
The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

author:The waning moon of the west wind
The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

The impression of the city, the memory of the city, and the story of the city are superimposed one by one, blending with prosperity and hustle and bustle, but also leaving a blank space with leisure and tranquility, engraved with all the figures of the past, large and small, clear and blurred.

The torrent of years swept through the youth, rolled over the years, and all that remained was a scarred body and a heart that had been carved by the years and deeply imprinted. I have seen the waves of life, the unfathomable human heart, the good and evil of human nature, I can freshly identify the direction of my heart, and I can continue to be curious and eager for the unknown.

The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

The years are the stories of continuity, life is the passing of passers-by, and the stories of the years are written by fresh lives. Busy in the world, feeling the different lives of different ages, the feelings are deepening, and the love for life is also deepening.

In life, we miss too much, and we all repeat it, so we don't have to mourn for what we missed. Time will tell us the answer to anyone and everything. After seeing the prosperity, I know that simplicity is the most beautiful, and life is impermanent. Reading the frost, peace of mind is the place to return.

The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

Unconsciously, we will lose, lose some of our innocence, lose some of our cleanliness, lose some of our past, and the benefit of growing older is that we can see more clearly, see ourselves, see our surroundings, and see the faces of the world. In a city where the sense of alienation is becoming stronger and stronger, I am fascinated by this strong human touch full of fireworks.

Between people, indescribable fate. Some people are suitable for a long time, some people can only pass by, we choose the people we recognize, pay sincerely, and there are too many passers-by, smile and say hello, not too much, love is so, friendship is the same, and many things in life are like this.

When I was young, I only looked ahead, and as I got older, I would look back at the past from time to time, and decades of spring, summer, autumn and winter passed, and each season had its unique novelty.

The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

The floating world is full of traffic, but also interprets loneliness and loneliness, leaving all traces of ups and downs, twists and turns. The endless thoughts are entangled in day and night, and each has an attitude towards life, which makes the earth flow with a vivid and vigorous atmosphere.

Life is all passers-by, who is spared by the years, who is also a passerby of the years, don't care about a lot. Life is a process of continuous farewell, and in this process, we continue to shape ourselves, and those people and things that have been left around us are filtered through the years.

The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

The years have passed, and I am calm and live a good life with peace of mind, which is the best life.

The years have passed, and my heart is calm.

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