
A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...

author:Thoughtful client

In order to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China, on June 28, the Dalian Road Good Neighbor Center of Jiangpu Road Street held an exhibition of historical collectibles, including visiting tickets, recharge cards, handicrafts and other old objects. During the visit to the exhibition, the community residents reminisced about the past and felt the pulse of the development of the times.

A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...

Nearly 100 pieces of red collectibles were exhibited in this exhibition, including visit tickets from various periods, recharge cards, and some handicrafts.

A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...

At the scene, a visit ticket to the Red Boat Scenic Area of Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing, Zhejiang evoked the memories of Hong Zhong, an old party member in the community. He recognized at a glance that this was the same kind of ticket he used when he visited the site of a big red boat, and the image of the red boat was vivid. Uncle Hong recalled, "Before retirement, the unit organized party members and comrades to go to the Red Boat Scenic Area of Nanhu Lake in Jiaxing to pay tribute to the ancestors. Now retired, the original intention of respecting the party and loving the party cannot be changed, and when my family is free, I will take my family to visit the Red Boat Scenic Area again and relive the historical moment. ”

A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...
A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...

"This is what I bought for my son back then, I haven't seen it for many years, but I didn't expect to see it here." Aunt Chen Mingbao, a resident of the community, noticed the 10 yuan phone recharge card at first sight, and was very excited, and hurriedly shared her joy with her companions. "These phone recharge cards are all witnesses of the times, witnessing the rapid development of our country, and witnessing the changes in the happy life of the people of our country, which is very moving."

A batch of old objects are unveiled! Reminisce about the past in this exhibition...

It is understood that the exhibition of collected works is located on the 2nd floor of the Dalian Road Good Neighbor Center, Jiangpu Road Street, and the exhibition time will last for a week from now on. Interested community residents can visit to reminisce about the eventful years and feel the progress of the times.

Source: Yangpu, Shanghai