
The evidence stamped with the official seal made Guo Moukuan full of confidence, and no one dared to find out whether it was true or false

author:Five sheepskins

Guo Moukuan's live broadcast threatened that his evidence was stamped with an official seal, so he shouted that his evidence was true evidence, and in fact Guo Moukuan did not lie, these certificates he did were used in the same way as the real certificate, Guo Wei also got a few real accounts because of this, can fake certificates allow you to get a household registration?

The evidence stamped with the official seal made Guo Moukuan full of confidence, and no one dared to find out whether it was true or false

An enthusiastic netizen called the Zhumadian hotline and reported the Health Commission directly on the phone, but the operator's reply seemed to be rehearsed, and they provided the caller with two ways:

1. Please call a certain department;

2. Please contact Kaifeng Bureau, pay attention to Kaifeng Bureau, and they will reply to this matter with full authority.

Guo Moukuan's certificate is from Zhumadian, and the red stamp on the card is also from Zhumadian, why does the operator kick the problem to Kaifeng? This is obviously kicking the ball, this certificate is from Zhumadian, why should people open the seal to give a reply? Have the two eight been opened?

The netizen who called the hotline was annoyed by the operation of the operator in Zhumadian, she couldn't understand the behavior of Zhumadian, but the operator seemed to be well-trained, no matter how the netizen asked, her reply was those two, in short, Zhumadian didn't pick up this hot potato, and the operator didn't even have the idea of transferring it to the Health Commission.

The evidence stamped with the official seal made Guo Moukuan full of confidence, and no one dared to find out whether it was true or false

In fact, Zhumadian had replied earlier, they said that the certificate handled by Guo Moukuan was fake, but this time Guo Moukuan put forward another statement, that is, the mark on the certificate is official, Guo Moukuan does not agree with Zhumadian that his certificate is a false testimony, the reason is that these certificates have official imprints, and this imprint is the embodiment of authenticity.

How to determine the authenticity of a testimonial? I'm a little confused now, especially after Zhumadian divided the fake certificate according to purity, and I can't be sure whether Guo Moukuan's certificate is a fake testimony.

The term "pure fake" was also proposed by Zhumadian, when I heard this word, I was more confused, what do you think "pure fake" means? I can say that the "pure fake" proposed by Zhumadian must be different from the "pure fake" you think.

What do we think pure falsity looks like?

In fact, Guo Moukuan also gave an example to netizens in the live broadcast, and he thought that the fake certificate was forged and purchased, probably handled by a small advertisement on a telephone pole, right? These false certificates have nothing to do with the official from beginning to end, and what we thought was pure false certificates is probably like this, right?

However, Zhumadian said that Guo Wei's 91 households are pure fake, is this "pure fake" the same as you think?

The false certificates made by the small advertisements on the telephone poles will definitely not enter the official system, let alone have an official imprint, but the 91 households handled by Guo Moukuan for Guo Wei have official imprints, and they have also entered the system of the country.

Is the 95-year birth certificate handled by Guo Moukuan for Guo Wei a fake certificate?

There is also an official imprint on this birth certificate, Guo Moukuan successfully handled Guo Wei's real account for 95 years with this certificate, can a fake certificate be on the real account? Obviously, a fake certificate cannot be registered with a real account, and a certificate that can be registered cannot be regarded as a false certificate.

The evidence stamped with the official seal made Guo Moukuan full of confidence, and no one dared to find out whether it was true or false

Guo Moukuan's certificate has the official imprint, and the official does not dare to conduct a thorough investigation of Guo Moukuan's evidence, and he is not willing to hold Guo Moukuan accountable, which is the reason why Guo Moukuan dares to openly shout on the Internet that "fake certificates are not fake", right?

Why are Zhumadian and Kaifeng so tolerant and tolerant of false certificates? It was your connivance that made the fake certificate person dare to be so arrogant, right? Guo Moukuan dared to shout "False testimony is not fake", didn't the official feel blushing? Why can't they be told to shut up in a clear and unambiguous way? The fake certificate is stamped with an official seal, which has become a manifestation of the arrogance in Guo's wide mouth.

From the official point of view, this is a crime and a crime, but from Guo Moukuan's point of view, this is his proud capital, and the official seal gives Guo Moukuan the capital that he can be proud of, and because the official mark appears on the fake certificate, the official does not dare to thoroughly investigate the fake certificate, right?

The evidence stamped with the official seal made Guo Moukuan full of confidence, and no one dared to find out whether it was true or false

Zhumadian doesn't need to push everything to Kaifeng, this pot should not be carried, whether it is a fake birth certificate handled by Guo Moukuan, or several accounts of Guo Moukuan for Guo Wei, they all happened in Zhumadian, these questions should be replied to by Zhumadian, why do they have to be pushed to a certain bureau in Kaifeng? Is there anything else in this?

Or maybe Zhumadian has already found out the ins and outs of the fake certificate clearly, as early as when Ms. Du sued Huaihe Hospital, Zhumadian found out these problems, and they submitted these materials to Kaifeng, but Kaifeng hides these true situations, so now Zhumadian doesn't want to talk about this issue anymore, and if there is something, it will be pushed to Kaifeng, is it possible?

No matter what the inside story is between Zhumadian and Kaifeng, this is not the reason why Zhumadian refuses to respond to online questions, for online questions, people's concerns, the relevant departments of Zhumadian have the social responsibility and obligation to explain the situation, sometimes, you should take the initiative to act.

The official seal should not be the reason for Guo Moukuan to shout "fake testimony is not fake", let alone divide the fake certificate according to purity, Guo Moukuan's certificate should be clear about its authenticity and falsehood, and be held accountable to the end, and find out the black hand who violated the official seal to set the record straight, if so, where will there be so many jokes on the Internet?