
Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

author:Xiao Li Daxia

Speaking of "Bao Qingtian" theme film and television, in addition to the Bao Qingtian who everyone praises, another character who leaves a deep impression is Nanxia Zhanzhao.

In 1993, as soon as "Bao Qingtian" produced by Taiwan China Television was broadcast, it spread all over the country, among them, Zhanzhao played by He Jiajin, strong in martial arts, handsome and chic, extremely handsome, is a chivalrous warrior with a sword behind Bao Qingtian, and was named the fourth rank of the imperial guard with a sword, He Jiajin's version of Zhanzhao has also become one of the classic handsome representative characters in the minds of post-8090s girls.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 1994, Taiwan's China Television produced "Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" again, and this time it was Jiao Enjun who played Zhanzhao. Jiao Enjun's version of Zhanzhao, handsome in appearance, eyebrows and sword eyes, and Bai Yutang, a brocade rat, staged a gentleman CP who fell in love and killed each other. If you only talk about appearance, Jiao Enjun seems to be better than He Jiajin.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 1994, ATV filmed "Blue Blood and Blue Sky Yang Jiajiang", combining the story of Yang Jiajiang with Bao Qingtian's case, and it was ATV Xiaosheng Zhen Zhiqiang who played Zhanzhao. Zhen Zhiqiang's Zhanzhao is tall and handsome, handsome and extraordinary, especially his emotional entanglement with Concubine Pang in the play, which was difficult for the audience to see back then.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 1995, Hong Kong TVB also filmed "Bao Qingtian" while it was hot, and Huang Rihua, who had served TVB for more than ten years, played Zhanzhao. It is said that the role of Zhanzhao was named by TVB family member Run Run Run Shaw for Huang Rihua, Huang Rihua has played many heroes, he can be called a hero professional, and his Zhanzhao is also upright.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 1995, in order to fight with TVB to win the ratings, Hong Kong Asia also filmed a "New Bao Qingtian", and also invited Jin Chaoqun and Fan Hongxuan, but it was not He Jiajin who played Zhanzhao, but Lu Liangwei. Lu Liangwei's acting skills are good, but he seems to have never been young in appearance, but he has never really been old.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

After the "double package case" between TVB and ATV, the theme of Bao Qingtian finally stopped for a few years.

Until 2000, the mainland and Hong Kong co-produced "Bao Gong Patrol", Taiwan's handsome student Jiao Enjun played Zhanzhao again, "Bao Gong Patrol" is divided into "Dragon and Phoenix Belly Pocket", "Dream Back to Qinglou", "Mirror Hanging" and "Megatron Jinling" Four units, because it is a co-production, many mainland stars have played an important role in the play.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 2008, "New Bao Qingtian" filmed by the mainland was broadcast, after a lapse of fifteen years, the real Iron Triangle Gold Superb, He Jiajin, Fan Hongxuan got together again, He Jiajin, who was nearly fifty years old, once again put on the battlefield, playing the role of Zhanzhao, acting skills, martial arts scenes are still online, the only difference is that Zhanzhao's face also has a sense of vicissitudes of wrinkles.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In the following years, He Jiajin collaborated with Jin Chaoqun and Fan Hongxuan on "Bao Qingtian's Blue Blood Pill Heart", "Bao Qingtian's Seven Heroes and Five Righteousness" (2010), "Bao Qingtian's Kaifeng Strange Case" (2012) and other works.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him
Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him
Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

In 2016, "Five Rats in Tokyo" filmed in mainland China was broadcast, mainly telling about the grievances and entanglements between Zhan Zhao and the Five Rats. Playing Zhanzhao is Yan Yikuan. Yan Yikuan was also one of the four beauties of the world, and he was a famous beautiful man in ancient costumes, but his Zhanzhao always felt a little greasy.

Six editions of the red clothes Zhanzhao, Jiao Enjun is the most handsome, He Jiajin is the most classic, and no one can replace him

He Jiajin has played Zhanzhao five times, not only the most times he has played Zhanzhao, but also the most classic image of Zhanzhao!

In your mind, who is the most classic and impressive Zhanzhao image? Write your answer in the comments section.

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