
I didn't expect it! Turtle Market Harvest is not only targeting players and small and medium-sized businesses, but now even they are not spared

author:Turtle lovers

Since turtles are circulating in the market as a commodity, they need to be sold as a means to make a profit. Only when you make a profit, you will have the motivation to breed more and better turtles, so you will enter a virtuous circle. However, in fact, not many people like the virtuous circle, maybe everyone prefers to harvest directly.

A large part of the current sales of the turtle market are also aimed at the pet market, and we as enthusiasts can feel it the most. It is often "harvested" because of some sales jargon and "scams". In addition, under the rendering of the turtle circle economy, in the strong environment of egg turtles, many small businesses have appeared. If you don't grasp the doorway, you will also be harvested by the big guys.

I didn't expect it! Turtle Market Harvest is not only targeting players and small and medium-sized businesses, but now even they are not spared

Now some turtle friends say that the college entrance examination has ended, the scores have come out, and the volunteers are almost filled. Students have unloaded their heavy academic burdens and ushered in the long-awaited leisure time. At this juncture, in addition to immersing themselves in the virtual world of the game, embarking on an adventure or chasing the passion of film and television dramas, some students chose a different way of leisure - turtle raising. Therefore, will merchants target this group of young people with high spending power and take the opportunity to raise a wave of prices?

Indeed, the hobby of raising turtles is not what our parents said, but only the elderly. And raising turtles, a small hobby that is usually hidden in their hearts, can be released at this moment. They plunged into this world of nature and tranquility to spend quality time with the turtles.

In recent years, with the popularity of egg turtles, they have naturally become the new favorite of students. These small and cute creatures attract the attention of students with their unique charm. Besides, young people who are still in the learning stage do not have a strong concept of money, so they are not distressed to spend money, and their spending power is leveraged.

So, can we take advantage of the gap between the holidays after the college entrance examination to "harvest" a wave?

I didn't expect it! Turtle Market Harvest is not only targeting players and small and medium-sized businesses, but now even they are not spared

Indeed, many college students now, as well as "little turtle friends" who are still studying. They also like this kind of little pet full of ancient charm. But for the temporary price fluctuations of turtle friends about the impact of the college entrance examination, I personally think that it is still a bit unfounded. You can look at the current turtle price, whether it should rise or rise, whether it should fall or fall, and it will not change much because of the needs of a small group of people.

Why do students love turtle farming so much now? Especially now, there are many egg turtles. Of course, there are many varieties of egg turtles with different shapes, giving people a sense of novelty. At the same time, egg turtles are lively and interactive, making it easy for people to feel close. There is also the current market heat and publicity, which is also indispensable. The pursuit of trends has always been the lead of the younger generation.

Of course, the odious thing is that some unscrupulous merchants know that the other party is still a student from their usual communication. With all kinds of "rhetoric" to lure the purchase of high-priced turtles, or even sick turtles, or pure direct fraud. This performance of cutting leek roots is really repugnant. It also greatly hurt their trust in the turtle circle and realized the sinister nature of society. I don't know if it's good or bad for them.

I didn't expect it! Turtle Market Harvest is not only targeting players and small and medium-sized businesses, but now even they are not spared

The turtle market also needs fresh blood and new strength. As soon as you come up, you will cut the leek roots, who will have the confidence to play in the future.

Raise turtles rationally, if it is not a career, just do what you can.

I didn't expect it! Turtle Market Harvest is not only targeting players and small and medium-sized businesses, but now even they are not spared