
Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

author:Anhui Business Daily
Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

Editor's note

Since June 18, many places in Huangshan City have been hit by heavy rainstorms and local heavy rains. In the past few days, this reporter has gone to the flood-stricken areas and witnessed the bravery, warmth, responsibility, tenacity and tolerance shown by many ordinary local residents in the face of disasters.

Compared with many vigorous and touching deeds, what they did was extremely ordinary, or even a little unremarkable. But it is precisely these "ordinary actions" that let us touch the most real temperature on the front line of flood control and disaster relief. It is the words and deeds of these "neighbors" that converge into a grand song of united efforts to protect their homeland.

Mortals are extraordinary, and their ambitions are praised.

We hope to use such a set of mortal stories to pay tribute to strong and optimistic people and the strength of unity and struggle.


When the flood struck, they ran desperately on their legs, risking being swept away by the flood in an effort to save the lives and property of others.

They are ordinary pig farmers, kitchen guys who run around for a living every day, but the moment they run towards others, there is only one name called "mortal heroes"!

Their names are Xiang Baihu, Fang Jian, Bi Yuefei, and Lu Cheng

01 Knock on the door three times

Xiang Baihu, 59 years old this year, is a native of Qingxi Village, Shaolian Township, She County, and has been raising pigs in the village for more than 10 years.

Xiang Baihu's home lives not far from the village committee, and at the door is the Lianxi River, which connects several villages.

At 4 a.m. on June 20, Xiang Baihu, who was half-asleep, heard the sound of the water flowing in the river very loudly, and he got up and went to the river to observe, when the river had not yet overflowed the embankment.

The heavy rain in the sky did not stop, Xiang Baihu did not dare to continue sleeping, he woke up his son, and the father and son remained vigilant at all times, observing the water level. At 5:16 a.m., Xiang Baihu noticed that the water level had suddenly skyrocketed, and he jumped over the river embankment and rushed onto the road. He immediately took a video and sent it to the WeChat group of Qingxi Village, which has more than 400 people, to tell everyone the news of the rising water in Hanoi in a timely manner, and he also sent a copy to the village cadres.

Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

"I didn't expect the water to rise so fast, and in an instant, it flooded the river embankment and rushed to the homes along the river." At 5:20, Xiang Baihu took a second video and sent it to the village group, and by this time the turbulent torrent had entered the first floor of his house.

Some villagers saw the video in the group and immediately got up to rescue the emergency, but many villagers were still asleep.

Xiang Baihu was thinking at the moment that he must wake everyone up, so that everyone could have time to escape, and have more time to transfer the family's property and reduce losses. Subsequently, Xiang Baihu went retrograde in the flood and ran to knock on the doors of villagers' houses one by one. "There was water in the house, and my son was on the rescue, moving some things that could be moved upstairs. I came out three times to knock on everyone's door, some knocked open, some didn't. The last time I came out, I couldn't run anymore, and it was already difficult to walk, so I had to stick to the wall, and I walked to the store under the village committee, and found that there was really no way to continue, so I returned home. Fortunately, everyone reacted in a timely manner, and they all ran to the second floor to avoid danger, and the whole village was safe and sound.

Xiang Baihu said that after the water receded, everyone said that he was bold to come out at that time, "Now I think about it a little bold, but at that time I thought about informing everyone that the flood was coming." ”

02 The three of them went into the water hand in hand to save people

At about 13 o'clock in the afternoon of June 23, located at the intersection of Xiongcun Road in Shexian County, a flash flood hit the asphalt road, and the waiters and kitchen staff all ran to the second floor to avoid danger.

"The high end of the asphalt road leads to the hillside, and the low end leads to Shezhou Avenue, so the slope of this section of the asphalt road is steep and flooded." Fang Jian, the head chef of the Tucai restaurant, said that when they were taking refuge upstairs, they suddenly saw an electric car being washed down in the flood.

