen the education in revolutionary traditions, patriotism, and ideology and morality among young people, pass on the red gene, and ensure that the red country will never change its color.

In recent years, Guilin City has successively carried out a series of distinctive and diverse youth ideal and belief education activities such as "inheriting the red gene and striving to be a new person of the times", "taking off China for 70 glorious years", "buttoning the first button in life", "entering the campus with 100 party history and national history", "learning party history for teenagers", "learning party history and setting great ambitions to take over the class", etc., in-depth excavation, research and inheritance of Guilin's red culture, creating a number of high-quality "preserving history" boutiques, forming a number of valuable "information administration" reports, and launching a number of high-level "education". "Teaching materials. Edited and published a number of red books and excellent traditional culture readings such as "Thriving in the Sunshine", "Rebirth from the Fire - The Red Army's Long March through Northern Guangxi", "History of Guilin's Anti-Japanese War City", and established patriotic education bases and venues in all counties (cities and districts) of the city, and continuously built red education bases, and initially formed a network of red education bases. At the same time, it has also set up propaganda groups of customs working committees at all levels and "five elders" care groups to carry out various propaganda activities, so that the majority of young students can further understand the red culture and understand the red history, stimulate their enthusiasm for learning and patriotism, and promote the inheritance of red genes and revolutionary flames in Guilin from generation to generation.

Expand the connotation of the times and create an important cultural symbol on the road of the new Long March

"The blood of heroes stains the Xiangjiang River, and the bones of heroes are buried at the bottom of the river." On June 12, the musical "Scarlet Xiangjiang" produced by Guangxi Song and Dance Theater was staged at the Chengdu High-tech Grand Theater in Sichuan. The play is based on the historical facts of the Xiangjiang Battle that took place in November 1934 in Guibei, Guangxi, and tells the touching story of the troops who carried out the rearguard mission in the Xiangjiang Battle to cover the central organs and brother troops to cross the Xiangjiang River, and finally all of them died heroically.

Since its premiere in 2019, the play has been performed in Beijing, Chengdu, Xiamen, Nanning, Guilin, Xing'an and other places, with more than 70 performances, and more than 6 million online and offline audiences, bringing the infection of art and the power of faith to countless audiences.

Brush aside the dust of time and gaze at the details of history. The red cultural spirit represented by the Battle of Xiangjiang River is the source of inspiration for Guilin to create an important cultural symbol on the new Long March.

In recent years, Guilin has organized and carried out the research, protection and utilization of the relics of the Red Army's Long March and the survey of the cultural relics of the Xiangjiang Campaign, collected relevant documents, oral materials, physical materials, and audio-visual materials, carried out in-depth theoretical research and historical research on the cultural relics of the Xiangjiang Campaign, improved the level of exhibition and display of the cultural relics of the Xiangjiang Campaign, and strengthened the activation and utilization of the cultural relics of the Xiangjiang Campaign.

Implement topics such as "Research on the Old Site (Remains) of the Red Army's Long March through Guangxi", "Research on the Utilization and Protection of Guilin Red Culture", and "Research on the Heritage of Guilin's Anti-Japanese War Cultural Site", and do a good job of "oral history" rescue records around the Central Red Army's Long March, the Xiangjiang Campaign, and the ethnic policy and military-civilian relations during the Red Army's passage through northern Guangxi.

Strengthen the basic research on the history of Guilin of the Communist Party of China, the history of the Guilin Revolution, important red cultural resources, and the spirit of red culture, form a number of high-quality and valuable research results, compile and publish the "Guilin Historical and Cultural Dictionary", and submit the "Historical Facts of the Xiangjiang Campaign" to the end, and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism commissioned the project "Research on the Path of Using the Red Resources of the Xiangjiang Campaign to Enhance the Spiritual Literacy of Teenagers in the New Era", and set up the Anti-Japanese War Culture Research Association and the Red Culture Research Association, and organized the " Xiangjiang Campaign and the Red Army's Long March" and other special investigations of Guilin's historical and cultural resources.

