
Don't "take it for granted" when choosing a major! Inventory of 14 groups of college majors that are easily confused

author:Yuyue college entrance examination guidance

What is the difference between Chinese language and literature and Chinese language? Are statistics and economic statistics the same discipline? Let's identify these 14 groups of majors that are easy to confuse.

Journalism vs Communication vs Radio and Television

Journalism: Cultivate professionals who have the basic theoretical knowledge of journalism, master the basic skills of news interviewing, writing, editing, commentary, photography, planning, editing and directing, production, etc., and have the ability to engage in editing, reporter, media management, audio-visual planning, advertising production and other work in the news, publishing and propaganda departments.

Communication: Cultivate senior professionals with basic theories of communication, English communication skills, cross-media practical skills and broad humanistic qualities, and cultivate professionals who can engage in management, planning, editing, production, teaching and scientific research in the fields of radio and television, public relations and advertising, media management, journalism, publishing, and network communication.

Radio and Television Studies: To cultivate senior professionals in journalism and communication who have the basic theories of radio and television journalism and broad cultural and scientific knowledge, and can be engaged in editing, interviewing, program hosting and management in radio and television news and propaganda departments.

Statistics VS Economic Statistics

Statistics: Science. Cultivate practical and general-purpose talents with strong application ability of computer and statistical software, able to systematically master the principles and methods of statistics, and specialize in the application of statistical methods to process and analyze various data.

Economic Statistics: Economics. Cultivate students' strong ability to collect data, involve investigation schemes and process data. Able to apply solvent methods to the field of practical economic research, and become a professional who is good at statistical analysis in the field of finance and economics and a basic talent for high-level research work.

Chinese Language and Literature VS Chinese Language

Chinese Language and Literature: Tend to be written and grammar, focus on language teaching and language research, cultivate senior professionals in Chinese language and literature who have a certain degree of literary and artistic theoretical literacy and systematic knowledge of Chinese language and literature, and can engage in literary criticism, Chinese language and literature teaching and research, as well as practical work in culture and propaganda in news, literature and art publishing departments, universities, scientific research institutions, institutions, enterprises and institutions.

Chinese language: tend to read and write, focusing on the application of words and practical application of article writing. To cultivate senior linguistics professionals who have systematic knowledge and professional skills in Chinese language, linguistics, Chinese literature, etc., and can engage in practical work in the teaching and research of Chinese language and writing, teaching Chinese as a foreign language, language management and language application in universities, scientific research institutions and relevant departments of government agencies, enterprises and institutions.

Finance VS Financial Engineering

Finance: The study of value judgments and the law of value. It mainly includes two major fields: traditional finance theory and evolutionary finance theory.

Financial engineering: refers to the development of all technologies that use engineering means to solve financial problems, which includes not only financial product design, but also financial product pricing, trading strategy design, financial risk management and other aspects. It is derived from finance and has different names in different institutions: financial engineering, financial mathematics, mathematical finance or computational finance, but its essence is the same, that is, using mathematical tools to build financial market models and solve financial problems.

Accounting vs Financial Management vs Auditing

Accounting: It refers to the work of continuously reflecting, supervising and participating in decision-making of business activities in the form of funds. Mainly in the post-accounting, the emphasis is on "calculation". To put it bluntly, it is to make accounts, make the company's invoices and other bills into accounting vouchers, and then register them into the accounts, and then prepare statements! Its essence is to calculate the economic business system that has occurred, so that the report user can clearly see the various businesses of the enterprise, the amount of various assets, and the income that has been realized in the current period!

Financial management: refers to the use of management knowledge, skills, and methods to manage the raising, use, and distribution of enterprise funds. Mainly in advance management, emphasis on "reason". Compared with accounting, it tends to manage funds before and during use, and of course includes management after use! To put it bluntly, learn how to use the company's funds, how to raise the company's funds (when the money is not enough to spend), and after using it, reflect on whether it is reasonable to use it like this!

Auditing: It focuses on the evaluation of business activities of enterprises, not only limited to the compliance and legality supervision of economic activities, but also the supervision, assurance and evaluation from the aspects of personnel, internal control, environment and resources. The focus of auditing under the modern enterprise system is to verify and evaluate the effectiveness of the enterprise.

International Economics & Trade VS Trade Economics

These two majors that seem to have similar names are actually two majors that complement each other.

International Economics and Trade: A comprehensive discipline composed of international trade, international finance, and international investment theory and practice, focusing on the study of international and inter-state economic activities and economic relations.

Trade and Economy: Focusing on domestic government functional departments, industrial and commercial enterprises, etc., to cultivate economic and trade talents who are proficient in market circulation theory and trade theory and practice. In the process of studying, the major of trade economics pays attention to the combination of domestic trade and foreign trade, marketing and management, and focuses on domestic trade and marketing.

To put it simply, the international economics and trade major is mainly aimed at foreign countries, and the trade economics major is mainly oriented at home, and the similarity between these two majors is that they are foreign-related in nature, and they require a high level of foreign language. Secondly, since these two majors belong to economic disciplines, which not only involve the theoretical knowledge of marketing, international finance, and commodity science, but also apply the knowledge of statistics, mathematics and other disciplines, it is an important foundation to learn both well.

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics vs Statistics

Mathematics and Applied Mathematics: The content of mathematics studied is more profound and covers a wide range, which is a great challenge to people's logical thinking. This major generally has three development directions, which also determines that it has three major postgraduate examination directions: pure mathematics, computer science and economics. Once you have chosen a direction, you should have the necessary knowledge in that direction.