Seeing that the old man was crushed under the electric car and washed away, and his whole body was flooded, Fang Jian and the other two chefs, Bi Yuefei and Lu Cheng, rushed down together to start the rescue.

Fang Jian rushed into the water first, but the power of the flood almost washed him down, and he stumbled, and it was difficult for him to stand firm to rescue. At this moment, the three of them held hands and pulled one to form a "human rope" to resist the impact of the flood together.

Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

Everyone worked together to quickly pull the old man who was crushed under the car out of the water and rescued him to the shore.

"The water was so strong that when we ran to save him, he had already been swept away dozens of meters away by the water. Because his whole body can't get up in the water, he is likely to drown if he is not rescued in time. Bi Yuefei said that fortunately, everyone saw this thrilling scene upstairs at that time, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable.

After the old man was rescued, he was relieved and there was no major problem, and he was later transported back to the village by an excavator that rushed to the rescue.

Regarding the rescue of people in the flood, Fang Jian and the three of them said that the matter was not worth mentioning, but the catering company where they worked reported and rewarded their behavior, issued honorary certificates, and gave them red envelopes.

Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

"We call on all employees, whether at work or in daily life, to have the courage to assume social responsibility, actively spread positive energy, and jointly protect our home." The company wrote so on the commendation notice to them.

The people of She County are full of heroism

On June 19, the Jianghuai area entered Mei, and She County began to continue heavy to heavy rain.

On June 20, She County launched the first-level response to urban flood control.

Heavy rain and floods. During the 10 days of rainy season, all 28 towns and villages in She County were affected.

Although heaven and earth are unkind, there is true love in the world.

The local government urgently relocated and resettled the people.

Departments such as transportation, communications, power supply, and water supply are making every effort to rush repairs.

Emergency rescue personnel such as firefighters, public security, armed police, and militia participated in disaster relief.


The forces from all sides twisted into a rope and formed a net, covering the bottom for the self-help and reconstruction of the masses in the flood.

The people of She County did not sit at home and wait for rescue. Throughout the rainstorm, they have been working hard to save themselves, face the disaster with perseverance, and never give up.

When the flood passed, it left behind a mess and so many moving stories.

In advance, there was Ho Chi Minh, the owner of a tea farm who had taken precautions to prevent floods.

During the incident, Xiang Baihu, a pig farmer who informed the villagers from door to door during the flood, Fang Jian, Bi Yuefei, and Lu Cheng, cooks who rescued the elderly bicycle, and Xu Da, a villager who joined the team of cultural protection personnel several times to protect ancient buildings.

Afterwards, there was Yang Jiwu, an octogenarian who voluntarily demolished his house in order to open up the rescue channel, Bi Xuexia, a wanderer who overcame difficulties and brought vegetables back to his hometown to rebuild his home, and Cheng Jingang, the owner of a Chinese herbal medicine company who still chose to stick to the future, lost millions of dollars.


Those who are self-reliant are strong, and those who are self-reliant win. Heavy rains and floods are a disaster, but sometimes, it is the disaster that makes us realize the preciousness of ordinary life, the loveliness of our neighbors and friends, and the power of being together.

When the disaster recedes, it is not only the homeland that is rebuilt, but also the spiritual world of everyone.

Disasters will always pass, and the growth brought by our efforts and the insights brought by our experiences in disasters will become the confidence to deal with difficulties and challenges in the future and never give up, and also become the indelible background color of a happy life in the future.

A flood washed away another perspective for us to look at She County: there are not only beautiful scenery in the south of the Yangtze River, but also ordinary people with heroic spirit.

Such a self-reliant and self-reliant Shexian county, how can everyone not like it!

Standing hand in hand in the torrent, they are a "Great Wall"!

Anhui Business Daily Financial Media Reporter: Zhang Jian, Xu Hongbo, Chen Weihua Planning: Pan Yangang Review: Ma Xiangyu Editor: Hu Peilin Proofreader: Xie Mingao