In terms of red-themed literary works, the documentary literature "Xiangjiang, Waiting for You" was listed as a key publication of the theme publication of the Central Propaganda Department in 2021 and a theme publication project of Guangxi to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China; The novel "Lost", the reportage "The Conquest of the Old Mountain Boundary", and the children's literature "Red Girl" have all been selected as the three-year planning and support project of the Guangxi Contemporary Art Creation Project, the theme publishing project of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region to publicize and commemorate the 85th anniversary of the Long March Xiangjiang Campaign, and the 70th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Take history as a mirror and create a new future. Red power, writing the glory of the times.

When time blew away the smoke of history, the red flame crossed time and space with its powerful spiritual power, and lived endlessly on the land of northern Guangxi. When the wheel of history rolls forward, the red spirit has been continuously integrated into the blood of Guilin's economic and social development, condensing the majestic force of Guilin's high-quality development.

Deepen cultural exchanges and let red culture glow with new vitality in innovation and inheritance

On December 1, 2023, the theme meeting of the 4th "Red Army Long March Forum" was held in Guilin. Relevant leaders from eight cities, including Guilin, Ganzhou, Zunyi, Yan'an, Lishui, Aba Tibetan and Qiang Autonomous Prefecture, Longyan and Qiandongnan Miao and Dong Autonomous Prefecture, attended the forum. Focusing on the theme of "Carrying forward the spirit of the Great Long March and making good use of red resources", the meeting discussed cooperation and the future, and jointly promoted the high-quality economic and social development of cities along the Long March.

At this forum, the concept of resource sharing, complementary advantages, mutual benefit and win-win development was implemented throughout. The theme meeting of the forum issued the "Consensus on Cooperation of the Fourth "Red Army Long March Forum", and cities along the route also formed an alliance of red tourism cities to re-take the Long March.

By strengthening exchanges and exchanges with cities along the Red Army's Long March, and the advanced experience of red culture protection and inheritance in various places, Guilin has found new ideas and new paths for the innovation and inheritance of red culture.

From March 27 to 28 this year, the Guilin Red Culture Delegation came to Yan'an City, Shaanxi Province, on the one hand, to promote the "Fourth "Red Army Long March Forum" Cooperation Consensus" to go deeper and more practical, and more importantly, to learn from Yan'an the valuable experience of inheriting the red gene and carrying forward the spirit of the Long March, and continue to strengthen cooperation with Yan'an in the research of red culture and the protection and utilization of red resources.

In this exchange activity, Yan'an City introduced in detail the detailed experience of the local government in following the principle of "protecting the cultural relics of the Long March, telling the story of the Long March, inheriting the spirit of the Long March, making use of the resources of the Long March, and promoting the development along the route", and the detailed experience of the rich cultural resources and cultural relics of the Long March in Yan'an in an effective and orderly manner. For Guilin, which also undertook the Long March National Cultural Park project, Yan'an City also introduced specific practices in terms of innovating the management system, optimizing project construction, and deepening regional cooperation, which benefited the Guilin Red Culture Delegation a lot.

Taking the cultural exchanges between Guilin and Yan'an as an example, through the in-depth exchanges between the two places in inheriting the red gene, carrying forward the valuable experience of the Long March, the protection and construction of revolutionary memorial facilities, and the "red +" research and tourism, a road map for promoting the high-quality development of the two places with "red" as the background color has gradually become clear.

The communication and coordination mechanism is smoother. At the meeting, the Guilin Red Culture Delegation and the Yan'an Propaganda, Ideological and Cultural System exchanged experiences and explored cooperation in the protection and application of red resources, the cultivation of red cultural talents, and the development of red research business.

The theoretical study of party history has been further deepened. Before the meeting, the Guilin Red Culture Investigation Group held a lecture on the red culture of the Xiangjiang Campaign in the form of expert lectures, red story telling and situational party classes, so that the vast number of Yan'an cadres and masses could understand the revolutionary history of the Xiangjiang Campaign that occurred in Guilin, Guangxi 90 years ago, and understand the historical significance and practical value of the Xiangjiang Campaign.

New era, new journey. We believe that the red culture that carries the original intention and mission of the Chinese Communists will be further inherited and carried forward in Guilin, and the red gene contained in the mountains and rivers will also bloom more brightly in the new era.

Source: Guilin Daily