
From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!

author:Approaching Macau

From today (30) day

Hengqin port resumed customs clearance of goods

It takes less than 2 minutes to clear the lane

Faster and more convenient

From 9 a.m. on June 30, 2024, the first phase of the resumption of customs clearance of goods and transport vehicles at Hengqin Port will be officially implemented.

At this stage, the Hengqin Port will only resume customs clearance of goods between Hengqin and Macao, and the relevant departments of Guangdong and Macao will gradually improve the customs clearance arrangements for goods and transport vehicles at Hengqin Port in stages according to actual needs.

From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!

▲Guangdong and Macao witnessed the resumption of customs clearance of goods at Hengqin Port

Truck access is opened

It takes less than 2 minutes to clear customs

At 9 o'clock this morning, the first freight vehicle drove into Hengqin port for customs clearance, and the whole customs clearance process was smooth and smooth, and the lane customs clearance took less than 2 minutes.

"Through customs clearance at Hengqin port, our goods can travel to and from Aoqin faster, and the cost on the way is also reduced." Mr. Lai, the driver, said.

From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!
From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!

▲The first freight vehicle was cleared through Hengqin Port

The joint one-stop lane for passengers and trucks at Hengqin Port adopts the convenient customs clearance mode of "cooperative inspection and one-time release".

Hengqin Customs, Hengqin Border Inspection, and the inspection units of the five ports of Guangdong and Macao, including the Macao Customs, the Macao Public Security Police Force and the Macao Health Bureau, have completed the one-time collection, separate disposal and joint inspection and release of the information of the vehicles and personnel in the same customs clearance lane and the same inspection and release platform.

From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!

▲ The freight vehicle has been inspected

The relevant person in charge of Hengqin Customs and Hengqin Border Inspection Station said that they will guide enterprises to make good use of electronic customs declaration, arrange special personnel to follow up on enterprise declaration, inspection, release and other issues, and respond to all kinds of customs clearance difficulties in a timely manner.

According to reports, the average inspection and release time of freight vehicles entering and exiting through Hengqin Port is less than 2 minutes, which effectively reduces the cross-border trade cost of import and export enterprises.

Optimized the customs clearance environment

Aoqin freight speed up

Nie Linshan, Deputy Director General of Hengqin Customs, said that after the resumption of the passage of freight vehicles at Hengqin Port, the Customs will ensure the smooth customs clearance of bonded goods through Hengqin Port into the Guangdong-Macao In-Depth Cooperation Zone in Hengqin, fully release the dividends of the bonded exemption policy for goods under the management of separate lines, and promote the integrated development of Hengqin and Macao.

The deputy director of the Hengqin Border Inspection Station once said that with the successive implementation of various convenient policies in the In-depth Cooperation Zone, more and more Macao residents choose to live and work in Hengqin, and it has become the norm to drive Macao single-plate cars to commute between Hengqin and Macao. As of June 28, 1.067 million vehicles had been inspected, a year-on-year increase of about 10.9%, of which more than 704,000 were single-plate vehicles in Macao, accounting for 66%.

The relevant person in charge of the Economic Development Bureau of the In-depth Cooperation Zone said that the resumption of customs clearance of goods and their transport vehicles at the Hengqin Port will promote the faster and more convenient transportation of goods in Macao, effectively reduce the customs clearance cost of enterprises in the two places, further promote the cross-border flow of various elements, and strive to build a new system of high-level integration and opening up with Macao.

From today, Hengqin Port will be officially implemented!

▲The first freight vehicle successfully completed customs clearance


The Co-operation Zone will continue to be strengthened

The convenience of "first-line" access

The customs clearance environment has been further optimized

In order to build a new system of high-level opening up with Macao

Build a solid foundation!

Source: Hengqin Online