
Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

author:The Loyal Orange Family

Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

Are you optimistic that Lin Gaoyuan will be able to achieve nirvana rebirth? After the announcement of the national table tennis Olympic lineup, the unsuccessful players ushered in a new choice. In the next cycle, only by improving the level and strength of the competition can it be expected to be reused. Among them, the most concerned is undoubtedly Lin Gaoyuan, who is in the main pattern, as one of the five main forces of the current national table tennis men's team, Lin Gaoyuan has become the only player who has fallen behind. With the other four teammates all qualifying for the Olympics, his situation was even more awkward. The lack of comprehensive strength makes his main position even more precarious.

Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

In the future, the national table tennis men's team also needs to be updated. He has become a watershed between young players and the main layer, and if he exceeds himself, he has the hope of entering the main pattern of national table tennis, which makes Lin Gaoyuan under great pressure, and it seems that it is only a matter of time before he withdraws from the main position of national table tennis.

Especially with the change of coaching staff, after Wang Hao replaced Qin Zhijian as the new head of the national table tennis men's team, his attitude towards Lin Gaoyuan became more obvious, and he reused young players such as Xiang Peng Lin Shidong to replace Lin Gaoyuan's position.

Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

But this has proved that Lin Gaoyuan's main position is not solid, after the announcement of the national table tennis Olympic lineup, it has proved that Lin Gaoyuan has become the most embarrassing existence, although the slightly inferior overall strength is difficult to compete for the Olympic singles and team places, but in the competition for P card players, he unexpectedly lost to another marginal main force Liang Jingkun, which is enough to show that Lin Gaoyuan is no longer in Wang Hao's plan.

Of course, the existence of Ma Long, another veteran in the national table tennis lineup, also gave Lin Gaoyuan hope. In order to be truly recognized, you must improve your competitive level and strength, although you are getting older in the next cycle, this will not be a factor that hinders you from ascending, and Malone has set a good example for himself. At present, Lin Gaoyuan is facing a dilemma, if he wants to keep the main position, he must improve his competitive level.

Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

At the same time, it is more important to change the key attitude of Wang Hao, the head of the men's team, towards himself, because he repeatedly collapsed psychologically at critical moments and lost the championship, which seriously affected the impression in Wang Hao's heart. Nowadays, it is difficult to change the outside world's evaluation of yourself as you get older, but this is the only way to go. Because Liang Jingkun has become Wang Hao's new trump card and celebrity by virtue of this approach,

Although the overall honor of national table tennis has been damaged due to inappropriate celebrations and the impact of the off-court derailment turmoil, it has not affected Wang Hao's use of himself. The main reason is that he is in excellent condition and strength. Lin Gaoyuan is currently facing such a situation, so are you optimistic that Lin Gaoyuan can achieve nirvana rebirth? Welcome to leave a message to discuss.

Exit the main position? Lin Gaoyuan encountered a dilemma, he wanted to be abandoned by Wang Hao, and a new celebrity has appeared

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