
People who often feel salty in their mouths are careful that they have kidney deficiency! A prescription to remove salty mouth and tonify kidney deficiency

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

If you often feel salty in your mouth inexplicably, like sprinkling a handful of salt in it, you should pay attention, which may indicate that it is time to replenish your kidneys. Why? Traditional Chinese medicine believes that salty mouth is usually a sign of kidney deficiency.

People who often feel salty in their mouths are careful that they have kidney deficiency! A prescription to remove salty mouth and tonify kidney deficiency

There was such a patient before, who felt that there was a salty taste in his mouth for more than a year, and he didn't care about it at first, but the more he went on, the more obvious it became, no matter how much he drank or ate, his taste changed a little, and his mouth was salty all day, which was particularly uncomfortable. Later, he had severe back pain, so he thought about finding a Chinese medicine doctor to see what was going on.

This patient will be 50 years old, the body shape is good, the face is pale, with backache and cold pain, fatigue and fatigue, look at the tongue, the tongue is light and fat, there are tooth marks on the tongue, the moss is thin and white and slightly greasy, in addition to obvious backache, there is also a little frequent urination, urgency, poor appetite, dizziness and fatigue, tinnitus, etc., and then the patient mentioned the situation of long-term salty mouth in the conversation.

People who often feel salty in their mouths are careful that they have kidney deficiency! A prescription to remove salty mouth and tonify kidney deficiency

After comprehensive dialectic, the patient's main problem is caused by the deficiency of kidney yang, that is, kidney deficiency. Why? Traditional Chinese medicine often says that saltiness belongs to water, and only saltiness in the mouth should be treated from the kidney, because saltiness is the original taste of the kidney. If the kidney function is normal, this salty taste will be fixed in the kidney qi and will not run out, if the kidney function is abnormal, the kidney qi is not solid, and it will not be able to contain this salty taste, it will overflow into the mouth, so the patient will often feel salty in the mouth.

Syndrome differentiation of the patient's situation, I prescribe a prescription with the conditioning idea of warming and replenishing the kidney yang, and prescribe prescriptions such as rehmannia root, yam, poria cocos, peony bark, cinnamon branches, etc., add ox knee to induce the salty taste to return to the kidney, and at the same time add malt and bupleurum to soothe the liver and regulate qi to increase the patient's appetite, and also use fried atractylodes and astragalus to replenish the spleen, and various symptoms such as back pain and salty mouth after medication are significantly improved.

People who often feel salty in their mouths are careful that they have kidney deficiency! A prescription to remove salty mouth and tonify kidney deficiency

However, there are many different symptoms of kidney deficiency, and it cannot be used as a single syndrome differentiation based on whether the mouth is salty, such as kidney yin deficiency, often accompanied by dry throat and mouth, dizziness and tinnitus, soreness and weakness of the waist and knees, five heart irritability, insomnia and dreams, etc., if you look at the tongue, the tongue is red, and the tongue coating is thin.

Salty in the mouth, consider kidney deficiency, and use the method of tonifying the kidney and regulating the kidney to deal with it, which is indeed effective, and it has been the case throughout the ages. Of course, not all salty mouth is kidney deficiency, if you usually have this problem, please treat it under the guidance of a professional doctor.