Statistics: Mainly for the in-depth study of various courses related to statistical computing in the field of mathematics, and it is also necessary to master the relevant knowledge of economics and management. This major not only emphasizes theory, but also emphasizes practical operation ability. According to the bias of different schools, there are socio-economic statistics and mathematical statistics.

Physics vs Physics

Physics: It focuses on theoretical research, and the content of the study covers most of the high school physics, and has been greatly deepened. At the postgraduate level, physics knowledge is more difficult and requires students to have strong mathematical skills.

Applied Physics: It pays more attention to the transformation of practical technology on the basis of theoretical foundation and experimental results, which tests the mathematical foundation and experimental ability of the individual, and also requires the spirit of scientific exploration.

Applied Chemistry vs. Materials Chemistry

Applied Chemistry: Focus on how to transform chemical results into real products, focusing on application, so on the basis of mastering certain theories, candidates must also pay attention to hands-on ability, and must be careful and interested in the use of chemical instruments and equipment and chemical experiments. At the graduate level, students have higher requirements for the operation of chemistry experiments.

Materials Chemistry: Focusing on the study of the chemical principles and techniques involved in materials and their use processes, with the aim of exploring the microscopic content. This major examines more theoretical knowledge, including inorganic non-metallic materials, organic polymer materials, emerging composite materials, etc. Postgraduate studies will lead to further research on chemical principles and techniques, as well as a deeper understanding of various chemical materials.

Management Science vs. Information Management and Information Systems

Management Science: Focusing on the cultivation of theoretical analysis ability, in addition to imparting knowledge in the field of management, it focuses on cultivating mathematical thinking and computer thinking in the analysis, decision-making and implementation of management, and the content of mathematics and economics will be deepened at the postgraduate level.

Information Management and Information System: Focusing on the cultivation of practical operation ability, in addition to the knowledge of management and economic fields, the most important content is various theories and programming knowledge of computers, including related mathematical knowledge. There are roughly two directions for postgraduate entrance examinations: one is the direction of liberal arts, which realizes the management of literature and information; The second is the direction of engineering, focusing on computer applications.

Biotechnology vs Bioengineering vs Bioinformatics

Biotechnology: It belongs to the science discipline, focuses on basic research, cultivates applied research and development talents, can apply the principles of natural science and engineering, and process microorganisms, animals and plants to provide products to serve the society.

Bioengineering: It belongs to the engineering major, emphasizes application, and cultivates engineering and technical talents who master the basic theories and basic skills of scientific principles, process technology processes and engineering design of biotechnology and its industrialization, and can be engaged in design and production management and new technology research and new product development in the field of biotechnology and engineering.

Bioinformatics: To cultivate senior professionals who have the basic theories, basic knowledge and strong basic skills of modern bioscience and technology, computer science and technology, and bioinformatics, and can engage in scientific research, teaching and management in bioinformatics research institutions, colleges and universities, enterprises and institutions at all levels, as well as relevant departments involved in bioinformatics in the process of research and industrialization of achievements.

Gardening vs Gardening vs Landscape Gardening

Garden: It is aimed at landscape design, focusing on landscape planning and design in urban greening, forest park management, and real estate construction, as well as breeding and cultivation and maintenance of garden plants, and rationally applying garden plants to the designed landscape in accordance with ecological principles, such as the planning, design and plant configuration of parks, communities, and waterfront landscapes.

Gardening: It's easy to mistake it for "garden art" when it's actually "gardener's art". Horticulture is aimed at the production, technology development and promotion of fruit trees, vegetables, flowers and other cash crops, plant variety breeding and improved seed breeding, and plant disease and pest control.

Landscape architecture: requires a higher level of artistic skills and is combined with other non-biological disciplines (e.g. civil engineering, architecture, urban planning), philosophy, history, literature and art, which also means that there are many aspects to be learned.

Architecture VS Civil Engineering

Although architecture and civil engineering are not as "famous" as majors such as computer science and communication, they are very practical technical majors in terms of employment, and they are not as simple as building a house.

Architecture: Mainly learn the basic theories and basic knowledge of architectural design, urban planning principles, architectural engineering technology, environmental and spatial expression, painting art, etc., receive basic training in architectural design, and have the basic ability of project planning, architectural design scheme and construction drawing.

Civil Engineering: Learn the basic theories and basic knowledge of engineering mechanics, fluid mechanics, geotechnical mechanics and municipal engineering disciplines. It mainly cultivates high-level engineering talents engaged in the planning, survey, design, construction, maintenance and other technical work and research work of railways, highways, airports and other projects and buildings, bridges, tunnels and underground projects.

It can be said that the completion of a building can be divided into the early design and the later construction, the early design is completed by the architecture students, and the later building materials are completed by the civil engineering students.

Traffic Engineering VS Transportation

Traffic Engineering: Students majoring in traffic engineering mainly learn the basic theories and basic knowledge of system engineering and traffic engineering, receive basic training in drawing and drawing, computer operation, engineering surveying, and project budget estimation, and master the basic ability of transportation infrastructure planning, design and engineering project evaluation.

Transportation: Mainly learn the basic theories and basic knowledge of operations research, management, and transportation organization, and receive basic training in transportation technology management, business management, and information management, so that students have the basic ability to use transportation technology and equipment and reasonably organize transportation production to obtain the best social and economic benefits.

Although they are all related to transportation, they are still very different. The traffic engineering major is more about traffic management, while the transportation major is more about how to provide transportation efficiency.

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Don't "take it for granted" when choosing a major! Inventory of 14 groups of college majors that are easily confused

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Don't "take it for granted" when choosing a major! Inventory of 14 groups of college majors that are easily confused