
Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

author:Thoughtful client

On June 28, Daning Road Sub-district held a theme activity of "Red Pilot, Global Good Governance" to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China at the Community Party and Mass Service Center. Xu Jing, deputy secretary of the district party committee, attended.

In recent years, Daning Road Street has continuously consolidated the foundation of the party's organizational system, ensured that grassroots party organizations give full play to the role of fighting fortresses, and party building leads the promotion of community autonomy and co-governance, injecting vitality into the high-quality development of Daning. During the event, the participating leaders awarded the General Party Branch of Huizhihu Garden Residential Area, which won the "2023 Shanghai New Era Residential Village Pioneer Fortress", and the General Party Branch of the First Residential District of Daning New Village, Daning Road Street, and the General Party Branch of the Residential Area of Lane 540, Daning Road, which won the "2023 Jing'an District New Era Residential Village Pioneer Fortress".

Promote full coverage of positions and decode the new path of good governance

At the scene, the Party and Mass Service Station of Huizhi Lake Garden Residential Area, Daning Debiyi Park "Ning · HOME" workplace gas station unveiled. According to reports, Daning Road Street has continuously optimized the layout of the position, improved the function of the position, and enriched the activity carrier, fully demonstrating the good effect of "using the position, serving well, and gathering the people's hearts". The newly unveiled Huizhi Lake Garden Residential Party and Mass Service Station integrates multiple functions such as "party affairs + government affairs + services", scientifically sets up various service functional areas, and promotes the quality and efficiency of grassroots governance. HOME" workplace gas stations have added functions such as fitness and physiotherapy to better serve enterprises and white-collar workers, and help "secure and stabilize business".

Expand the full coverage of the organization and stimulate new momentum for good governance

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The grid plan for the full coverage of Daning Road streets was released on the spot, guided by the "perfect and perfect" service, and the layout of the party-mass service position was improved. Build 1 party and mass service center, 3 block sub-centers, 7 party and mass service stations in business districts and building parks, 25 party and mass service stations in residential areas, and the first batch of "Ningxin Juwei Party and Mass Liaison Station" to form a "1+3+7+25+N" Jinglin Party and Mass Service Matrix, which fully covers blocks, residential areas, shopping malls and parks, and forms an all-round, multi-level and three-dimensional service system.

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

At the scene, the first batch of neighborhood governance communities were signed. In each grid, a center, a station, a person, and a team are embedded, and a closed-loop governance model of "proposal collection, autonomous consultation, resource integration, problem solving, and volunteer service" is formed by continuously weaving a dense "organization network", optimizing the "service network", building a "governance network", and building a community of good governance in the neighborhood.

Expand the full coverage of the organization and stimulate new momentum for good governance

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

At the scene, the person in charge of the Social Work Department of the Jing'an District Party Committee issued the "Governance + Tranquility" linkage card version 2.0. The 2.0 version of the Lianxin card is upgraded to meet the needs of grassroots hierarchical classification, providing more convenient, fast and intuitive entrances and channels for different grassroots party members and masses such as business districts, parks, communities, express delivery, and talent apartments to understand and participate in full coverage.

Explore full coverage of services and build a two-way friendly governance community

According to reports, Daning Road Street adheres to the people-oriented, provides a series of free and thoughtful services for the courier brother, makes them feel warm and caring, effectively activates new employment groups to participate in grassroots governance, and takes the initiative to become "public sentiment observers" and join the "partners" of community governance.

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

During the event, a stage play with the theme of "Good Governance for All, Good Governance for All" was staged, showing the thoughtful services provided by Daning Road Street for new employment groups and community residents, and the happiness provided to community residents.

New Power of Good Governance, Focusing on "Governance + Tranquility"

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

The "two enterprises and three new" party branch representatives claimed the practical project on the spot, and awarded the flag to the "two enterprises and three new" party member volunteer service team. Daning Road Street actively promotes the "power axis" of the "two enterprises and three new" party organizations to participate in grassroots governance, and uses its own resources and advantages to participate in practical projects in Daning, so that party building can enter the front line of grassroots governance and move to the forefront of caring for people's livelihood.

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

At the scene, Xu Jing and Ma Weiwei, Deputy Procurator General of the District Procuratorate, Wu Lihua, Co-founder and CEO of Chaojing Group and President of EDG E-sports Club, Zhu Qinqin, Secretary-General of Shanghai E-sports Association, and Cheng Lahong, Administrative Director of Doraemon (Shanghai) Network Technology Co., Ltd., jointly launched the Internet E-sports Industry Party Building Community - Cyber E-Space Project in Jing'an District. The Cyber E-Space Project will adhere to the principle of joint promotion of development, joint maintenance of security, joint participation in governance, and joint sharing of achievements, convey the important concept of building a community with a shared future in cyberspace, improve cyber security awareness and protection skills for Internet enterprises and netizens, especially minors, and create a healthy and civilized cyber environment.

Daning Road Street held a theme event to celebrate the 103rd anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China

In the next stage, Daning Road Street will continue to promote the study and implementation of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and effectively launch the "Governance + Ning" party building brand with a higher position, stronger responsibility, and more practical measures, and continuously enhance the appeal, cohesion, combat effectiveness and creativity of the party organization for the construction of "International Jing'an and Excellent Urban Area", continuously innovate carriers and enrich content in practice, and actively build a new pattern of party building leading grassroots governance.

Source: Jing'an, Shanghai

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