
The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently

author:Peace and sunrise

In the early morning of June 29, 2024, a torrential rain suddenly struck, and it rained heavily throughout the night. At 7 o'clock in the morning, affected by heavy rain, the water accumulation in the low-lying area of Xihu Village Bay, Hukou Village, Huangkou Street, Huangpi District, Wuhan City, became more and more serious, and the depth of water in the houses of some seriously affected villagers was close to one meter, and many villagers were trapped. The Huangpi Public Security Police rushed to the scene to rescue.

The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently

Danger is an order. After receiving the alarm, He Guangwu, a police officer from the Huangpi District Bureau of the Wuhan Municipal Public Security Bureau, did not dare to delay for a moment, and immediately led the members of the political and legal vanguard team to the scene. After arriving at the scene, the police found that the bay of Xihu Village in Hukou Village was close to the Lishui River, and the terrain was low, and it coincided with the demolition and reconstruction in the bay, the drainage channel was not smooth, and the deepest part of the water on the road was up to the waist. Some of the hard-hit villagers' houses are flooded to a depth of nearly one meter, and the water is still pouring into their houses.

The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently

"Daddy Li, hurry up and turn off the electricity, pay attention to safety!" He Guangwu, a police officer, waded into the villagers' homes and first cut off the main power supply to avoid danger. Immediately afterwards, He Guangwu used a tarp to make a simple water-blocking tool to seal the gaps between doors and windows, and then scooped water in a basin with the auxiliary police and splashed it out.

The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently
The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently

"This won't work, the rain won't stop, and the water will rise." He Guangwu immediately made a decision and suggested to the staff of the village committee to transfer the villagers, and immediately threw himself into the transfer work. In order to facilitate his actions in the water, He Guangwu borrowed diving pants to change into, and immediately went deep into the waist-deep water, and searched for the trapped people door to door with the team members to carry out investigation and rescue.

The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently
The villagers were trapped by the stagnant water, and the police rescued them urgently

He Guangwu came to the house of the villager Granny Wang and found that Granny Wang was trapped at home by stagnant water due to a variety of diseases and inconvenient legs and feet. "Come, mother-in-law, I'll carry you out!" He Guangwu leaned down, carefully picked up Granny Wang, and then waded through the stagnant water step by step, carried Granny Wang to a safe area, and then turned around again to put into the rescue.

On June 29, from 7 a.m. to 9 a.m., police officer He Guangwu led members of the political and legal vanguard team to safely evacuate more than 20 villagers who were seriously affected by the disaster, and no one was injured. Subsequently, more than 20 villagers were properly resettled with the help of the village committee and moved into the hotel safely.

Source: Jimu News