
Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

author:Dr. Lee, the descendant of Qi Huang

The liver is a dumb organ, it has no nerve cells, and it is easy to ignore problems when there is a problem. Today, Dr. Li will teach you three tips for judging whether the liver is healthy, so that you can check it as soon as possible and recuperate it in time.

Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

The first is liver qi stagnation and chest distention

In traditional Chinese medicine, the liver is responsible for the orderly operation of the whole body's qi. If a person has emotional imbalance in life and always sulks, it is easy to affect the liver's excretion function, and the qi will not be smooth, and if it is not passed, it will be painful.

Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

At the same time, patients with liver qi stagnation always feel irritable, unable to suppress the fire, and are prone to insomnia and dreams at night.

The conditioning of such patients should be mainly based on soothing the liver and regulating qi, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Bupleurum Shu Gansan, and pay attention to emotional guidance in daily life, and do more outdoor exercises.

The second is that the liver is hot and the eyes are dry

The eyes are the windows of the soul, and the liver is open to the eyes, the liver is hot, and the fiery gas is fumigated, which will lead to the expansion of the blood vessels in the eyes, and the appearance of dry eyes, redness, and increased eye feces, and in severe cases, it will be accompanied by swelling and pain, and it is difficult to see clearly.

Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

In addition, people with strong liver fire have poor sleep quality, are easy to wake up in the middle of the night, have a hot temper, like a dynamite barrel, dry and bitter in the mouth, and often have constipation. In this case, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Dan Yu Xiaoyaosan to clear the liver fire, usually pay attention to a light diet, avoid overeating spicy and stimulating food, and keep your mood comfortable.

Finally, there is liver and blood deficiency and hand numbness

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the liver is the main tendon, the main blood is hidden, and its splendor is in the claws. Once the liver and blood are deficient, the muscles and veins lose the nourishment of qi and blood, and it is easy to have symptoms of numbness in the hands and feet, and in severe cases, it will be accompanied by cramps, spasms, and joint stiffness.

Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

In addition, insufficient liver blood will also cause many other problems in the body, many patients will also feel dizzy, qi and blood can not nourish the mind, easy to insomnia at night, pale and bloodless, lazy, feel very tired, female friends will also be accompanied by less menstrual flow, irregular problems. For the conditioning of this situation, you can refer to the addition and subtraction of Gui Paeonia Dihuang decoction to nourish the liver and blood and nourish the muscles and veins.

Dumb liver, there are words of suffering! Most of these three conditions in the body are distress signals from the liver

This is the end of today's sharing, Dr. Li would like to remind you that TCM practitioners pay attention to syndrome differentiation and treatment, if you feel unwell, you must seek medical attention offline, and accept the guidance of professional doctors before using syndrome differentiation, we will see you next time.